Kind of lost me at the part that talked about people teleporting stuff with their mind, haha. I'm just not convinced about all the psi stuff (even though I myself have had at least one major experience revolving around a good friend's suicide that can hardly be chalked up to coincidence or confirmation bias).

But then again, who knows what's true? I mean, it's hard to believe that the mainstream scientific community would just ignore all of this evidence if it was credible. But lately, I've seen hardcore physicalist scientists (and philosophers) behave in ways that make me question their objectivity and reasonableness, particularly in regards to the topic of consciousness.

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I believe matter is a visible manifestation of consciousness. Since I was a teenager, I have seen events in dreams or during the day before they occurred. Usually, the previewed scene was connected to those I was emotionally connected to. It is such a common occurrence that I consider it natural and normal. I feel just like the wave/particle dichotomy, our individual consciousness is both separate and connected to everything and everyone. I do think it is important to be careful though, and not blame people for adverse events that occur, as though all misfortune was self-created. Also, when someone I have been close to has died, I have had several communications from them around the time of their passing. Sadly, those communications, with those particular people wane over time. Not sure if the idea of reincarnation comes into play here. Regardless, our day-to-day awareness is quite restricted to the material world, and I think that is necessary in order to function in it.

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I recently saw this video from the lecture « The World And Its Double, 1993 » :

The Singularity is Upon Us - Terence Mckenna

https://youtu.be/niktmY353FA (about 6 minutes in)

The universe was not born in a fiery explosion from which it's been being blasted outward ever since. The universe is not being pushed like that from behind. The universe is being pulled from the future toward a goal that is as inevitable as a marble reaching the bottom of a bowl when you release it up near the rim.


Bear in mind what the competition is peddling. The competition is peddling that the universe sprang from nothing in a single moment for no reason. Now, whatever you think about that, notice that this is the limit case for credulity. I mean if you can believe that, it's hard for me to imagine what you would balk at. If we were to sit down and say let's see who can think of the most unlikely thing that could possibly happen, I submit to you nobody could top the Big Bang. It is the improbability of improbabilities. It is the mother of all improbabilities.

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That is correct, each of us has the ability to create our own reality, our own life and our own points of view.

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It's all summed up by the definition of reality, which is enough agreement amongst a group of people for it to be made, manifested. If you need a group agreement to make a park bench possible, and you cannot get that level of agreement to happen, you will never see the park bench! No material for it will be bought or sold, no location for it will be cleared away, no one will authorize it to be installed, even if you manage to build it on your own! So, yes, reality is agreement. And if you step outside of what is agreed upon by the others, you will be labeled as being crazy or insane!! You might even be called a kook or maybe a conspiracy theorist!!

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I agree, reality is an agreement, yet the agreement that there is only one reality is an anathema to the evolution of consciousness. With unique thoughts, I create an exclusively individual reality with my own personal perspective. Having a different perspective from others requires my agreement that their reality is different to mine.

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It’s so much bigger than that, because it’s so not that linear. But what if everything you have gained as awareness is available to you now? What contribution can we be to each other and our beautiful planet?

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Thanks. Someone gave me a book years ago : The nature of personal reality, a Seth book, by Jane Roberts. Seth shows us how we create our personal reality through our conscious beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world. It is available on the internet archive.

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Quantum Mechanics is not mechanical, it is energetic. Quanta are neither atomic nor sub-atomic but strings of aethereal vortices with the vibrational frequency & wavelength of a particular torus. The point source of every quantum torus is the inertia of the pure potential of the Aether. Generations of thought have produced our current reality.

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Generations of agreements between people, is what has created the reality which we all share in.

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Keith, absolutely. As someone with a near death experience, I say yes. Science cannot keep up.

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I agree.

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A short story from a Native American Sioux tribe. In Ancient times, The Creator wanted to hide something from humans until they were ready to see. The Creator gathered all the animals and sought their advice.

“I want to hide something special from the humans until they are really ready for it, it is the realization that they create their own reality."

The Eagle said: “Give it to me. I will take it to the highest mountain and keep it there.”

The Creator replied: “One day, the humans will conquer the highest mountain, and find it.”

The Salmon said: “Give it to me. I will take it to the deepest ocean and keep it there.”

The Creator replied: “One day, the humans will explore the deepest depths of the ocean, and find it.”

The Buffalo said: “Give it to me. I will bury it in the heart of the great plains and keep it there.

