Thank you. The current “investigations” into the UFO phenomenon is totally absurd and a further refusal of the government to level with the public.
Those, who have studied the subject as
you have, know that the presence of another intelligence in our midsts is real.
This recognition is a milestone in human history, equivalent to the Copernican Revolution or the discovery of biological evolution and perhaps greater. It is the next stage in our cosmic exploration and possibly our growth as a species.
Yet today we are thwarted by those, as you say, who cannot accept psychologically this change in our understanding.
As someone who is approaching my 80th
birthday and seeing the same nonsense unfolding as to the governments lies, it is deeply frustrating and disappointing.
13. How the Vatican is run by the Reptilians underground below it! As reported by Leo Zagami P2 magician/insider years ago in my famous interview with him.
14. How the whole pedophilia epidemic among the elite and rampant satanic practices and Luciferianism is a reflection of the impact of Reptilian DNA upon certain human bloodlines. This influence is stimulated in particular by the ‘power over others’ impulse in our societies. It involves occult knowledge of the power contained in what is known as kundalini in the East and orgone in the West. That the young have in high amounts and must be activated in humans to continue past puberty through meditation. Reptilians and Greys feed on what some call “loosh” stimulated by the fight or flight response that releases a substance in the glands of humans that they consider an aphrodisiac. Draco/Reps and Greys use humans for sex and food and this is perhaps the biggest secret that those within the Secret government/ Secret Space Progam don’t want you to know in part because they don’t think you can handle the truth. But in reality they fear they will lose control over humanity if the truth were known and of course a large part of their leadership are satanists and involved in these practices.
This analysis of the roots and causes of pedophilia must be revealed before society can actually deal with this huge issue on our planet. Consider how revealing the Reptilians and their historical relationship to humanity is central to being able to administer any form of justice in these cases?
It all comes down to the power over others issue. The young become prostitutes sometimes by force sometimes by choice to climb out of their powerlessness. They use the only form of power they have (sexual) to coerce and seduce the old… It is not a one-way street. The occult side of this, while it remains hidden, continues to enslave. If we don’t expose this to the light how is it going to change? The most corrupted will only go deeper into hiding while the young continue to fall under the sway of predators. If we don’t warn our children of what’s out there how can they protect themselves?
You see everyone who knows the real roots of this epidemic at the top and keeps quiet is basically a facilitator.
And it goes on…
Most of my colleagues give a very superficial reading of the situation here on Earth to give people hope (and maybe because they like many in the military and secret government/ secret space program, think humanity can’t handle the truth). I disagree with this assessment and think HUMANITY CAN HANDLE THE TRUTH and it is imperative to our soveriegnty and well being that we do!
One cannot analyze the world stage without wrapping in the above bullet points otherwise they end up looking rather dumb from the perspective of those in the know (some of Congress, Trump and the Queen and many other top officials and some military worldwide) without therefore appearing largely harmless and being totally ineffectual… Which is of course what the Powers-that-Be prefer.
Unfortunately, most people do not have any real grasp of the interaction between humans and ETs over history.
This was received by email about 2 years ago as I have been following this woman for about 15 years ever since she started the website Project Camelot. It’s a lot to take in and whether you believe what she is saying or not is up to you. From what I have read and listened to over the years to what’s going on would make anyone’s hair curl but no one could make this stuff up and she has a huge following and some very, very interesting videos and interviews on her website. Over to you…
Note: I recently received an analysis by a well meaning but not very clued-in viewer and it prompted me to reply with what follows. I realized then that I never really summarized this playing field before and that some may find it useful.
This overview is not by any means complete but should go a long way toward bringing most people closer to the actual reality we are dealing with. Much of the information below can be found in various Project Camelot interviews.
