New UFO Film Questions What The US Government Is Hiding
The US recently released its highly anticipated Pentagon UAP report, but it wasn't much more than a 9 page rundown of what has been known for decades. Regardless, for many, what was promising was that the UFO subject was being taken seriously again - and perhaps many more scientists might get involved.
For decades many have been warning about leaving UFO disclosure in the hands of a government that likes to use crisis' or current events to expand its defense budgets. Further, why would we suddenly expect a government, who has been lying about this subject for 70 years, to suddenly come forth with the truth? What would inspire them to suddenly change their mind?
Perhaps it's because the search for ET is an idea who's time has truly come. We've reporting on this for over 13 years, and are mongst a community of researchers who have been encouraging humanity to look at the evidence for more than 70 years. It feels like an idea that human collective consciousness is more than ready to explore.
The impact the ET question has on our individual and collective worldview has the power to truly change the way we view ourselves and the meaning of life here on earth. Think of the implications answers to this question could have on how we set up and run our society as well. Technology, culture, collaboration etc - I spoke about this more in great detail in my extended interview for Greer's. prior film Close Encounters of The Fifth Kind here.
Now, a new documentary from Dr. Steven Greer, directed by my good friend Michael Mazzola, seeks to explore what the films calls "the current government and media disinformation campaign promoting 3 big lies:"
1. We do not know what these UAPs/ UFOs are. WE DO.
2. Humans cannot make craft that can maneuver like UFOs. WE CAN and WE DO.
3. The UFOs are a threat. THEY ARE NOT.
Bold statements. Watch the film below and see what resonates most with you.