Nebraska Doctors Now Legally Able To Prescribe Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine
Throughout this pandemic, doctors have been barred from prescribing hydroxychloroquine & ivermectin for patients with COVID. Nebraska state Attorney General Doug Peterson issued his "official opinion" claiming that doctors in the state can now prescribe the two medications off-label, so long as patients give their informed consent.
Peterson's opinion came after a request by Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services CEO Dannette Smith. Smith asked the office to take a closer look at whether doctors could face disciplinary legal action for prescribing either of the two drugs.
A 48-page document was released by Peterson's office detailing research and data that suggests hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin have minor or no side effects when treating COVID-19 patients.
This correlates with a lot of other data that has been collected about the two drugs since their inception. For example, ivermectin has been used to treat several human diseases, and doses have been administered billions of times. We are talking ivermectin human intended ivermectin, not the veterinary version.
The 48-page document explains that there is no available data to justify filing disciplinary actions against physicians simply because they prescribe ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine to prevent or treat COVID. As mentioned, doctors must obtain the patient's informed consent to do so.
Ivermectin has long been used as an anti-parasite medicine whose discovery won the scientists who uncovered it the Nobel Prize in 2015 for its impacts in ridding large parts of the globe of parasitic diseases. Since 2012, numerous in-vitro and in-vivo studies began to report highly potent antiviral effects of ivermectin against a diverse array of viruses.
The drug became more well known for it's controversy during COVID. Governments have cast doubt over it, and mainstream media has long called it a horse 'de-wormer' when discussing its use to treat COVID. Interestingly, Merck's new COVID treatment, mulnapiravir, is a medication also used to treat horses.
Dr. Louis Safranek, an infectious disease specialist in Nebraska, has been prescribing ivermectin during COVID. He said that more than 500 of his patients have successfully dealt with COVID thanks to the drug.
I haven't focused on the legality of it, I focused on the possible benefits that it might have for my patients, many of whom are quite ill with COVID...I've been comfortable using it for patients, I think it's helped. And I've had basically no reports of any side effects with it...I'm happy to have the attorney general's backing in my attempts to use the drug for the benefit of my COVID patients.
Several countries around the world have approved these two treatments, among many others, to treat and prevent COVID. Here's a great summary regarding ivermectin and COVID-19 provided by the Canadian Covid Care Alliance.