Facts About The Great Pyramid At Giza That Still Have No Explanation
There are numerous ancient archaeological sites all over this planet that are without explanation. The Great Pyramids at Giza are a great example of this. The modern explanation, taught in ancient civilization classes within our educational institutions, is that they were built by human labor and ingenuity to be a tomb for the Pharaoh Khufu, despite professional Egyptologists dismissing these claims time and time again.
The Great Pyramid contains so many incredible facts that have led to questions that remain unanswerable to this day. Another interesting point to note is the fact that multiple pyramids were built all over the planet at different time periods by civilizations that had no contact with each other whatsoever.
I recently wrote about the controversial Bosnian pyramid complex, which may be 30,000 years old for example. You can read more about that here.
Most Egyptologists estimate between 2.3 and 2.6 million blocks of stone were used to build the great pyramid. It’s important to keep in mind that it originally had an outer casing of white limestone blocks that were perfectly polished and fitted. For thousands of years, it supposedly looked like a gleaming, white structure like no other. Keep in mind, we are talking about structures that were built sometime between 10,500 BC and 3,500 BC. Over time, earthquakes and erosion were responsible for what we see today.
What power could have moved these stones? Each stone has been estimated to weigh approximately between 2 and 20 tonnes each. Think about that, that’s 2.5 million blocks of stone that weight between 2 and 20 tonnes each. How did they cut the blocks with laser like precision and fit them perfectly in place? How did they lift and transport the rocks from their original position? How did they move across the terrain, dessert, water, and sand and then lift them on top of each other in order to build the pyramid?
Even if the workers had achieved the impossible and unimaginable feat of ten blocks piled up on top of each other a day, they would have assembled the 2.5 million stone blocks into the stone pyramid in about 250,000 days, that’s 664 years, not even long enough for the one whom it was supposedly built for to see its completion.
The facts above bring me to my next point.
Building the great pyramids would require the use of millions of people, even at that in my opinion it seams unfathomable -but the number of people is up for debate and differs among many. There would have had to have been a number of mathematicians, engineers, farmers, merchants, an army, slaves and more involved. The point is, could they ALL have lived on the Nile Delta? Think about it, world population at the time was only between 3-7 million. Again, think about the amazing craftsmanship that remains unmatched even til this day, think about the total population of Earth at the time. The population of Egypt alone wouldn’t have been enough. How would they have brought more people in? From where? How would they have housed them all? Fed them all? Transported them all? Perhaps they did?
“We know next to nothing about the how, why, and when of the building of the pyramid. An artificial mountain, some 490 feet high and weighing 6.5 million tons, stands there as evidence of an incredible achievement, and this monument is supposed to be nothing more than the burial place of an extravagant king! Anyone who can believe that explanation is welcome to it….”
Erich Von Daniken, Chariots of The Gods.
The overall precision of the Great Pyramid is Breathtaking.
It’s 750 feet long at each base, situated along the four cardinal points: North, South, East and West. The ratio of its circumference to its original height is equal to the value of pi: 3.14. This is something that’s not supposed to have been known for more than another millennium. Their mathematical and astronomical knowledge and the acquisition of that knowledge remains a complete mystery to modern day scholars.
They were also amazing geographers, perhaps one of the greatest mysteries is the fact that the Great Pyramid is positioned exactly at the latitude and longitude lines that contain more land and less sea than any other place on Earth. It’s right in the ‘geographical’ center of the Earth. This fact alone (out of many) suggest that the builders also knew a great deal about the geography of our planet. It’s hard to imagine they could complete all of this without some sort of aerial view. Again, how this knowledge was obtained remains a mystery.
There is a meridian running through the pyramids that divides the continents and oceans into two exactly equal halves. How could this be done? Is this, as well as the Pi phenomenon just a coincidence? There are too many coincidences for me to believe it to be so. Not only is the actual construction of the pyramids a great mystery, its mathematical, astronomical and geographical significance and precision is even more of a mystery.
I think it’s also interesting to note that if you multiply the height of the pyramid by a thousand million, you are left with 98,000,000 miles, which corresponds approximately to the distance between the earth and the sun.Prior to the 20th century, there was no other human civilization that could have considered replicating it, or come close to doing so. Another astonishing fact is that the Great Pyramid’s base is at I:43,200 which is a mathematical representation of the northern hemisphere.