The problem with most assessments of the future is that they do not seem to incorporate an understanding that Zionists are actually ANUNNAKI and as such they have an agenda which is as an alien race going back to Enki, Enlil and the whole Sumarian Tablets and work of Zecharia Sitchin…which reveals their involvement here on Earth. Their establishment here on Earth, back in probably 12,000 BC or earlier … of a ‘frequency fence’ in the brains (and DNA) of humanity that has started to break down finally but that 90% of humanity was affected and involves their genetic engineering of the human genome back then to separate our DNA …into junk DNA (to slow our growth)…
The Anunnaki are still here (they never left although some came and went). They are, “walking the halls of the Pentagon” as my witness Bob Dean has said and they are running Israel underground in Dimona. Their presence in Israel was documented by journalist Barry Chamish (who died about 1 year ago) a rebellious but mainstream Israeli journalist who heard that housewives in Israel were reporting that their homes were being invaded by VERY TALL male individuals who would enter without knocking, walk around like they owned the place, (largely ignoring the housewives protest) and kick any barking dogs out of the way with no apparent sensitivity toward animals.
This phenomenon piqued Barry Chamish’ s interest who then as a journalist actually investigated and went around interviewing the housewives and checking into these reports. He did not come to a conclusion except to note that the description of these beings was remarkably like the beings seen carved into the walls of temples in Egypt and Iran.
I interviewed BARRY CHAMISH before he died about this on a radio show years ago however I believe that is one of the shows that has disappeared from our servers.
I have other info proving that Israel is RUN BY THE ANUNNAKI.
Now the Anunnaki as a race are humanoid, very tall and also are the LONG HEADS found all over the world notably in South America as well… Brien Foerster has investigated this (a well known alternative archeologist and author) and has a museum somewhere in South America FULL of longhead skulls!!
They are also found in Malta (huge coverup there) and Egypt and probably in the rest of the Middle East although not much has made it out.
The Anunnaki were invaded eons ago by the DRACO and so then there was a hybrid race of humanoid Anunnaki mixed with reptilian DNA — called I believe Sirian Anunnaki. Consequently, there is confusion in this sector over the fact that Anunnaki can be humanoid or reptilian-human hybrids.
Not understanding the role of the Anunnaki in our past is crucial to not understanding what Israel is really about…
They are a fierce race and highly intellectual. Khazarian Jews have the Anunnaki bloodline.
And they are involved in Antarctica as well.
Now with respect to Icke and ETs — Whereas I have every respect for David Icke and his work, his analysis does not incorporate anywhere near the degree that Project Camelot has because for some reason he never really went down that road other than to pick up the Draco/Reptilian/Grey side of the story.
You need to read the Ashayana Deane VOYAGER books to get anywhere near the understanding of the repeated history of humanity and how many races have contributed their DNA and genetically messed with Humanity over the eons… They will also enlighten you to the MUCH BIGGER picture than the one you think is going on here.
I believe am the only journalist she has allowed to interview her… I have a 3 part 6 hour interview with her on my youtube channel:
The books are better for grasping the GUARDIAN ALLIANCE info she downloads about OUR TRUE HISTORY…. The Guardian Alliance is a group of various races of beings who contributed their DNA to the Human Genome and safeguard this particular human experiment here on Earth. The VOYAGER books are available as Ebooks:
These books are highly complex and like nothing you have ever read. The info is stellar and more advanced than anything else out there and much more far-reaching than the Bible for example.
I traveled to India with her and her group years ago.
Some people are doing a good job trying to put the big picture together there is a lot they are not aware of with regard to our dealings with various ET races and this is the area my Project Camelot deals with quite extensively. My research on this topic spans 15 years in Project Camelot and years before that my own investigations and being abducted and dealing various contact experiences all my life.
While I realize that some have not been interested in getting into this subject other than at the most superficial level, the trouble is that going forward any analysis of news items and the world scene (and what for example Trump is dealing with) must include this background (and there’s a lot more) before you can begin to really grasp what is going on here on Planet Earth and the various ET interest groups interacting with various governments and vying for control of humanity.
For example you cannot possibly analyze the cat and mouse game going on in the Straits of Hormuz / Gulf of Oman and Aden without understanding the role of stargates and portals (from which the various ETs come and go) and what is really going on there without also having taken on board the role of the Anunnaki.
You have to wrap in things like:
1. How ISIS was created by the CIA and PAID to destroy the monuments and ancient sites in the Middle East that depict the former REPTILIAN RULE over humanity.
