6,703 Serious COVID Jab Injuries Reported In Canada, Less Than 5 Have Been Financially Compensated
Just prior to the rollout of COVID vaccines in December 2020, Canada announced the creation of a vaccine injury compensation program (VISP). The program applies to all Health Canada approved vaccines administered from December 8, 2020 on and will provide compensation to those the government determines have been injured from vaccines. It was officially launched in June 2021.
The program has since received 400 financial compensation claims of serious COVID vaccine injuries despite the fact that 6,703 serious adverse events have been reported so far. Of the 400 claims, fewer than five have been approved.
According to the data recently released by the Canadian government, 387 of those claims have been assigned a case manager and 64 are inadmissible, meaning they do not meet the eligibility criteria or are unable to move forward in the process due to incomplete information. 323 have been deemed admissible.
Of the admissible claims, 127 are pending preliminary medical review by a physician to determine if additional medical records are required, and 196 claims have had their preliminary medical review completed.
These numbers come despite the fact that as of Dec. 17, there have been 29,806 reports of adverse events in Canada following immunization from a COVID-19 vaccine. The fact that 6,703 were considered serious means there is a good chunk of people with serious adverse reactions who are not going through VISP for compensation. This could be for many reasons, one of them being Canadians may not even be aware of VISP.
Furthermore, only healthcare providers can report these events, so it's important to ask how many vaccine injuries have not been reported due to a healthcare provider believing the vaccine wasn't the cause?
We recently covered a story about a man who, a day after his first COVID vaccine his heart rate rapidly increased and he started having extreme neurological issues. His doctor refused to sign the Vaccine Injury Support Program form or acknowledge the issues as vaccine related.
There is a medical review board representing the Canadian government that is made up of physicians who are tasked to determine if there is an association between the injury and the vaccine.
The next public reporting will be made no later than June 1st, 2022.
Determining whether or not an injury is the result of vaccines can be difficult. When it comes to COVID vaccinations, if someone has a heart attack or other ailment that arises from COVID vaccines a year later for example, there is almost a zero percent chance the vaccination will be considered. This comes despite the fact that there are some strong signals that this vaccine can cause a slow erosion of the endothelium.
This is one of many reasons experts in the field believe that vaccine injuries are severely underreported.
A study published on October 7, 2021 in the Journal Toxicology Reports estimates that underreporting of deaths as a result of the COVID vaccines may have resulted in a number 1000 times less than what the actual number is.
They also cite a widely distributed Harvard Pilgrim study published in 2010 which reported that less than 1 percent of vaccine injuries are probably reported. This includes serious adverse reactions.
This is very common with drugs as well. Multiple studies have found that many adverse reactions and serious adverse reactions to prescription drugs are not reported or are under-reported by up to 95 percent.
Documents released by the FDA in accordance with a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request reveal that Pfizer was aware of more than 50,000 serious adverse reactions during the first three months of the vaccine rollout. A large portion of these were "medically confirmed" while others were not. For example, Table 1. in Pfizer’s documents accounts 42,086 reactions to their COVID-19 vaccine over a 90-day period from December 1st. 2020 – February 28th, 2021. 25,379 reactions were ‘medically confirmed’ while 16,707 were ‘not-medically confirmed.’
Vaccine safety adverse events reporting systems around the world are recording a record number of injuries. By October 15th, 2021, adverse events reported worldwide passed 2,344,240 for COVID vaccines alone in the World Health Organization (WHO) reporting system VigiAccess.
The lack of confirmation comes from the lack of access to medical documents, as well as the fact that correlation does not mean causation. If someone has a heart attack a day after the vaccine, that does not necessarily mean the the vaccine caused it, according to government health agencies.
When it comes to injury compensation in Canada, compensation is covered through the public healthcare system, for any additional costs, individuals may 1) bear the costs associated with their injuries by themselves, 2) seek compensation through litigation against private-sector actors (i.e. the vaccine manufacturers) or 3) seek compensation from publicly supported systems, or Vaccine Injury Compensation Programs (VIC Programs).
For the most part, vaccines are a liability free product.
In 1986 The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was created in the United States.
The VICP was established after lawsuits against vaccine manufacturers and healthcare providers threatened to cause vaccine shortages and reduce vaccination rates.
This act also protects manufacturers from liability regarding adverse reactions and serious adverse reactions like death. It also uses taxpayer money to pay victims. The VICP has paid out more than $4 billion dollars due to vaccine injuries. Since 2015, the program has paid out an average total of $216 million to an average of 615 claimants each year.
In the U.S., approximately 50 percent of vaccine injuries reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the last 30 years are all from COVID vaccines. As of today, more than 20,000 deaths have been reported along with more than 100,000 hospitalizations and more than 30,000 permanent disabilities.
Jessica Rose PhD, who studied Immunology at Memorial University in Newfoundland and Labrador along with statistician Mathew Crawford published a paper in September. Using the VAERS database and independent rates of anaphylaxis events from a Mass General study, they computed a 41X under-reporting factor for serious adverse events in VAERS.
So, when it comes to vaccine injuries we don't really have an accurate number. Many vaccine injuries are probably underreported, but who knows how many are reported that aren't actually a result of vaccines?
The fact that vaccines are a liability free product in most countries doesn't help with confidence either.
The Indian Government recently declined to meet Pfizer and Moderna's requests for legal protection over any side-effects from the use of their shots.
According to CTVNews.ca's vaccination tracker, Canada has administered 63,882,150 vaccine doses as of Wednesday evening and over 80 per cent of the eligible population – those aged five and older – are fully vaccinated.
Vaccine hesitancy is stemming from concerns over short and long term injuries, as well as the risks of COVID itself. According to a recent study by Stanford academics, if a child without underlying health conditions is infected with COVID, they have a nearly 100 percent survival rate.
Those who are older still have a near 100 percent survival rate. Elderly people and people with underlying health conditions have a greater risk of death and hospitalization from COVID. Early on in the pandemic, 94 percent of COVID deaths in the United States were in people with underlying health conditions.
It also comes from the fact that COVID vaccines do not stop transmission of the virus.