Merck Was Injecting Girls With Aluminum But Told Them It Was A Saline Placebo: This Is Why It's Called "Big Pharma"
The HPV vaccine is one of Merck’s highest-grossing products, bringing in annual global revenues of billions. But new information sheds light on some shady practices.

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I’ve seen some people scoff at the word “Big Pharma.” To someone like me, it refers to the documented criminal activities we’ve seen take place for decades by large pharmaceutical companies.
For example, from 2002 to 2010 Pfizer was assessed $3 billion in criminal convictions, civil penalties and jury awards and set records for both criminal fines and total penalties. This type of thing is disturbingly common, yet it was only during the COVID era that more people came to be aware of such facts.
"A corporation may treat both criminal and civil penalties as simply business expenses, to be weighed against the revenues earned from illegal behaviour. But human beings can be put in jail, and that is a whole other matter. Conceivably, convicting corporate executives of criminal behaviour and sentencing them to terms of imprisonment might be a more effective deterrent to the “repeat offender” behaviour demonstrated by Pfizer."
- Robert G. Evans, PhD, Emeritus Professor, Vancouver School of Economics (PMID: 21532766)
The story below isn’t quite ‘criminal’ per se, because Merck and federal health regulatory agencies believe aluminum adjuvants in vaccines are completely safe, but we’ll get to that later.
What Happened?
A new study published in the International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine, explains how Merck significantly misled the clinical trial participants for its Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine.
Participants in Merck’s Gardasil FUTURE II study were led to believe that the study’s placebo was saline, which is harmless. But instead of injecting saline, the placebo in this trial contained an adjuvant called amorphous aluminium hydroxyphosphate sulphate (AAHS).
AAHS is more potent than traditional aluminum vaccine adjuvants.
As you can see in the image below, the trial consent form stated that “One half of the participants will receive the active vaccine, while the other half will get the placebo vaccine (meaning a vaccine without active substance)” leading the participants to falsely believe the placebo was inactive.
The next image shows Merck’s advertisement informing potential participants that they would be receiving a saline placebo.
A number of trial participants experienced chronic disabling symptoms, including some randomized to the adjuvant “placebo” group.
“We examined the informed consent form and the recruitment brochure for the FUTURE II Gardasil vaccine trial conducted in Denmark; and we interviewed several FUTURE II trial participants and their treating physicians. We also reviewed regulatory documentation related to Gardasil vaccine approval process and the guidelines on evaluation of adjuvants used in human vaccines.
It was found that the vaccine manufacturer Merck made several inaccurate statements to trial participants that compromised their right to informed consent. First, even though the study protocol listed safety testing as one of the study’s primary objectives, the recruitment brochure emphasized that FUTURE II was not a safety study, and that the vaccine had already been proven safe. Second, the advertising material for the trial and the informed consent forms stated that the placebo was saline or an inactive substance, when, in fact, it contained Merck’s proprietary highly reactogenic aluminum adjuvant which does not appear to have been properly evaluated for safety. Several trial participants experienced chronic disabling symptoms, including some randomized to the adjuvant “placebo” group.
- A reactogenic “placebo” and the ethics of informed consent in Gardasil HPV vaccine clinical trials: A case study from Denmark
Senior editor at the British Medical Journal, Dr. Peter Doshi et al found similar evidence after analyzing clinical study reports from the European Medicines Agency dealing with five randomized controlled trials of the HPV vaccine.
The Company’s Response?
“Merck claims its AAHS formulation is proprietary and, to date, has refused to provide samples to independent researchers for testing, so the full composition of AAHS remains unknown.”
- Maryanne Demasi, PhD, is an investigative journalist who writes for online media and top tiered medical journal
Federal health regulatory agencies have pointed to their belief that aluminum in vaccines is completely safe given it’s been used for more than 90 years in vaccines. Along with that, as far as HPV vaccine clinical trials go, justification for putting aluminum in the placebo in those trials was to 'assess the safety of HPV virus-like particles.’