2. How certain governments are aligned with competing ET races.
3. How our own branches of the military are aligned with competing ET races!
4. How negotiations about nuclear weapons is a COVER for ET negotiations.
5. How there is evidence that some nuclear sites have had their nukes and missiles ACTIVATED not turned off by ET races on occasion and this was reported by To The Stars Academy (with Tom DeLonge) as their spokesman who has largely been silenced now.
6. How we are at war with various ET races and chemtrails are often serving to hide that war going on over our heads. How this has been documented by a filmmaker in LA / former DEA agent who they killed not long ago. Who had hours and hours of film of the battles over LA going on to this day!!
7. How many of the national / and international incidents we think only involved humans working with ETs…such as the Bay of Pigs nuclear standoff… the attack on the ship USS Liberty (Anunnaki) and VW sized Spiders in Vietnam (Vietnam war) and so much more… are all ET related.
8. Not to mention the recent FIRES in California… destroying of PARADISE CA … collateral damage from the necessity to close recently opened PORTALS by rampaging ET races!
9. How the deals made with the GREYS who launched a whole genetic engineering program back in the 1930s shifted their plundering/abduction of United States citizens to create Grey-Human Hybrids down to Latin and South America… How that program is now hugely successful and many of their hybrid offspring are now growing up south of the border and THIS IS WHAT the border issue is really all about (as well as to keep Chinese troops from invading us underground). Because the future world will be an X-men scenario dealing with Grey-Human hybrids who have well developed intellect and superpowers such as telekinesis but less heart (emotional body) than humans (who are already a hybrid race)… and the lack of compassion in these new hybrids will affect our world drastically in the future.
10. How indications are that our government officials have been going down to Antarctica since at least the Kennedy administration or before and getting their ORDERS from some race of beings down there… including John Kerry during the Obama election. Orders from a race of beings maybe the reptilian human hybrids (part of the CONTINGENT FROM ALDEBARAN ) that helped the Nazis with high tech and eventually made it into our space program.
11. How Africa (and the war in the Middle East) is also with Reptoids (human reptilian hybrids) who have bases in Iraq and Syria and down in remote parts of AFRICA…
12. How Africa has been “given” largely to a new incoming race of those from ALDEBARAN against the vote of many countries in exchange for some territory to build human colonies off planet outside this solar system … revealed by Gordon Duff and another secret witness and that they have quietly been invading that continent. This was depicted in the TV mini series called THE EVENT several years ago still available on Amazon and maybe Netflix (checked - not on Netflix)
I think the timing is rather suspicious. Right when the WHO is trying to sneak in world wide vaccine passports this story breaks. You have to admit it could be a great way to distract from a very heinous attempt to subjugate us.
Is the story possibly true? Of course it could be but I won't make the mistake of taking my focus off of the WHO/WEF world take over agenda.
At this point I think we have more to worry about than alien technology.
Excellent discourse on an alien subject to most people, not realizing this has been going on at least for 80 years. If everyone doesn't know, Steven Greer and his Disclosure Project are giving a mind blowing presentation on this and the National Security State at the National Press Club at 2:00 pm, June 12th. Everyone should write to their respective Congressional Districts and remind them of the event. They should ask their leaders to watch it and get a copy of their archived material for their staff to study.
On June 9th or 10th 2021 just before the G7 summit in Cornwall. U.K with a substantial amount of military aircraft including a U.S stealth bomber based at RAF Fairford in Gloucestershire passing very close and circling around our farm some on the way to Cornwall. There was a very large craft hidden behind some stinking mass of ‘cloud cover’. In broad daylight a large red ‘tractor beam’ appeared in a field close to where I was. Two military helicopters went at me to get me out of the way. I can say absolutely without a doubt this was a military ops no aliens folks!
I guess the next thing will be some robotic alien which will be enough for the space and defence industries to obtain more funding.
"Those who don’t accept, and continue believing their lies on faith, send the signal back to governments saying “Yes, it’s OK. Keep lying to me not only about this but anything else you choose.”"