The Creator replied: “One day, humans will rip open the earth, and find it there.”

All were stumped until Little Grandmother Mole who lives within the heart of Mother Earth and sees with her spiritual eyes (not her physical eyes) spoke up:

“Why don’t we hide it inside them? That is the last place they will look.”

The Creator smiled knowingly and said: “It is done.”

~ Sicangu Lakota Oyate ~ (An Old Sioux Legend)

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Thanks for sharing!

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I know, consciousness created matter, and with this all realities that exist.

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The double slit experiment proves nothing because the experiment itself is flawed.

Distinti explains how here:


and here:


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Thanks for sharing!

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Very good summarization of views on consciousness, 'vacuum' and the convergence of modern physics towards 'everything is connected'. Is there a channel or a centralized body / institution, formal or informal, currently connecting all the evolving thoughts around this? Would like to participate / collaborate. Of interest is also the Zero Point Energy that is another side of this thought process.

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Thanks Rajendran! Indeed, Zero point Energy is another side, very interesting stuff no doubt! You may be interested in this:


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We underestimate the idea of surprise, if I where God I'd emphasize the idea of "surprise" therefore not knowing the outcome of each moment (God's delight) the world is sincere (structured) but not serious

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Krishnamurti was fond of saying the observer is the observed. "The notion that all these fragments are separately existent is evidently an illusion, and this illusion cannot do other than lead to endless conflict and confusion. Indeed, the attempt to live according to the notion that the fragments are really separate is, in essence, what has led to the growing series of extremely urgent crises that is confronting us today. Thus, as is now well known, this way of life has brought about pollution, destruction of the balance of nature, over-population, world-wide economic and political disorder and the creation of an overall environment that is neither physically nor mentally healthy for most of the people who live in it. Individually there has developed a widespread feeling of helplessness and despair, in the face of what seems to be an overwhelming mass of disparate social forces, going beyond the control and even the comprehension of the human beings who are caught up in it.”

Larry Dossey says this about Bohm: “David Bohm was one of the most distinguished physicists of the 20th century. He was known for fearlessly challenging scientific orthodoxy, and his interests spilled into many areas such as philosophy, psychology, religion, biology, and the nature of consciousness through the rigorous path of modern physics, as well as his personal experiences. His dialogues with the spiritual teacher Jiddu Krishnamurti inspired thousands and are still available.”

Larry Dossey "The dominant view in science is that the brain somehow makes consciousness, like the liver makes bile. But this is an unproven assumption that has never been explained, can hardly be imagined, and has never been directly observed. The status of this belief is neuromythology, not science.” It’s not really on solid scientific ground. In One Mind, New York Times best-selling author Larry Dossey, M.D., proposes an inspiring view of consciousness that may reshape our destiny. Dossey’s premise is that all individual minds are part of an infinite, collective dimension of consciousness he calls the One Mind. This state—which we can all access—explains phenomena as diverse as epiphanies, creative breakthroughs, premonitions of danger or disaster, near-death experiences, communication with other species and with the dead, reincarnation, the movement of herds, flocks, and schools, and remote healing.

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Thanks for sharing!

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I have really enjoyed reading your paper.

I also wrote about this subject here : https://www.academia.edu/91707991/About_reality

In short :

« Consciousness did not appear by chance in the universe, the universe appears by design within consciousness »

In my view, God is completely decentralized. Making God a person was a terrible mistake that sidetracked the evolution of humanity for thousands of years. Maybe we had to go through this to get to where we are going, but I'm really ready for a change. And your article is getting us closer to the next step in our evolution.

Note : when I read the part that explains the thought experiment about the light from a distant star being changed in the past by an action in the present, I thought that maybe that's how the Big Bang came to exist in the distant past because of some scientist's research in the present.

The world is a strange place.

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There never was and never could be a "Big Bang", for a couple of reasons, that was first really proven in 1970 or so, when an astronomer had spent 20 years comparing the spectrographs of countless thousands of stars, and couldn't find even just two that were anywhere near close to being the same. They are all as different as snow flakes! When the movie called Future Shock first came out, that was in it, but it got edited out.

If all of the material in the physical universe did come from a "singularity", then the stars would at least be similar in age and composition, but they are not. And what about the origin of this supposed singularity? Where did it come from and how did it get here? What made it blow up? What is space, and how did THAT come about? How far does space go, and what is on the other side of the walls that contains it?

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