Crashed Craft & Bodies Recovered? Footage of an Egg Shaped UFO Crash Retrieval Emerges
Footage of a UFO crash retrieval that supposedly originated from non-human intelligence has made its way into the public domain.
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“Yes, there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered.”
- Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 Astronaut, from his appearance in the 2011 film “Thrive.”
"Whistleblowers" with verified, legitimate credentials have been stepping forward since the 1940s, emphasizing the reality of UFOs and the manoeuvres they can perform. I am talking about crafts with no visible means of propulsion that defy our understanding of physics and aerodynamics. A great example would be the General Nathan Twining memo from 1947, sent to the commanding General of the United States Air Force at the time. The memo emphasized the operating characteristics of these objects and that the phenomenon is "real" and not visionary or fictitious. There are now thousands upon thousands of documents like this in the public domain, including objects travelling so fast that they seem to be teleporting from point to point.
From the 1940s to the present day, personnel from all agencies and ranks (and more) from dozens of countries have been emphasizing the fact that UFOs are real and many of them originate from non-human intelligence. The examples are abundant, and the electrooptical data released over the past many years also complement these claims, not to mention the similarities and consistency of the stories of those who have claimed to have had ‘contact.’
We also have numerous incredible stories from various incidents like Operação Prato, for example.
The latest example from 2025 comes from Jake Barber, an Air Force Special Operations Officer who claims to have been part of a UFO crash retrieval team.
"I will tell you that during this process over the last couple of years, it's been confirmed to me by ranking members of the UAP task force that what we were working with was, in fact, NHI (non-human intelligence), and it was not a unique experience."
- Jake Barber, from the interview (video) below.
This complements the recent testimony of David Grusch, a former United States Air Force (USAF) officer and intelligence official who also spoke of the reality of these programs in 2023. Multiple high-ranking officers have also backed these two men. In the case of Barber, it's Lieutenant Colonel Blitch. In the case of Grusch, it was Karl E. Nell, a recently retired Army Colonel and current aerospace executive who was the Army's liaison for the Pentagon's UAP Task Force from 2021 to 2022. He characterized Grusch as "beyond reproach."
"A number of well-placed current and former officials have shared detailed information with me regarding this alleged program, including insights into the history, governing documents and where a craft was allegedly abandoned and recovered."
- Christopher Mellon, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence in the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations
Steve Justice, a former Director of Advanced Systems at Lockheed Skunkworks who is now with Virgin Galactic, has also alluded to the idea that this type of technology is real. He has been quite outspoken about the black budget world and objects that can mimic the capabilities that are observed in unidentified aerial phenomena by, as he once said, employing a driver system that alters the space-time metric. He once stated:
"We have glimpses of how the physics of this works, but we need to harvest technologies from the Science Division to realize the capability."
This means these technologies are indeed available in the "science division.” Wherever that is.
I also saw him state this during a live stream of the To The Stars organization, which he has since left.
I could list more 100 examples from around the world.
A lot of this stuff is exploding into the mainstream. Although governments want to maintain control of narratives regarding this subject, as with many others, certain things just cannot be contained anymore. The parameters of evidence that many people need to see something as “fact” can nearly all be met when it comes to UFOs.
Australian investigative journalist Ross Coulthard, along with NewsNation, broke this most recent story.
“As I came over this object for the pick…there was this overwhelming sense of emotion…I felt like something connected with me, I felt like something had tuned into me and my soul and was providing me some sense of guidance on what to do and how profound what I was doing was. And it was so overwhelming I began to cry…Once it was just me and that object in between the pick and the drop site…I felt like something was inside of me. I felt like I was possessed by the most beautiful spirit I’ve ever been possessed by…It was loving…but there was a sense of sadness at the same time.”
- Barber
‘We can only imagine what purpose lies behind the activities of these quiet, harmlessly cruising objects that time and again approach the earth. The most likely explanation, it seems to me, is that they are simply watching what we are up to.”
