A Prevention & Early Treatment Guide For COVID-19
The Canadian Covid Care Alliance is a group of more than 600 scientists, medical doctors, health care practitioners and other professionals and academics in various fields. Some of the members representing the alliance have gone public, like Dr. Steven Pelech, a professor of immunology and neurology at the University of British Columbia for 33 years. He is one of the founding members of the Biomedical Research Center at UBC. Another is Dr. Eric T. Payne, a paediatric neurologist at Alberta Children's hospital, and Byram W. Bridle, a viral immunologist and associate professor and the University of Guelph.
But, as the alliance points out,
"We appreciate that inquiring minds would like to see that there are people with real expertise behind the information on CCCA’s website. However–We regret that the state of affairs, censorship of free speech, and rampant tyranny and coercion is such now in Canada that CCCA must protect the identity of its scientific, MD, academic and other health care professional (HCP) members. This serves to shield them from career-impacting reactions by their universities, professional colleges and healthcare system employers. Sadly, some of our MDs have had their medical licenses to practice suspended or restricted because they are not on board with the mainstream narrative. Likewise, some of our university professors have had their contracts terminated. These are dark times, and while we appreciate that some people want to know identities, frankly it would be hazardous to the careers of many of our members for us to reveal them."
What's emphasized in the above quote is unfortunately the sad reality for thousands of experts around the globe. Renowned doctors and scientists who have gone public sharing evidence and opinion that opposes the government narrative have had their lives turned upside down in many ways.
That being said, it's a great to see a group of medical professionals and scientists put together a resource for people who seek "alternative" means of treatment. Such treatment protocols are something we never see from the mainstream medical industry and federal health regulatory agencies. Furthermore, they are labelled as unproven treatments with zero efficacy, which is unfortunate because that's simply not true. In a world where our only options are vaccines and prescription medications, many of which science has raised various safety and efficacy concerns about, it's refreshing and assuring to come across such a guide/protocol, so please pass it on!
You can access that document HERE.
They emphasize that the document does not constitute medical advice, and to always check with your trusted healthcare provider before taking any medications or supplements or undertaking any health or lifestyle measures. If you are pregnant, taking medication or have any health conditions, getting your trusted healthcare provider’s advice is especially important.