This is true. We accept so much as 'normal' when really we should be wondering why we do this and why society is like this. Thank you for bringing up these questions.
A common challenge with the UFO discussion is the fact that everyone seems to have different information and seems to be at different places in their research. Synthesizing information has to be the goal vs everything trying to debunk each other.
The Dossier disagrees with you. Seems you may have missed the part that this guy has never seen the objects nor any photos and well, you can read the rest at the link or below.
So with that being said, there are three major issues with the idea that the United States government possesses alien aircraft on Earth.
First and foremost, there are obvious physical limitations of an alien species traveling to our world successfully from millions of light years away. To put it bluntly, it would require a scientific breakthrough that is not currently within the framework of our understanding of physics. Given this level of improbability, this is the one massive, glaring problem with any UFO story, and it should leave an enormous burden of proof on the individual or entity advancing any claims within this genre.
Second, to date, there has never been any public evidence revealed that demonstrates the existence of extraterrestrial life. While it would be unwise to rule out that possibly entirely, we must remain humble in recognizing our very small space in a massive universe.
Third, if you read carefully into the first reported story on Mr Grusch’s claims, which appeared in the UFO-friendly The Debrief website, a sharp investigative eye will take notice of a flagrant issue.
*Grusch has never actually seen these supposed spacecraft first hand!*
Grusch has admitted that he hasn’t even seen any photos of the evidence, let alone having been in the presence of these alleged objects.
Yes, his carefully crafted narrative is based on “extensive interviews with high-level intelligence officials, some of whom are directly involved with the program,” The Debrief reported. In short, he’s’ relying on other people. It’s a major, scorching hot, red flag for multiple reasons.
There’s an additional issue on top of that. These “high-level intelligence officials” are unnamed, and shielded in anonymity, so there will be no accountability when the latest alien frenzy bites the dust.
Who are the actual individuals who saw the alleged spacecraft? Why haven’t they come forward? What’s stopping them from revealing these UFOs to the world?
Grusch has positioned himself in a way in which he is not accountable at all for the information he is claiming to reveal.
Zero evidence. Zero non-anonymous sources. Zero credibility. We rest our case.
🤣😂🤣😂 the first premise of the arguement against, is that because we can't do it, therefore aliens couldn't??!!
That's very similar to the scientific medical arguments around various alternative medicines, in that because it shouldn't work, by our conventional understanding of our agreed rules on physics, biology and chemistry, then that means it couldn't work.🤨🤔😐😐😑🤦♀️
Respectfully, I have no preference either way in this particular instance- Aliens real- cool. Aliens not real- cool. But to close my mind to the premise because I can't imagine it to be possible based on my preconceived notions of what denotes possibility, well that doesn't seem very scientific or enlightened of me does it (rhetorical).🤔🤗
Thanks for your comment here. I will look more into this Dossier piece. But I do want to note the following:
1. The point made in this piece doesn't require this whistleblower's testimony to be 100% factual. He is not the first by a long shot. Further, the absurdity of the government report of 2021 is all we really need.
2. As the other comment suggests, what do we make of previous ex military and government whistleblowers who have spoke on craft and bodies? How does that fit into the narrative? Do we just say they are lying or misleading people?
3. What is public evidence? What about people who claim to have had contact? All false? Can any of that be evidence? Why would there be any 'public evidence' from government if their entire shtick is to maintain secrecy? It becomes a faulty equation, if government wants secrecy, we can't get evidence. But with no evidence from govt, it can't be true.
These are some interesting details to verify, but surely you are aware that many whistleblowers have come out stating they saw craft. What are we to make of those? Toss them out? This guy's testimony is not new..
Reading this brings me a feeling of inspiration and hope. You have a way of helping me (or inviting me as you say) to feel grounded and patient, but not complacent, with what's happening. It's an art. Thank you for this insightful piece on a hot button story.
Thank you. The current “investigations” into the UFO phenomenon is totally absurd and a further refusal of the government to level with the public.
Those, who have studied the subject as
you have, know that the presence of another intelligence in our midsts is real.