- Margaret Mead. “UFOs – Visitors from Outer Space?,” Redbook, vol. 143, September 1974.
I've been a ufologist since approximately 2008, and I can tell you that Barber's claims of feeling a tremendous and overwhelming sense of sadness, love and protection are not unique. And it was refreshing to hear this being put out significantly, which garnered many views. This side of the story is often not told, and an overwhelming threat narrative overshadows these essential facts about the UFO phenomenon that provide a more balanced perspective. Many. ufologists have been aware of this perspective for a long time, that there is something good, something that feels, something unique and benevolent. It’s not all scary, it’s not all skin-walker ranch type of stuff that’s “demonic” and scary.
In fact, benevolent stories and concerns about the human race and the direction we are heading is quite a common theme when you peer through the research in a holistic type of manner. It represents the majority of literature and lore on this topic.
A 19 year old interview. But Very Similar!
This recent revelation also reminded me of an interview I watched 19 years ago with retired verified Army Veteran Sergeant Clifford Stone. A wonderful man who has since passed. He claimed back then what many others are claiming now. He shared his involvement with crash retrieval programs. You can watch that entire interview here.
“You feel what they feel”
- Clifford Stone
The OG of this field would be Leonard Stringfield (1920–1994), who began publishing information and evidence of crash retrievals beginning in the 1970s!
Dr. Gary Nolan, a Professor in the Department of Pathology at Stanford University School of Medicine, is among the hundreds if not thousands, of academics who have been quite vocal about the phenomenon and its evidence. He is also featured in the video above. He has personally examined and studied materials from some of these crafts. A month ago, he explained that he was only interested in "exploiting" technology and could care less about the non-human intelligence that may be involved.
This is where humanity's collective consciousness is when discussing UFO crash retrievals, and, unfortunately, we are inclined to think this way. Is all we care about what we can gain from the phenomenon? Do we only care about the scientific and technological implications of such revelations? And if this is the case, do we use technology in service to others or build more weapons and tools to gain more power over our adversaries?
What about the feelings of the occupants of these craft? Imagine if you were in there, exploring a new world perhaps. It would no doubt be a dangerous mission to fly inside of the Earth's atmosphere. How terrified would you be if you were 'collected' by the beings on Earth and perhaps studied, concealed and examined? How would you feel if you were never going home again? What would you think? What about your family, friends and loved ones?
If there was a being inside of this craft, and it was responsible for giving the feelings to Barber, it’s akin to a rose being crushed but giving off a beautiful scent. A highly advanced being guided by nothing but love perhaps.
Hermann Oberth, the founding father of rocketry and astronautics, also known as the 'father of Spaceflight' stated his belief that:
"flying saucers are real [and that] they are space ships from another solar system. I think that they possibly are manned by intelligent observers who are members of a race that may have been investigating our Earth for centuries."
He wrote these words in “Flying Saucers Come From A Distant World”, The American Weekly, Oct 24, 1954 and expressed that “the UFOs are a kind of sentinel, here simply to observe and report; because a humankind which is as gifted as inventors and researchers as we are, yet has remained politically and morally on our stage of development, constitutes a threat to the entire cosmos.”
Perhaps he was right, or at least perhaps these opinions at least encompass some of the UFO phenomenon.
I’d like to leave you with this excellent video from Richard Dolan, a legend in the field of ufology.
“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in *your* philosophy.” Shakesphere,
I saw recently a documentary called “Among Us” (2020) on YouTube which I stumbled across accidentally. Real people who had been abducted around the world at a young age in which they spoke of their encounter as a great experience from Beings that have helped them over the years. From what I gathered in this doco was a sense of why they come to Earth and other planets which are in close proximity to our planet (10 light years). These people all said they want to raise Earth’s consciousness (but more to it than that). It was quite an insightful movie that I thought would be “oh here we go again about alien invasions etc” but I was riveted to what these people had to say about their lives since this happened. They also talk with Astrophysicists, Neuroscientists, Biologists etc. Intro is by Caroline Cory who had an encounter while very young.