Embodiment! Thank you! I'm thinking of renaming my Tai Chi School, "The School of Embodiment"

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I am in total alignment with embodied sense making and I feel that if this simple tool you present were taught and utilized in schools, universities, businesses and government, we would go into dialogue and negotiation in a completely different place. As a coach/teacher of nonviolent communication, I find over and over again that our culture has so inundated us to fight to win, that we have little idea how to build a community of cohabitation. Everything is power over, not power with. Even in close living families, it takes a sustained, countercultural effort to come from the heart first. I applaud your ongoing efforts.


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Thank you for sharing this... I practice this daily... particularly in this Spiritual war to remember what is Real ... in these crazy times. Love, Light and God Bless!

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