Than you for all of your very informative articles- and your empathy for the unvaccinated and the horrible way they have been treated.

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I looked into this very thoroughly early on - several things made me very suspicious of these inoculations.

They were gives emergency approval - which can only be given "when there are no pharmaceuticals that can be used to treat the disease" - I knew that many doctors were using standard treatments for the symptoms and having success with these treatments - Dr Kory for one with Ivermectin.

The advice given to patients by the UK NHS (National Harm Service) for patients to go home take paracetamol and only when they became very sick to bother the hospitals.

Most vaccines take years of trials to come into service when more is known about the adverse effects - this couldn't be the case here - so people were being forced to take a novel inoculation of gene therapy without being able to give informed consent.

In early 2020 - March I believe the WHO declared Sars Cov to lo longer be a disease if serious concern - so why all the fuss? The propaganda? The lies?

When a perfectly satisfactory pandemic response - which was ready to go - was ditched in a panic because if the lying CCP scaremongering.

The involvement if the WEF, UN and WHO - which are all funded and paid for by Bill Gates, George Soros and the CCP - when Gates has been involved in some of the worst vaccination atrocities in Africa.

When other vaccination in the 21st century - notably swine flu let to a very few deaths they were immediately withdrawn and compensation paid to victims.

The final thing that is totally alarming is that the UK government has signed a contract for 10 years of Moderna jabs - which company is part owned by Rishi Sunak the UK Prime Minister and his wife through a hidden fund in the British Virgin Islands - he is not an elected prime minister - he and several others - with shady financial dealing - have been "injected into the UK cabinet"

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Building Moderna plants here in Oz. One for sure, likely two.

mRNA in EVERYthing.... b/c the gov't wants return on investment, right?

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Thanks for sharing these thoughts!

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"Furthermore, differences between the 'fake' spike protein via the vaccine and the spike protein from natural infection also had me pondering." I at 79, no experimental shot, got cv19 flu mid-Dec., very sick. If the virus was lab-made in a tube as Montagnier (RIP) and others commented, wouldn't the spike protein be bad for a person, but not as bad as the spike protein in the shots.

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Thank you for all the great points.

I personally was not as aware of all the science as you were. I learned all that after making my decision to not get the shot.

At first I was skeptical of the fact that the shot came out so quickly and no one could know the long term effects. I also railed HARD against being told I must get it! Thankfully my employer didn't give in to pressure to require employees to get the shot, and I didn't have to choose.

Also, as it went on, the ridiculous rules, constant number updates and unfair restrictions drove me farther away.

Now as I see the many cases of vaccine damage, I'm thankful I was so stubborn.

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Thank you, and thanks for sharing! It's crazy that so many people were forced to take it, or risk losing their ability to pay their bills...

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