Could a Radically Revised History Change Human Beliefs?
There are many historical facts emerging that change our past, how would humanity transform if we acknowledged them?
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One of the truly amazing things about our time is that the world is now so small. With television and the Internet, one can find and be exposed to experiences and ideas that would have been completely inaccessible not long ago.
I wrote about the Ancient Astronauts show on the History Channel recently with the caveat that while a lot of their stuff is speculation, certain things can’t be refuted.
Besides the Great Pyramid, whose very existence (even apart from its mathematical symbolism) should be enough to shake up anyone who has seen it, the program has taken viewers to several amazing locations with equally astonishing ancient monuments with stones and dimensions that confound common sense.
The show also compares the origin myths of many different cultures and finds not just commonalities in the stories themselves, but even in the names of the ‘Gods’ and their depictions in the cultures’ artwork.
This supports the main tenet of Ancient Astronauts – that the origin myths convey misunderstood technology. This makes sense from the modern perspective of communication, space travel and what we have gleaned in astrophysics and amazing space telescopes.
Obviously what the ancients called God were sometimes actually real live extraterrestrial visitors “from the stars”… right? That’s the theory at least.
But as the Ancient Astronaut theorists always ask: What if it were true?
The Gods Fought Wars
In Eastern literature, there are quite a few references to wars fought by the “Gods.” The flying chariots of India – the Vimanas – were engaged in battles in the sky clearly depicted in Indian texts.
We have a similarly famous depiction of a “Star Wars” battle among the “Gods” in 1561 of the then Free City of Nuremberg.
In the years after World War 2, we had the phenomenon of UFOs or Flying Saucers, news of which was suppressed by the government partly due to the Brookings Report that sought to examine the implications of the discovery of extraterrestrial life and suggested that the potential for social upheaval should make the government conduct more studies before disclosing such findings to the public.
There are even scientific theories about “Evidence for a Large Anomalous Nuclear Explosions in Mars Past” by Dr. J.E. Brandenburg. Imagine what corroboration of this might do to our current religious beliefs.
More recently it has come out that there are religious zealots in the government who know that the facts would puncture holes in the Western origin story and are behind the suppression of what NASA and the government know about the UFO phenomena.
The Ultimate Poverty of the Western Belief System
In the West, our Christian origin story forms the basis of much of the world’s organized religions. It was Emperor Constantine whose conversion to Christianity gave rise to the political power of the Christian church and all of its derivatives that then evangelized this “story” to the world.
And now the Western world largely believes that our civilization began from hunter gatherers in the Middle East – the Sumerians who then somehow developed art and writing. The upshot is that we are the inheritors of their evolved brains and are now at the apex of civilization.
We deserve to dominate the earth with blind science in service to technology and profit.
Not so fast.
Much New Evidence for Advanced Civilizations
In between the Sumerians and the Greeks came the mysterious Egyptians who are conventionally credited as having constructed the Sphinx and Great Pyramid as a tomb.
The new rogue archeologists on the History Channel question this, but at the same time Egyptians in their own right had an advanced and fascinating culture which very possibly understood Consciousness as an energy far beyond the confines of the human brain.
If you want a taste of its “magic” check out Magical Egypt’s new ‘Heka’ film.
The Heka film visionary John Anthony West says that modern archeology is “stupid” – that it seeks to maintain the myth that we are the most advanced culture that has inhabited Earth.
The conventional archeological timeline has also been shredded for many with the discovery of Golbekli Tepe in Turkey – another ancient megalithic construction that is acknowledged to be even older than Stonehenge by 6,000 years and places it likely around 12000 years ago.
So as noted Ancient Astronaut Theorist and rogue archeologist Graham Hancock says, “Stuff just keeps on getting older.”
Would Disclosure Break Our Hubris Enough for Transformation?
So around 10,000 years before the advent of our main worldwide Deity there was already an advanced civilization?
Wouldn’t that just put a stake in the heart of organized Christianity? (Asking for a friend).
I was intrigued by a recent episode of Ancient Astronauts that found a connection between Enoch, a biblical figure that predates the Great Flood and another historical figure in Islam who is credited with building the Great Pyramid before the Great Flood – even before Golbekli Tepe.
This man behind the Great Pyramid was also mentioned as “Saurid” by Erich von Daniken – the dean of the ancient astronaut theorists. Von Daniken connects this Egyptian king to the biblical figure of Enoch. Enoch’s “myth” is one where he also returns to the heavens. But is it a myth?
We haven’t even mentioned the very popular legends of Atlantis and Lemuria. Of course, on the History Channel, these are also connected to possible ancient Astronaut visitations.
