New Documents Show The RCMP Falsely Claimed Freedom Convoy Protestors Were Armed
On February 14 2022, the same day the cabinet invoked the Emergencies Act in an attempt to shut down the Canadian Freedom Convoy protests in Ottawa, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) falsely claimed that the protestors were armed.
Ottawa Police Service (OPS) interim chief Steve Bell has confirmed that no weapons were found among protestors after Blacklock's Reporter shared internal documents showing just that. Weapons were never found, and there was no reason whatsoever to assume or believe that the Freedom Convoy protestors in Ottawa were armed.
An RCMP briefing note sent to cabinet deputy ministers titled "Truckers Convoy And Protective Services" reads as follows,
"Intelligence information also suggests that convoy protestors are beginning to weaponize themselves. Officers are constantly monitoring the shift in behaviour and will respond accordingly."
Blacklock's Reporter
The briefing note’s timestamp was dated 12:59 p.m. on Feb. 14. Four hours later, the Liberal government invoked the Emergencies Act, granting police authority to use extraordinary force in clearing protesters from Ottawa’s downtown core.
The RCMP briefing note also said that around 250 uniformed officers were outside Parliament and approximately 350 officers were being “deployed daily in support of our protective mandate.”
Cabinet revoked the Emergencies Act on Feb. 23, just nine days after it came into force.
On Feb. 16, while the act was still in force, Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino told reporters that Freedom Convoy protesters were committing potentially “deadly” crimes. This was in reference to the Coutts border protest in Alberta.
“Dangerous criminal activity occurring away from the TV cameras and social media posts was real and organized,”
Legacy media perpetuated this lie. A Toronto Star article published on March 19 cited an anonymous police source claiming that some Freedom Convoy protesters had loaded shotguns in their trunks. This is one of several examples.
The Pulse was on the scene in Ottawa during most of the Convoy. Below is one of many pieces of footage we captured, you can find more on our YouTube channel. During the thick of things, much of our coverage was actually removed from YouTube, but it was later put back up and restored.
After the Emergencies Act was evoked, Canada also changed the “Terrorist Financing Rules”to shut down any funding going to the Freedom Convoy.
Given that we've seen the false claims of weaponized protestors, what can we assume about the 'terrorism' label when it comes to this protest?
The protest itself was very peaceful and represented love, respect, unity and freedom. Yes, there was the odd person in attendance who might have been rude to mainstream media, but this protest was made up of families and every day citizens. The downtown Ottawa streets were the safest and cleanest they had been during the protest. This does not mean some local residents were not inconvenienced by noise at times, this certainly happened, but what else are people supposed to do in a 'democracy' that does not listen to them?
Regardless of how inviting and peaceful this was, mainstream media and government labelled the protest as dangerous and unruly. This added to the fear some local residents, who never went to see it for themselves. The ones that did, changed their mind very quickly and many even joined in the cause.
Multiple polls actually showed that a large number of Canadians actually supported the movement and cause, which was to end all mandates and respect freedom of choice.
These new documents showing that the RCMP falsely claimed that Freedom Convoy protestors weren't actually armed is important as it shows the Canadian government went to extreme measures, including lying and spreading false information, to shut down something that was so threatening to them.
Without labelling these protests as something dangerous, the government would not have been able to evoke the emergencies measures act to shut down a movement that was a political threat on a global scale. What these protestors were representing and calling for, and the scale of the Freedom Convoy itself, was a threat to government mandates all over the world as it indicated the positions of massive portions of people, "not fringe minorities."
Here at The Pulse we have been actively engaged in FOIA requests to different branches of the Canadian government regarding the Freedom Convoy. Documents we received from the Canadian Security & Intelligence Service regarding the Freedom Convoy via the Freedom of Information Act. The documents were widely redacted, as expected, but still contained some interesting takeaways. Some of the documents showed that the government also linked the Freedom Convoy to 'Domestic Terrorism.'
We expect more documents in the coming months so stay tuned.
Below is a more accurate depiction of what took place during the Freedom Convoy.
As more awaken to the nature of legacy media coverage, they begin to seek out more complete coverage and depictions of world events. This is beginning of a process of questioning the nature of propaganda in our own countries.
We're living in a time where if you disagree with the government in the West, you can be silenced, censored, and ridiculed, not to mention losing some of your basic rights and freedoms. That being said, change is in the air and in multiple countries we see more and more people rising up against governments who take such authoritarian and oppressive measures under the guise of good will.