Former President of Australian Medical Association Speaks On COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries
Dr. Kerryn Phelps, an advisory board member and conjoint professor at the NICM Health Research Institute, and the first woman elected president of the Australian Medical Association (AMA) was right when she said that "Vaccine injury is a subject that few in the medical profession have wanted to talk about."
She did so in a testimony investigating long COVID and incidents of people who have had repeated COVID Infections. She presented it to the Australian Parliament and addressed the serious side effects she and her spouse had suffered from COVID vaccines. She also spoke out about censorship related to this topic.
"Regulators of the medical profession have censored public discussion about adverse events following immunization, with threats to doctors not to make any public statements about anything that 'might undermine the government's vaccine rollout' or risk suspension of loss of their registration."
Dr. Kerryn Phelps
Dr. Phelps went on to discuss how there are a number of people who have suffered "significant damage to their health from a COVID vaccine" and that the scale of the problem is unknown given the fact there has been "under-reporting" and "under-recognition" of events.
This underreporting factor is a common theme that medical professionals and scientists have been pointing out when it comes to calculating vaccine injuries. In 2011, Harvard medical professors published a paper estimating that only 1 percent of vaccine injuries are reported. Perhaps that number has changed as awareness around the topic has changed, but by how much?
Dr. Peter Doshi, a senior editor at the British Medical Journal estimates approximately 10 percent of total injuries are reported. We know large-scale underreporting of issues is the case with prescription drugs as well. It's not a surprise to see Dr. Phelps addressing this critical point.
How many of these unreported injuries are minor? How many are serious? We may not know exactly but the question is very important.
Dr. Phelps' experience witnessing a serious injury in her personal life may have been the trigger for her testimony to look into the issue a bit more. A decision many other physicians don't make due to the risk of ridicule.
"This is an issue that I have witnessed first-hand with my wife who suffered a severe neurological reaction to her first Pfizer vaccine within minutes, including burning face and gums, paraesethesiae, and numb hands and feet, while under observation by myself, another doctor and a registered nurse at the time of immunization. I continue to observe the devastating effects a year and a half later with the addition of fatigue and additional neurological symptoms including nerve pains, altered sense of smell, visual disturbance and musculoskeletal inflammation. The diagnosis and causation has been confirmed by several specialists who have told me that they have seen "a lot" of patients in a similar situation."
Dr. Kerryn Phelps
Dr. Phelps’ testimony cited dozens of peer reviewed studies documenting dozens of reported side effects from COVID vaccines, some of which are long-term. She is not alone. Thousands of reputable and esteemed scientists, professors and medical professionals have been voicing their concerns regarding the safety of COVID-19 vaccines, more specifically mRNA vaccines.
The data, science, and opinions of these people have been largely ignored by governments and mainstream media, as well as censored by Big Tech companies across the board. This is why throughout the pandemic, we here at The Pulse have felt it was important to present this information to the public in a balanced and accurate way.
These topics are difficult to discuss with people because so many people are completely unaware of the facts and evidence around the issue, and instead simply brush it off as a "conspiracy theory."
In an a recent article I wrote called the "Autopsy Results From People Who Died Unexpectedly Within Days of COVID-19 Vaccination," I outlined some of the evidence and science that supports the idea that these vaccines should be considered carefully. I also explain why I chose not to get vaccinated and provide some rates of potential serious injuries that I was cautious of. You can refer to that article for that specific information, or skim though our website COVID-19 section to to find more.
Sure, there are various concerns with COVID, long COVID and the complications it can cause. This discussion has been thoroughly had within the mainstream, and it's a well known viewpoint. It would be great to see the same rigour applied to COVID-19 vaccinations, which have set world records for injuries that are being reported to vaccine injury surveillance systems across the world.
I'd like to leave you with the following quote from the founder of The Pulse, Joe Martino, from his article How To Think Critically About The Film “Died Suddenly”, which I also urge your to read.
"Let’s not lose the script: we were oversold on the safety and effectiveness of these vaccines. Doctors and scientists around the world who raised questions were censored and told they were ‘anti-vaccine’ without addressing the warning signals they raised, many of which are now proven to be true. The safety signals from these vaccines suggest these are some of the most dangerous vaccines we have ever seen to date, and as time goes on that suspicion many had and reported on is being confirmed by more data. Where there is risk there must be choice, and therefore mandating these vaccines is/was highly problematic. This is one of the primary issues around why so many people are/were upset."
Joe Martino, How To Think Critically About The Film “Died Suddenly”