This recognition is a milestone in human history, equivalent to the Copernican Revolution or the discovery of biological evolution and perhaps greater. It is the next stage in our cosmic exploration and possibly our growth as a species.
Yet today we are thwarted by those, as you say, who cannot accept psychologically this change in our understanding.
As someone who is approaching my 80th
birthday and seeing the same nonsense unfolding as to the governments lies, it is deeply frustrating and disappointing.
Thank you for your thoughtful report.
Billy Weprin
(Pt 2 cont)
13. How the Vatican is run by the Reptilians underground below it! As reported by Leo Zagami P2 magician/insider years ago in my famous interview with him.
14. How the whole pedophilia epidemic among the elite and rampant satanic practices and Luciferianism is a reflection of the impact of Reptilian DNA upon certain human bloodlines. This influence is stimulated in particular by the ‘power over others’ impulse in our societies. It involves occult knowledge of the power contained in what is known as kundalini in the East and orgone in the West. That the young have in high amounts and must be activated in humans to continue past puberty through meditation. Reptilians and Greys feed on what some call “loosh” stimulated by the fight or flight response that releases a substance in the glands of humans that they consider an aphrodisiac. Draco/Reps and Greys use humans for sex and food and this is perhaps the biggest secret that those within the Secret government/ Secret Space Progam don’t want you to know in part because they don’t think you can handle the truth. But in reality they fear they will lose control over humanity if the truth were known and of course a large part of their leadership are satanists and involved in these practices.
This analysis of the roots and causes of pedophilia must be revealed before society can actually deal with this huge issue on our planet. Consider how revealing the Reptilians and their historical relationship to humanity is central to being able to administer any form of justice in these cases?
It all comes down to the power over others issue. The young become prostitutes sometimes by force sometimes by choice to climb out of their powerlessness. They use the only form of power they have (sexual) to coerce and seduce the old… It is not a one-way street. The occult side of this, while it remains hidden, continues to enslave. If we don’t expose this to the light how is it going to change? The most corrupted will only go deeper into hiding while the young continue to fall under the sway of predators. If we don’t warn our children of what’s out there how can they protect themselves?
You see everyone who knows the real roots of this epidemic at the top and keeps quiet is basically a facilitator.
And it goes on…
Most of my colleagues give a very superficial reading of the situation here on Earth to give people hope (and maybe because they like many in the military and secret government/ secret space program, think humanity can’t handle the truth). I disagree with this assessment and think HUMANITY CAN HANDLE THE TRUTH and it is imperative to our soveriegnty and well being that we do!
One cannot analyze the world stage without wrapping in the above bullet points otherwise they end up looking rather dumb from the perspective of those in the know (some of Congress, Trump and the Queen and many other top officials and some military worldwide) without therefore appearing largely harmless and being totally ineffectual… Which is of course what the Powers-that-Be prefer.
Unfortunately, most people do not have any real grasp of the interaction between humans and ETs over history.
Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot
This was received by email about 2 years ago as I have been following this woman for about 15 years ever since she started the website Project Camelot. It’s a lot to take in and whether you believe what she is saying or not is up to you. From what I have read and listened to over the years to what’s going on would make anyone’s hair curl but no one could make this stuff up and she has a huge following and some very, very interesting videos and interviews on her website. Over to you…
Note: I recently received an analysis by a well meaning but not very clued-in viewer and it prompted me to reply with what follows. I realized then that I never really summarized this playing field before and that some may find it useful.
This overview is not by any means complete but should go a long way toward bringing most people closer to the actual reality we are dealing with. Much of the information below can be found in various Project Camelot interviews.