“The stated rationale of using AAHS control-to characterise the safety of the HPV virus-like particles-lacks clinical relevance. A non-placebo control may have obscured an accurate assessment of safety and the participant consent process of some trials raises ethical concerns.”
- Dr. Peter Doshi
People Were Harmed
Several girls who participated in the trials, including some in the placebo group, suffered chronic disabling symptoms, raising questions about the toxic effects of the adjuvant.
“First, this practice needlessly exposes trial subjects to risks only, without any possible benefit, and is therefore a clear violation of medical ethics guidelines which require that research involving human subjects be designed so as to minimize harms and maximize benefits.
“Second, administering a reactogenic compound with demonstrated systemic adverse effects as a placebo comparator will hinder the discovery of vaccine-related safety signals.”
- Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic, one of the study’s lead authors
Aluminum has no place in biology. It’s an extremely toxic substance that originates underground. It’s great for making certain things, like airplanes, but it wreaks havoc on biology.
While fact checkers have often misled the public stating things like “the amount of aluminum in a vaccine is equivalent to canned food” this is misinformed. The aluminum we ingest through food is discarded via digestion, whereas aluminum injected into the body or bloodstream is treated entirely differently.
This is another example of the lack of investigation and nuance on the part of fact checkers and armchair university scientists.
Adjuvants — substances added to vaccines to increase immune response — can produce adverse effects. Aluminum is an effective adjuvant but scientists have long raised concerns about its safety in vaccines because it is a known neurotoxin.
I’ve written extensively on the concerns regarding aluminum in vaccines and what some of the latest science has shown. After doing so for more than a decade, I am often shocked at the lack of knowledge about the science that is shown by health agencies and professionals. This information just doesn’t seem to be getting out there. You can access some of the concerning science/sources here:
Using a placebo that can independently produce the adverse effects confounds the trial results and “nullifies the very concept of a placebo-controlled trial,” the researchers wrote, making it impossible to evaluate vaccine safety.
Merck has conducted multiple clinical trials for Gardasil, first approved in 2006, testing the drug on approximately 30,000 females and males. Claims of vaccine safety based on those trials became the basis for a large international campaign by the World Health Organization to vaccinate 90% of girls globally by 2030 and 80% of all U.S. teenagers by 2030.
In all but one of its placebo-controlled pre-licensure clinical trials for the Gardasil vaccine, Merck used its AAHS adjuvant as the placebo.
Furthermore, the Gardasil package insert claims that the rate of new medical conditions possibly indicating a post-trial autoimmune disorder was the same, 2.3%, among the vaccine and placebo groups in the Gardasil trials.
How Necessary Is The Vaccine?
The HPV vaccine is heavily marketed as a preventer of cervical cancer, but many studies have called this assumption into question. For example, in a study published in The Royal Society of Medicine, researchers conducted an appraisal of published phase 2 and 3 efficacy trials in relation to the prevention of cervical cancer and their analysis showed “the trials themselves generated significant uncertainties undermining claims of efficacy” in the data they used. The researchers emphasized that “it is still uncertain whether HPV vaccination prevents cervical cancer as trials were not designed to detect this outcome, which takes decades to develop.” The researchers point out that the trials used to test the vaccine may have “overestimated” the efficacy of the vaccine.
Another interesting thing to note about HPV infections is when it comes to women in particular, approximately 70 percent of those who get an infection will clear it all by themselves within the first year, you don’t even have to detect it. Keep in mind that only a handful of HPV infections can actually lead to cancer.
Within two years, approximately 90 percent of these infections will clear all by themselves. By three years, 10 percent of that original group will still have an HPV infection, and 5 percent of this 10 percent will have progressed into what are known as a precancerous lesion. There are three types of precancerous lesions, CIN1, which requires no treatment, C1N2 and the most severe, CIN3.
“So now you have that small group (the remaining 5 percent)…who have precancerous lesions and now let’s look at that moving into invasive carcinoma. What we know then is that amongst women with CIN3 lesions, it takes five years for about twenty percent of them to become invasive carcinomas. That’s a pretty slow process. It takes about thirty years for forty percent of them to become invasive cervical carcinomas.”
