I wonder about this reality and the stress of it quite a bit and the stories surrounding me. Thank you for your perspective, Joe.

I understand except when I don't, and it all is.

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I like when you discuss how our stress creates the way our society functions. Is is fair to say that it's affecting our level of consciousness? Seems so. I heard the other day that AI is going to make us biologically immortal by 2030... can that possibly be? I imagine yes but still that's incredible to wrap our minds around... plus what does that even mean?

Hoping you bring back some events in the Explorer Lounge where we can discuss this stuff in greater detail.

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You put complex things into perspective so skillfully. It makes me feel less alone and more sane!

I've been feeling weird about all that is happening and how unstable it all feels. Like I can't breathe or find solid ground. A lot of channels pretend to know and love to make big promises, but I don't buy their BS 😜

Your writing keeps me feeling hopeful and grounded. Thanks!

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Everything about this culture is detestable. I can't think of one single thing that isn't. It's violent and savage and everyone accepts this as a given. Don't take this "evolutionary mismatch" too seriously, nothing of durability can come from a scientist. Science is olde worlde now - it doesn't allow itself to be questioned. Our brains are here to handle ANYTHING. But if you put a lock on it, then it will do that. The key thing to understand in this whole universe and which nobody ever thinks it's a thing is - We create what we speak (and think a lot about) That's just the way it is. So why does science say nothing about this? Just imagine - the key to humanity is - we create what we speak! No other creature on this earth can do that! Once we know that then, why choose to speak about the olde worlde, the old paradigm? Why keep looking back? The answer is because you are in the program of degeneration and we need to be in the program of regeneration which means creation therefore we could be creating the present and the future. So what are we waiting for? Do we want to create a just, decent and happy society? It's up to us to decide but whatever we speak about is what we'll create. The results come about in interesting ways and we could be looking at how to recognize this formula rather than look back to the world we are leaving behind.

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Thank you Denise, I love the way you've put this wisdom, you are quite clearly awake. Years ago one of my grandsons, having undergone 3 years of treatment for neuroblastoma woke up calling for his daddy to ask him "Did you know I'm magic? I must tell you...if you say it you will be it!" He was only 4. Out of the mouths of babes and children!

That formula is essential for everyone to learn, little children already know it.

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That's beautiful. Yes children know. And that gets knocked out of us as children. Imagine if we were to foster this belief? There is a tribe (probably more than one) in Africa that when a mother wishes to have a child, she goes to nature and finds the song of that child. She sings the song while the child is in the womb and when it is born. And on their born day, the tribe sings the child's song. Upon their death, the tribe sings the person's song. It's so beautiful. We are magic, we come from music! Your grandson may be one who possess the openness to remember and share this information so we can restore our true humanity.

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