I wouldn't regard the covid emergency fund as "funding" in the similar fashion as CBC

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Brilliant way to expose the biased media platforms, they have little leverage to counter this!

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Another fascinating rabbit hole is examining key Journalist's "other income streams", not just their "main pay packet", from a media outlet. Turn over rocks & la! Journalists receive e g: speaking engagement fees, consulting fees, ghost writer fees and ... Think Tank Senior Consultant fees.

An egregious and glaring offender, in Australia, is the holier than thou, iconic Aboriginal, Court Intellectual Mr Stan Grant. This sacred journo, carefully, beautifully coiffed highlights in his distinguished grey and pepper dome, is a leading "Journalist" in the Australian Broadcasting Company (the ABC, 100% gov) & the Special Broadcasting Company (SBS, 100% gov).

He's thrown a pro Russian (actually russian speaking Ukrainian) young man OUT, OFF SET whilst Live, on Q&A (leading pol/talk show) for defending Russia, questioning the "Narrative".

So, "Uncle Bom", Stan the man, is ALSO A SENIOR CONSULTANT to the Australian Strategic Institute, a Canberra (our Capitol) Think Tank. 🤔 FUNDED by DARPA, Boeing, Northrop Grumman et al.

UNCLE BOM IS A STOOGE for the Amerikan Military Industrial Media Complex.

Who'd a thunk it? Race traitor, traitor to the Australian nation, and a lieing fuck pretend journo, promulgating War & Empire to his people.

Follow the MONEY.

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Maybe Musk's still has some reckoning to do about other subject, BUT the attitude he takes to restore some sense of free-speech and democracy has to be commendable. Any news media which is still going along with the narrative our leaders are stuck to are as guilty as those who carries ''one size fits all, making people sick or worst? If we do not wake-up faster... we will be under a regime no one will appreciate... than it will be too late? What keeps the news to be reported accurately? I wonder?

The reason I am informed is because I stopped watching the official news over a decade ago. Being over 80 springs gives me some background to see through the lies!

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Joe Martino, The Pulse

Musk's handling of this situation has been fun to watch. I feel like he knows he can do whatever he wants at the moment, and while that is scary in some regards, in others it is fun. I still feel you're on the mark with your assessment of Musk...each story proves it further. It's hard to read sometimes, but something is for sure going on.

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Joe Martino, The Pulse

I just find Musk adjusting the figure to 68% funded quality trolling.

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Defund and boycott the cbc and all government tax payer funded state media. The fear monger, lie, hide the truth and spew propaganda.

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Saying the CBC, the Communist Broadcasting Corp. was Labelled was like calling a tree Vertical.

Not so much a label as a description of the fascist truth.

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