– Dr. Diane Harper, one of a select few specialists in OB/GYN (in the world) who helped design and carry out the Phase II and Phase III safety and effectiveness studies to get Gardasil approved.
There Have Been Injuries Over The Years
Researchers from Mexico’s National Institute of Cardiology looked at 28 studies published through January 2017—16 randomized trials and 12 post-marketing case series—pertaining to the three HPV vaccines currently on the market globally. In their July 2017 peer-reviewed report, the authors, Manuel Martínez-Lavin and Luis Amezcua-Guerra, uncovered evidence of numerous adverse events, including life-threatening injuries, permanent disabilities, hospitalizations and deaths, reported after vaccination with GlaxoSmithKline’s bivalent Cervarix vaccine and Merck’s quadrivalent or nine-valent HPV vaccines.
Mary Holland, a former a professor on the faculties of Columbia Law School and the New York University School of Law for the past eighteen years who taught courses on human rights, recently retired as the Director of the NYU Graduate Lawyering Program. She co-authored a book titled “The HPV Vaccine On Trial: Seeking Justice For A Generation Betrayed.”
“The HPV Vaccine on Trial is a shocking tale, chronicling the global efforts to sell and compel this alleged miracle. The book opens with the vaccine’s invention, winds through its regulatory labyrinths, details the crushing denial and dismissal of reported harms and deaths, and uncovers the enormous profits pharma and inventors have reaped. Authors Holland, Mack Rosenberg, and Iorio drill down into the clinical trial data, government approvals, advertising, and personal accounts of egregious injuries that have followed in countries as far-flung as Japan, Australia, Colombia, India, Ireland, the U.K. and Denmark. The authors have written an unprecedented exposé about this vaunted vaccine.
Written in plain language, the book is for everyone concerned – parents, patients, doctors, nurses, scientists, healthcare organizations, government officials, and schools. Ultimately, this book is not just about the HPV vaccine, but about how industry, government, and medical authorities may be putting the world’s children in harm’s way.”
We’ve also covered a number of examples of serious injuries in the past decade, before we were subjected to extreme censorship.
For example, a 14-year-old boy named Christopher Bunch passed away a few years ago, and the mother and father claimed that it was as a result of the HPV vaccine. His mother started a petition claiming that her son “died as a direct result of the HPV vaccine.”
The father of the boy, Elijah Eugene Mendoza-Bunch, wrote this via his Facebook page, in January of 2020.
“So back on December 11th 2019 I sent an email to CEO Ken Frazier of Merck song to speak with him about the HPV VACCINE and how it killed my son and how it is destroying lives. Well here we are January 25th (the day I got it in the mail) and this is the response from Merck….”
The letter, posted below, states,
“Multiple independent scientific organizations and major regulatory and public health authorities, including the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have repeatedly evaluated the safety of HPV vaccines. The results of these evaluations continue to be reassuring.”
The Same Old Story Over and Over Again
Lawsuits, injury claims, injury reports in vaccine injury reporting systems and concerning science linked within this article and more are all reasons that HPV vaccines have become quite controversial. Scientists and science that has called into question their safety and efficacy has long been ridiculed. It seems all it takes these days are words like “anti-vaccine pseudoscience” from a mainstream media outlet and concerning, legitimate science is all of a sudden debunked. All of this occurs while many experts in the field are often character assassinated by big sponsored media campaigns. This type of activity was well documented during COVID.
We’ve seen it since we began this work in 2009.
“The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it’s disgraceful.”
- Arnold Seymour Relman (1923-2014), Harvard Professor of Medicine and Former Editor in Chief of the NEJM
Just as we have discussions surrounding the benefits of vaccines, a one-sided only discussion is destroying important facts that shed light on the importance of informed consent and choice.
Totally unnecessary and useless vaccine for HPV. Just another money making scheme by Big Pharma to scare the pants off (excuse the pun) girls in their teens to get this done. How about the parents do some research before they expose their children to these idiotic claims that it stops them getting infected.
Criminals lie and people die. Rinse and repeat.