Documentary Exposes Paedophiles In Parliament & The British Royal Family
Sonia Poulton, a British journalist, social commentator and filmmaker, has been investigating the dark web of pedophilia for years. Her investigations have connected politicians like Margaret Thatcher, 'Sir' Edward Heath, David Cameron, Theresa May and more to the cover-up (and for some, the actual facilitation) of sex crimes against children.
Her documentary 'Paedophiles in Parliament' is a shocking exposé which links many MP's to child abuse. Sonia exposes how the British Royal Family is also tied into this, which may be of interest to some readers given the fact that accusations of pedophilia and sex trafficking against Prince Andrew have gone mainstream.
It's even more relevant now given the fact that Ghislaine Maxwell, a close associate of Jeffrey Epstein and Prince Andrew, is currently on trial for sex crimes involving children.
Accusations of this type of activity are widespread, not only in the United Kingdom which is the focus of this particular documentary, but in the United States as well.
For example, the Franklin Scandal made waves in 1989. Investigations and whistleblower (including children) accounts alleged that hundreds of children were flown around the US to be abused by high ranking political ‘Establishment’ members.
Nick Bryant, an author and investigator, has been diving into the Franklin Scandal for many years. He has spoken about the many issues with the trial that eventually concluded the entire scandal was a 'carefully crafted hoax.' A conclusion many don't agree on, including victims, and one that was brought on with help from law enforcement and intelligence agencies.
But isn't this "bad news?" Why are stories like this important?
Simply put, stories like this allow us to ask questions about the world we're participating in and enabling. So many of us want to live in a beautiful world, and feel that through our current systems and societal infrastructures, we can get there. But this isn't true.
Our systems are set up for domination, profit at all costs, disconnection, control and authoritarianism. It's a culture that is rampant throughout planetary leadership. In order to create change, we must be able to understand and identify what the issues are so we can go about a solution that works at the core. If we don't, we'll continue putting our time and energy into a system that cannot bring about the change we know is possible.
If we knew many of these leaders were capable of this stuff, would we really think they have the capacity to create a thriving and beautiful world?