The problem with most assessments of the future is that they do not seem to incorporate an understanding that Zionists are actually ANUNNAKI and as such they have an agenda which is as an alien race going back to Enki, Enlil and the whole Sumarian Tablets and work of Zecharia Sitchin…which reveals their involvement here on Earth. Their establishment here on Earth, back in probably 12,000 BC or earlier … of a ‘frequency fence’ in the brains (and DNA) of humanity that has started to break down finally but that 90% of humanity was affected and involves their genetic engineering of the human genome back then to separate our DNA …into junk DNA (to slow our growth)…
The Anunnaki are still here (they never left although some came and went). They are, “walking the halls of the Pentagon” as my witness Bob Dean has said and they are running Israel underground in Dimona. Their presence in Israel was documented by journalist Barry Chamish (who died about 1 year ago) a rebellious but mainstream Israeli journalist who heard that housewives in Israel were reporting that their homes were being invaded by VERY TALL male individuals who would enter without knocking, walk around like they owned the place, (largely ignoring the housewives protest) and kick any barking dogs out of the way with no apparent sensitivity toward animals.
This phenomenon piqued Barry Chamish’ s interest who then as a journalist actually investigated and went around interviewing the housewives and checking into these reports. He did not come to a conclusion except to note that the description of these beings was remarkably like the beings seen carved into the walls of temples in Egypt and Iran.
I interviewed BARRY CHAMISH before he died about this on a radio show years ago however I believe that is one of the shows that has disappeared from our servers.
I have other info proving that Israel is RUN BY THE ANUNNAKI.
Now the Anunnaki as a race are humanoid, very tall and also are the LONG HEADS found all over the world notably in South America as well… Brien Foerster has investigated this (a well known alternative archeologist and author) and has a museum somewhere in South America FULL of longhead skulls!!
They are also found in Malta (huge coverup there) and Egypt and probably in the rest of the Middle East although not much has made it out.
The Anunnaki were invaded eons ago by the DRACO and so then there was a hybrid race of humanoid Anunnaki mixed with reptilian DNA — called I believe Sirian Anunnaki. Consequently, there is confusion in this sector over the fact that Anunnaki can be humanoid or reptilian-human hybrids.
Not understanding the role of the Anunnaki in our past is crucial to not understanding what Israel is really about…
They are a fierce race and highly intellectual. Khazarian Jews have the Anunnaki bloodline.
And they are involved in Antarctica as well.
Now with respect to Icke and ETs — Whereas I have every respect for David Icke and his work, his analysis does not incorporate anywhere near the degree that Project Camelot has because for some reason he never really went down that road other than to pick up the Draco/Reptilian/Grey side of the story.
You need to read the Ashayana Deane VOYAGER books to get anywhere near the understanding of the repeated history of humanity and how many races have contributed their DNA and genetically messed with Humanity over the eons… They will also enlighten you to the MUCH BIGGER picture than the one you think is going on here.
I believe am the only journalist she has allowed to interview her… I have a 3 part 6 hour interview with her on my youtube channel:
The books are better for grasping the GUARDIAN ALLIANCE info she downloads about OUR TRUE HISTORY…. The Guardian Alliance is a group of various races of beings who contributed their DNA to the Human Genome and safeguard this particular human experiment here on Earth. The VOYAGER books are available as Ebooks:
Volume II might be easiest to grasp:
Volume I:
These books are highly complex and like nothing you have ever read. The info is stellar and more advanced than anything else out there and much more far-reaching than the Bible for example.
I traveled to India with her and her group years ago.
Some people are doing a good job trying to put the big picture together there is a lot they are not aware of with regard to our dealings with various ET races and this is the area my Project Camelot deals with quite extensively. My research on this topic spans 15 years in Project Camelot and years before that my own investigations and being abducted and dealing various contact experiences all my life.
While I realize that some have not been interested in getting into this subject other than at the most superficial level, the trouble is that going forward any analysis of news items and the world scene (and what for example Trump is dealing with) must include this background (and there’s a lot more) before you can begin to really grasp what is going on here on Planet Earth and the various ET interest groups interacting with various governments and vying for control of humanity.
For example you cannot possibly analyze the cat and mouse game going on in the Straits of Hormuz / Gulf of Oman and Aden without understanding the role of stargates and portals (from which the various ETs come and go) and what is really going on there without also having taken on board the role of the Anunnaki.
You have to wrap in things like:
1. How ISIS was created by the CIA and PAID to destroy the monuments and ancient sites in the Middle East that depict the former REPTILIAN RULE over humanity.
