US Congressman Claims Extraterrestrial Technology Is Being Reverse Engineered in Secret
Tennessee Congressman Tim Burchett is by far not the only politician or high ranking person who has stated such beliefs.
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Tennessee Congressman Tim Burchett has stated multiple times that the US government may be reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology.
He recently told Newsweek that he believes the US has “recovered a craft at some point, and possible beings.”
"Too many people in the know have told me that, and that we had to do something with these multiple craft that have crashed and we do not have the technology....I just believe it in my heart. I've talked to too many pilots, top pilots, our Navy pilots, the best pilots in the world, that have said this is what they've seen."
These comments come amidst the recent “UFO” craze brought on by three unidentified flying objects being shot down by the US military a few weeks ago. Of course the supposed Chinese spy ballon was a big part of this conversation as well, and in all cases the US government has assured the public that none of the objects that were shot down are of extraterrestrial origin.
I recently published an article titled, “The Recent “UFO” Craze in Mainstream News & How It Detracts From A Very Real, Very Mysterious Phenomenon” to discuss these recent events.
The title of that article was exactly my point. Why do we see coverage of balloons and other gadgets all of a sudden blowing up in the mainstream, but complete silence regarding cases that would make the masses question the true nature of reality? For example, I covered an evidence filled case of an event in this article I wrote back in January. Events like these have happened hundreds, if not thousands of times throughout history, but the public has not been made aware of them.
There are a lot of people in the field who believe that the US government will deceive the public and claim UFOs are extraterrestrial in origin to create some sort of false “threat” narrative around the phenomenon to serve their own interests, like weaponizing space perhaps. This may one day be the case given their track record of false flag terrorism, but if history tells us anything, the US government, or whoever controls the secrecy around this subject, has in fact led a long campaign of ridiculing the extraterrestrial hypothesis.
In my opinion, the US government’s Project Bluebook for example, a decades old program that investigated the UFO phenomenon from 1952-1969 did, in a sense, that exact thing. Based on my research, what was really discovered was never accurately relayed and given to the public in a transparent way. It seemed to be more of an effort to debunk the phenomenon, a program designed to get people to stop asking questions about it and shut down the idea that any of it could be associated with any type of otherworldly explanation.
I think we are most likely to see governments blaming other countries for the appearance of these objects, while they continue to ignore cases that, again, defy our understanding of reality. But perhaps I’m wrong?
What makes Tim Burchett believe what he believes about UFOs and recovered bodies? Is he the only one? These types of beliefs have been expressed for many years by respected and credentialed individuals.
Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell claimed that, “Yes, there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered.”
Then there is Eric W. Davis, a renowned astrophysicist, the Chief Science Officer of EarthTech Int’l, Inc. and the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin in Austin, Texas. He is the Owner/Chief Executive/Chief Scientist of Warp Drive Metrics. They do consulting and contracting for the Department of Defense. He is also Adjunct Professor of Astrophysics, Space Physics & Engineering Research at Baylor University.
Davis stated in 2020 that in some cases the examination of the material retrieved from some UFOs has, according to the New York times, "Failed to determine their source" which has led Davis to conclude, "we couldn't make it ourselves."
The New York Times went on to explain,
"Davis, who now works for Aerospace Corp, a defense contractor, said he gave a classified briefing to a Defense Department Agency about retrievals from "off-world vehicles not made on this Earth."
Christopher Mellon, a former Deputy Assistant Defense Secretary for Intelligence from 1997 to 2002 has confirmed that he was present during this testimony.
Dr. David Clarke, an investigative journalist, reader and lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University, who was also the curator for The National Archives UFO Project from 2008–2013, came across some interesting documents suggesting that the UK was desperate to capture UFO technology.
Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Defence Minister claimed that the protocol when military jets were scrambled to intercept a UFO was to “shoot first and ask questions after.”
The point is, these beliefs are out there amongst credentialed individuals, and Burchett isn’t the only one by far.
Further, this UFO document from the FBI vault has been viewed more than 1 million times, and according to the FBI is the most viewed of all time. It made a lot of noise within the mainstream in 2013 as a result. The document reads as follows:
“An investigator from the Air Force stated that three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico. They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots.
According to Mr. (redacted) informant, the saucers were found in New Mexico due to the fact that the Government has a very high-powered radar set-up in that area and it is believed the radar interferes with the controlling mechanisms of the saucers.”
Whether or not documents like these have been the product of hoaxes is another subject. Some perhaps are, but there are dozens of stories of crashed craft that can be found within the literature.
Anybody who has studied ufology and sifted through the evidence and lore knows that it is an extremely vast topic that leaves no aspect of humanity untouched. What we are most likely to get from government is a simple, extremely watered down and sanitized version of disclosure – something that will most likely not be an accurate version of truth.
In a way, modern day mainstream UFO disclosure could be used to maintain secrecy around the subject by painting a false perception of the phenomenon to keep certain realities about it under wraps.
All of this growing coverage and popularity around the topic within the mainstream is concerning to me. I’ve been studying the phenomenon for more than fifteen years now, and I am more confused than when I first started. The more you know, the more you realize you don’t know, and it’s hard when so many people are so convinced that they know the ultimate truth regarding this mysterious phenomenon.
If I’m clear on anything, it’s that we can’t really trust any explanation given by governments. The claim that they are only now going to start examining this phenomenon and take it more seriously is a lie, because they’ve been doing so for nearly 100 years now.
As young as you'all are, you are going to face a lot of new stuff. I highly reccomend "The Briefings" from "The Allies of Humanity" in order to have a greater context to consider. The presence is nothing to ignore. To the contrary. It must be scrutinozed and maturely dealt with. Can I post a link here?
Right on - "The claim that they are only now going to start examining this phenomenon and take it more seriously is a lie, because they’ve been doing so for nearly 100 years now".
I've really enjoyed watching Dr Greer's perspective and presentations.