“In other words, during all the centuries of darkness experienced by Western civilization when knowledge of our planet’s dimensions was lost to us, all we ever really needed to rediscover that knowledge was to measure the height and base perimeter of the Great Pyramid and multiply by 43,200. How likely is this to be an accident?” - Graham Hancock. Fingerprints of the Gods.
The Orion Mystery
There no doubt that the pyramids were designed to fulfill multiple functions. Perhaps some of the most intriguing is not its mathematical correlations to the Earth, but its correlations to the stars. Did you know that the southern shaft of the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid was “targeted like a gun-barrel on the Belt of Orion” (Fingerprints of the Gods, Graham Hancock) during the Great Pyramid Age? The Queen’s chamber was sighted on the star Sirius during the same time. More discoveries have also been made that correlated the Pyramids at Giza and Orion’s Belt.
“They’re slated (stars of Orion’s Belt) along a diagonal in a south-westerly direction relative to the axis of the Milky Way and the pyramids are slanted along a diagonal in south-westerly direction relative to the axis of the Nile. If you look carefully on a clear night you’ll also see that the smallest of the three stars, the one at the top which the Arabs call Mintaka, is slightly offset to the east of the principal diagonal formed by the other two. This pattern is mimicked on the ground where we see that the Pyramid of Menkaure is offset by exactly the right amount to east of the principal diagonal formed by the Pyramid of Khafre (which represents the middle star) and the Great Pyramid, which represents the last . It’s really quite obvious that all of these monuments were laid out according to a unified site plan that was modeled with extraordinary precision on those three stars. What they did at Giza was to build Orion’s belt on the ground.”
Robert Bauval (From The Fingerprints of the Gods, pg. 443)
Today, researchers have been able to use sophisticated computer programming that is capable of plotting the precessionally induced changes in the declinations of all the stars visible in the sky, in any part of the world and at any time period. How the Egyptians were able to do this on their own, supposedly without any instruments like we have today, is mind altering. Research has shown that the Pyramids at Giza and Orion’s Belt were generally correlated in all epochs, except one.
“At 10,450 BC – and at that date only- we find that the pattern of the pyramids on the ground provides a perfect reflection of the pattern of the stars in the sky. I mean it’s a perfect match-faultless – and it cannot be an accident because the entire arrangement correctly depicts two very unusual celestial events that occurred only at that time. ”
Robert Bauval (From The Fingerprints of the Gods, pg. 443)
The earth’s axial precession occurs in a cycle every 26,000 years. This is the phenomenon that alters the declination of all visible stars from Earth,
“Thus from its highest point at the meridian transit it takes the stars of Orion’s belt about 13,000 years to descend to the low point, last registered in 10,450 BC, that is immortalized in stone on the Giza plateau. As another 13,000 years pass, the belt stars very slowly rise again until the belt is back at 58 degrees again,; then during the next 13,000 years they gradually fall once more to the last point registered in 10,450 BC. This cycle is eternal: 13,000 years up, 13,000 years down, 13,000 years up, 13,000 years down, for ever.”
“It’s the precise configuration for 10,450 BC that we see on the Giza plateau -as though a master-architect came here in that epoch and decided to lay out a huge map on the ground using a mixture of natural and artificial features. He used the meridional course of the Nile Valley to depict the Milky Way, as it looked then. He built the three pyramids to represent the three stars, exactly as they looked then. And he put the three pyramids in exactly the same relationship to the Nile Valley as the three stars then had to the Milky Way. It was a very clever, very ambitious, very exact way to mark an epoch – to freeze a particular date into architecture if you like.”
Robert Bauval (From The Fingerprints of the Gods,pg 445)
I’m going to stop here, but the list goes on and on. The pyramids at Giza are truly a mystery, who knows, maybe one day we will find out the truth behind their construction. I personally believe, from everything I’ve examined, that these structures were also used for out of body experiences, and other parapsychological phenomenon, perhaps even energy generation. I also think that there is valid reason to believe that we have not been told the entire story about these ancient monuments in Egypt, that archaeological facts and discovery have been twisted and kept from the masses, information that would change our entire current knowledge of true ancient history. But those are just my beliefs.
Thanks for reading.
Hancock, Graham. Fingerprints of the Gods: Canada: Anchor Canada, 2005
Dolan, Richard. UFOs For the 21st Century Mind: New York: Richard Dolan Press, 2014
Daniken, Erich. Chariots of The Gods. New York: Berkley Books, 1970