2. How certain governments are aligned with competing ET races.
3. How our own branches of the military are aligned with competing ET races!
4. How negotiations about nuclear weapons is a COVER for ET negotiations.
5. How there is evidence that some nuclear sites have had their nukes and missiles ACTIVATED not turned off by ET races on occasion and this was reported by To The Stars Academy (with Tom DeLonge) as their spokesman who has largely been silenced now.
6. How we are at war with various ET races and chemtrails are often serving to hide that war going on over our heads. How this has been documented by a filmmaker in LA / former DEA agent who they killed not long ago. Who had hours and hours of film of the battles over LA going on to this day!!
7. How many of the national / and international incidents we think only involved humans working with ETs…such as the Bay of Pigs nuclear standoff… the attack on the ship USS Liberty (Anunnaki) and VW sized Spiders in Vietnam (Vietnam war) and so much more… are all ET related.
8. Not to mention the recent FIRES in California… destroying of PARADISE CA … collateral damage from the necessity to close recently opened PORTALS by rampaging ET races!
9. How the deals made with the GREYS who launched a whole genetic engineering program back in the 1930s shifted their plundering/abduction of United States citizens to create Grey-Human Hybrids down to Latin and South America… How that program is now hugely successful and many of their hybrid offspring are now growing up south of the border and THIS IS WHAT the border issue is really all about (as well as to keep Chinese troops from invading us underground). Because the future world will be an X-men scenario dealing with Grey-Human hybrids who have well developed intellect and superpowers such as telekinesis but less heart (emotional body) than humans (who are already a hybrid race)… and the lack of compassion in these new hybrids will affect our world drastically in the future.
10. How indications are that our government officials have been going down to Antarctica since at least the Kennedy administration or before and getting their ORDERS from some race of beings down there… including John Kerry during the Obama election. Orders from a race of beings maybe the reptilian human hybrids (part of the CONTINGENT FROM ALDEBARAN ) that helped the Nazis with high tech and eventually made it into our space program.
11. How Africa (and the war in the Middle East) is also with Reptoids (human reptilian hybrids) who have bases in Iraq and Syria and down in remote parts of AFRICA…
12. How Africa has been “given” largely to a new incoming race of those from ALDEBARAN against the vote of many countries in exchange for some territory to build human colonies off planet outside this solar system … revealed by Gordon Duff and another secret witness and that they have quietly been invading that continent. This was depicted in the TV mini series called THE EVENT several years ago still available on Amazon and maybe Netflix (checked - not on Netflix)
I think the timing is rather suspicious. Right when the WHO is trying to sneak in world wide vaccine passports this story breaks. You have to admit it could be a great way to distract from a very heinous attempt to subjugate us.
Is the story possibly true? Of course it could be but I won't make the mistake of taking my focus off of the WHO/WEF world take over agenda.
At this point I think we have more to worry about than alien technology.
Excellent discourse on an alien subject to most people, not realizing this has been going on at least for 80 years. If everyone doesn't know, Steven Greer and his Disclosure Project are giving a mind blowing presentation on this and the National Security State at the National Press Club at 2:00 pm, June 12th. Everyone should write to their respective Congressional Districts and remind them of the event. They should ask their leaders to watch it and get a copy of their archived material for their staff to study.
On June 9th or 10th 2021 just before the G7 summit in Cornwall. U.K with a substantial amount of military aircraft including a U.S stealth bomber based at RAF Fairford in Gloucestershire passing very close and circling around our farm some on the way to Cornwall. There was a very large craft hidden behind some stinking mass of ‘cloud cover’. In broad daylight a large red ‘tractor beam’ appeared in a field close to where I was. Two military helicopters went at me to get me out of the way. I can say absolutely without a doubt this was a military ops no aliens folks!
I guess the next thing will be some robotic alien which will be enough for the space and defence industries to obtain more funding.
Welcome to the CGI show!
"Those who don’t accept, and continue believing their lies on faith, send the signal back to governments saying “Yes, it’s OK. Keep lying to me not only about this but anything else you choose.”"
This is true. We accept so much as 'normal' when really we should be wondering why we do this and why society is like this. Thank you for bringing up these questions.