But the key is – it is clear that our hubris regarding our status in the cosmos is an inflated view promulgated by the early church, but if we expand that view globally, a completely different historical narrative comes into focus.
What If Islam Has It Right?
So I decided to see what AI Claude had to say about a known Islamic historian al-Maqrizi, who gave credit for the Great Pyramid to an ancient King called “Saurid”.
Again, the Ancient Aliens series focused on the connection between this Saurid, mentioned by al-Maqrizi and the biblical figure of Enoch; as the Islamic history states that this king definitively existed – suggesting that the biblical figure of Enoch was not a myth. He was in fact, like the Greek legend of Prometheus, a God-like being who descended to earth and gave culture to the ancient Sumerians.
So this Islamic historian writes of an advanced civilization (capable of constructing the Great Pyramid) back before the Great Flood.
Many of the “rogue” archeologists on the History Channel suggest that the Great Pyramid and Golbekli Tepe may have been built to memorialize the advanced knowledge of a civilization that was wiped out by a global cataclysm – perhaps the Great Flood or a huge solar flare.
One of the mysteries of Golbekli Tepe is why the huge archeological site was buried in the earth. Perhaps to protect it from the cataclysm?
What if it were true? Wouldn’t humanity need to drop and rethink its traumatic grudges with evidence that we are living in a far greater and deeply immense mystery than we had even imagined – one that is increasingly apparent with the advent of quantum mechanics and our knowledge of the cosmos?
What if the entire notion of “progress” from a primitive beginning were shattered and we were confronted with the reality that there were much more advanced civilizations in the past – both scientifically and intellectually? And that these civilizations were connected to extraterrestrial visitors which are the ones monitoring our current activity from “UAPs”?
Fact: Al-Maqrizi (1364-1442) was an Egyptian historian during the Mamluk Sultanate. He wrote about the history of Egypt from a Muslim perspective.
So what if we were able to explore the entire Judeo-Christian myth and embrace a much greater scale of time during which other advanced cultures who thrived in ages far before the emergence of our own “Age of Enlightenment”? It’s also possible that the sacred science of such cultures focused on energy and nonmaterial reality (like magic?) as Nikola Tesla suggested.
If an Egyptian historian confirms the actual existence of the builder of the Great Pyramid was an actual being who was also mentioned in the bible, that should open some eyes.
But I am intrigued by this corroboration. It seems like rogue archeologists are onto something and as the surreal comedians on Firesign Theatre once named their album – “Everything we know is wrong.”
My Question to AI Claude: I believe he al-Maqrizi found that the Great Pyramid was built before the Great Flood by the same person the Hebrews called Enoch?
AI Claude: “Based on some additional research, it seems al-Maqrizi did promote some unconventional views about the Great Pyramid of Giza:
In his main historical work, "Al-Mawa'iz wa al-'i'tibar bi dhikr al-khitat wa al-'athar" (The Book of Lessons and Examples in the History of Quarters and Monuments), al-Maqrizi suggested the Great Pyramid was built by an antediluvian king named Saurid (or Surid).
This connects to traditions that the pyramids were constructed before Noah's Flood, which resonates with your mention of Enoch. According to some Islamic traditions, Enoch is identified with Idris, who was seen as a primordial king and wise man.
So in al-Maqrizi's history, he puts forward a view that the Great Pyramid preceded the Flood and was the work of Saurid/Surid, an early antediluvian king. This is a departure from conventional Egyptian histories.
However, he does not seem to straightforwardly equate Saurid with Enoch. But there are connections in the tradition of the pyramids being premordial monuments tied to antediluvian knowledge.
So in summary, yes al-Maqrizi's writings put forward an unconventional, almost "mystical" view tracing the Great Pyramid to the antediluvian world before Noah, built by an early king named Saurid. This connects to traditions around primordial wisdom and monuments. Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions!”
(Tom Bunzel was a contributor to Collective Evolution and now writes for The Pulse. His new book "Conversations with Nobody: Getting to Know ChatGPT" – a book written with AI, about AI and giving a taste of AI, is available on Amazon.)
Just perhaps there have been MANY ancient cultures that are far older than any written of in the Bible. We need to think bigger that we have been. I recommend researching and listening to talks by Matias de Stefano for a completely different story about history - he REMEMBERS hundreds of lifetimes from eons of time. He claims no wisdom about it - just memory. Absolutely mind blowing. There is also Freddy Silva who is a colleague of Graham Hancock. And a wonderful researcher Paul Anthony Wallis.
Yes! When most of our population finds out the history we’ve been taught is untrue it will flip a lot of folks out! It did me for a day or too😟The soft disclosure that has been coming for years should make it easier. As in movies, books and tv. But then again , some people don’t want to know the real truth. ☮️