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It has become increasingly clear in the minds of many citizens that a degree of influence over the structures of elected governments is pushing our society towards determined goals that have little to do with the well-being of the majority of citizens or national governments of this Earth. - Matthew Ehert
So, you want to defeat the bad guys, huh? You want to take down the conspiracy and save the world, I take it?
As the quote shares, we all know that there’s a degree of influence over the governments of our respective countries. When we research more into this idea, we come across terms like “the elite” or “the cabal.” But after further research, we realize these “bad guys” aren’t necessarily a group of individuals in a dark tower pulling the strings. Sure, they are invisible and sure, they exert tremendous influence, but we can’t all gather up in arms and yell, “Strike down the tower and save the world!” We simply can’t.
But fortunately, we can take action. While figurately, it may help us to imagine these invisible bad guys controlling the world from a tall tower, we cannot take action against the building. But what we can do is we can identify the influences of the tower.
The influences of the tower can be seen to take place as the systems that our world is built on. These systems are the intricate details that piece together every piece of our life, reality, and what we call our existence. And if we decided to take a serious look into the origins of these systems, we come across a startling revelation: our systems may have been built by the cabal.
When you look at our modern paradigm of reality, you see that our current world is only roughly 200 years old. This is the premise behind my upcoming book, An Unorthodox Truth, where I analyze, on a multi-faceted approach, the effects of the Industrial Revolution on us here in the States. More importantly, I focus on those key players during that pivotal time because we see that these individuals may have been responsible for the current societal structure we find ourselves in.
From health to government, to education, and to our financial system, all are a result of the last hundred years, so when you look into the origins of these systems, you begin to see the same players and ideologies at play. Now, seeing that this was two hundred years ago, you can’t take down those bad guys, but as the late John Taylor Gatto stated, it helps to be aware of what they have created for us:
“You are at present trapped in a labyrinth built by past generations; our entire nation, too…” John Taylor Gatto, Weapons of Mass Education.
So, step one to taking down the bad guys is first being aware of this labyrinth built around us. It comes in many facets and looks, making the illusion all the more challenging. Now, most individuals know of these systems and how corrupt they are. For example, we know the FDA colludes with Big Pharma and that Big Bank pays the pockets of governments. But at times, we fail to see those other subtle systems. For example, we know the Mainstream Media reports propaganda, but when a strong emotional story grips the nation and sometimes the world, we fail to realize the system for what it is.
We have to realize that this is a system that we find ourselves in, which was built by a powerful few years ago. We must also come to the realization that our parents were in this system and their parents, and their parents parents, were just being born when this system was being developed. Once we realize this, we recognize that we cannot take down this system overnight. However, that does not undermine the power of being aware and knowledgeable of the system.
You see, once you know the system, you can tell how the system moves. You study the system, and you can see how this arm over here connects to that arm over there. You’re able to grow more intimately with the system because you’ve learned so much about the system, and what begins to happen next is that you start to see how the system has impacted you.
If step one to defeating the bad guys is about being aware of the system, then step two is realizing how the system has impacted you.
You see, if this system had been in place for centuries before we were born, how did the indoctrination of education affect us? How did it shape our structure, or morality, our psyche? If we were all born with the use of technology, how does this artificial creation that permeates every area of our lives, how does it affect us? Does it affect our walk, our talk, and does it affect our very health? Speaking of our health, is that affected by the system? Are we taking products from the system?
Most importantly, are we thinking like the system?
The solution to all of this is to go within. To go within requires one to go deep within. Going deep isn’t an easy journey because what happens is that one has to reflect back on life, the good, the bad, and the ugly, and begin to look at them with a new, fresh set of eyes. We no longer look at our lives through the eyes of the ego-centric psyche developed from the system but now from a new set of eyes: eyes that are now aware.
As the ancients say, “know thyself.” The great philosopher Manly P. Hall once stated:
“Every man’s true teacher is his own Higher Self, and when one’s life is brought under the control of reason, this higher Self is released from bondage to appetites and impulses and becomes priest, sage, and illuminator.”
By looking at our lives through this new perspective, we begin to see a meaning to our lives. By looking at our past and present, we can apply meaning to these and start seeing our future. We can look at our experiences, what we liked, what we didn’t like, what we wanted to do, and why we didn’t do it, and from this new perspective, develop an insight into who we are, how we got here, but most importantly, who we want to be. And when we develop this, we develop one of the greatest tools known to humanity: a purpose.
By developing a purpose, our lives and actions align with what we want, from an intimate, deep, soul level, of what we want to do next. We no longer blindly live our lives following the systems set for us. With a purpose, we are now aware of the system selected for us, but we can now use the resources that the system fashions and carve out a new plan for our lives.
When we begin to do this, from one person to another, we begin to develop families, communities, and ultimately societies that have started to pull away from the old system - away from those built hundreds of years old - and toward new systems, ones built upon the experience of the old, but moving forward in a new direction. One filled with bravery, love, and justice for all.
To close, this is how we defeat the bad guys. This is how we overthrow the cabal. But this is just the beginning. As we grow, we realize there are tools, skills, and resources that can help us tremendously in our quest out of “Plato’s cave.” I’ll write about sources like this in How To Defeat The Bad Guys, Part Two, as I’ll dive into more of those resources. Please note that that article will be member-only, and if you’re not a member, here are three reasons to become one.
As always, I thank The Pulse for the space to share this message, and I would like to thank you, the reader, for your time and attention.
Franklin writes on his own Substack called Unorthodoxy, part 2 of this essay will be published there. Check out his work in more detail here.
We can also realize that when the bad guys exert powers openly and brazenly, it is an indication that the regime has entered a period of crisis. The’ ‘Mortal God’, a human technology, a fabrication, aiming at total power. The world’s wisdom traditions have a great deal to say about human efforts to construct ‘gods’.
What can be counted upon is that such ‘gods’ always overreach and are never as omnipotent and omniscient as they believe. While history may be littered with failed rebellions, it is no less littered with failed empires, totalitarianisms, tyrannies, despotisms, and other would be pseudo-deities.
“The most important point to be made here is that as long as we remain egocentric beings, there shall always be sociopaths and psychopaths among us, who inevitably rise to authority driven by selfishness, greed, and apathy – who then capsize their entire sphere of influence despite the best intentions of all the rest of us. This perpetual cycle can only continue its descent until we undergo the spiritual and cultural transformation available by transmuting the egocentricity at its root.” – The Everyone Project
“The egocentricity experiment with human Design has run its course – its climax is our confluence of crises. It is now imperative that we develop metamorphic catalysts immediately – means and methods to efficiently transmute egocentricity and profoundly evoke our innate senses of interdependence and compassion.” – Care To Evolve? – Beau