A common challenge with the UFO discussion is the fact that everyone seems to have different information and seems to be at different places in their research. Synthesizing information has to be the goal vs everything trying to debunk each other.
The Dossier disagrees with you. Seems you may have missed the part that this guy has never seen the objects nor any photos and well, you can read the rest at the link or below.
Here at The Dossier, we prefer to verify information, and not trust sources based on their resume, regardless of how impressive it may seem.
Here’s Grusch’s interview with News Nation, where he tells his side of the story:
So with that being said, there are three major issues with the idea that the United States government possesses alien aircraft on Earth.
First and foremost, there are obvious physical limitations of an alien species traveling to our world successfully from millions of light years away. To put it bluntly, it would require a scientific breakthrough that is not currently within the framework of our understanding of physics. Given this level of improbability, this is the one massive, glaring problem with any UFO story, and it should leave an enormous burden of proof on the individual or entity advancing any claims within this genre.
Second, to date, there has never been any public evidence revealed that demonstrates the existence of extraterrestrial life. While it would be unwise to rule out that possibly entirely, we must remain humble in recognizing our very small space in a massive universe.
Third, if you read carefully into the first reported story on Mr Grusch’s claims, which appeared in the UFO-friendly The Debrief website, a sharp investigative eye will take notice of a flagrant issue.
*Grusch has never actually seen these supposed spacecraft first hand!*
Grusch has admitted that he hasn’t even seen any photos of the evidence, let alone having been in the presence of these alleged objects.
Yes, his carefully crafted narrative is based on “extensive interviews with high-level intelligence officials, some of whom are directly involved with the program,” The Debrief reported. In short, he’s’ relying on other people. It’s a major, scorching hot, red flag for multiple reasons.
There’s an additional issue on top of that. These “high-level intelligence officials” are unnamed, and shielded in anonymity, so there will be no accountability when the latest alien frenzy bites the dust.
Who are the actual individuals who saw the alleged spacecraft? Why haven’t they come forward? What’s stopping them from revealing these UFOs to the world?
Grusch has positioned himself in a way in which he is not accountable at all for the information he is claiming to reveal.
Zero evidence. Zero non-anonymous sources. Zero credibility. We rest our case.
Sorry to burst any bubbles.
🤣😂🤣😂 the first premise of the arguement against, is that because we can't do it, therefore aliens couldn't??!!
That's very similar to the scientific medical arguments around various alternative medicines, in that because it shouldn't work, by our conventional understanding of our agreed rules on physics, biology and chemistry, then that means it couldn't work.🤨🤔😐😐😑🤦♀️
Respectfully, I have no preference either way in this particular instance- Aliens real- cool. Aliens not real- cool. But to close my mind to the premise because I can't imagine it to be possible based on my preconceived notions of what denotes possibility, well that doesn't seem very scientific or enlightened of me does it (rhetorical).🤔🤗
Thanks for your comment here. I will look more into this Dossier piece. But I do want to note the following:
1. The point made in this piece doesn't require this whistleblower's testimony to be 100% factual. He is not the first by a long shot. Further, the absurdity of the government report of 2021 is all we really need.
2. As the other comment suggests, what do we make of previous ex military and government whistleblowers who have spoke on craft and bodies? How does that fit into the narrative? Do we just say they are lying or misleading people?
3. What is public evidence? What about people who claim to have had contact? All false? Can any of that be evidence? Why would there be any 'public evidence' from government if their entire shtick is to maintain secrecy? It becomes a faulty equation, if government wants secrecy, we can't get evidence. But with no evidence from govt, it can't be true.
Ah true...... this brings up the question of what we define as evidence. A good place to start.
These are some interesting details to verify, but surely you are aware that many whistleblowers have come out stating they saw craft. What are we to make of those? Toss them out? This guy's testimony is not new..
Reading this brings me a feeling of inspiration and hope. You have a way of helping me (or inviting me as you say) to feel grounded and patient, but not complacent, with what's happening. It's an art. Thank you for this insightful piece on a hot button story.
Thanks for the kind words and for reading. :)