Nina Kulagina: A Real Psychokinetic Documented By The U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency?
It’s quite odd that “paranormal” abilities are, and have been for decades, studied and confirmed at the highest levels of government or what some would consider at levels beyond the government in black budget Special Access Programs, yet brushed off as conspiracy theories, ridiculed, and remain virtually unacknowledged within mainstream academia. These black budget programs are exempt from standard reporting requirements in the to congress in the United States, as outlined by a 1997 U.S. senate report, and based on my research there are also unacknowledged Special Access Programs that have no oversight at all from the government.
Unfortunately they’ve been studied and used for military and intelligence collection purposes, and have always remained “classified” for “national security” reasons. Developments and discoveries within this black budget world never seem to be brought to light or used for the benefit of humanity. In fact, the United States has a history of government agencies existing in secret for years. The National Security Agency (NSA) was founded in 1952, its existence was hidden until the mid 1960’s. Even more secretive is the National Reconnaissance Office, which was founded in 1960 but remained completely secret for 30 years. Our world today is drenched in secrecy.
From the declassified literature alone, there are many examples documenting people with gifted abilities able to do some extraordinary things. This declassified CIA document and this Air Force teleportation study outlines children with the ability to teleport objects in closed containers from one location to another. The containers were never touched or opened, showing that these children could transport the object through the sealed containers. These experiments were done under double-blind controlled conditions.
Another example documents the “paranormal writing” ability of a little girl, and a woman who is able to gather information about a person from simply holding and touching an object that is/was affiliated with the person in question. Then there is the remote viewing program which yielded significant and repeatable results, according to a paper published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration after the program was declassified. Remote viewing is the ability to describe a remote geographical from another location, regardless of distance and time.
This article looks into a woman by the name of Nina Kulagina. I use “real” in the title because the Defense Intelligence Agency report referenced below refers to her as an “outstanding PK (psychokinesis) psychic.”
Kulagina was a citizen of the former Soviet Union. She apparently demonstrated psychokinetic influence on physical objects, and caused quite a stir at the time. In 1968 western researchers attending a conference were shown a video of her in action. There are a number of documents one can find within the Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) electronic reading room that document her abilities and show a high level of interest in them. According to the Russians, Kulagina had been studied by forty prominent scientists, including two Nobel Laureates.
Studies of the electrical fields around her body as well as the electrical potentials in her brain, and more, were conducted by well-known physiologist Dr. Genady Sergeyev, who was working in a Leningrad military laboratory. Exceptionally strong voltages and other unusual effects were observed.
A declassified Defense Intelligence Agency document (page 35) from the United States, written by John D. Lamothe, Captain, Medical Service Corps, reads as follows:
Sergeyev has conducted several years of intensive lab research on the outstanding PK psychic in Leningrad, Nina Kulagina…Sergeyev heightened biological luminescence radiating from Kulagina’s eyes during the apparent movement of objects by pk. Sergeyev postulates that the “bio-plasma” of the human body must interact with the environment to produce pk. Sergeyev emphasizes when target objects are placed in a vacuum, Kuligina is unable to move them. Barcus in the United States reports some unusual occurrences during psychic photography especially of the eyes.
Reportedly, Kuligina has caused the movement of a wide range of non-magnetic objects: (under strict scientific control) of crystal bowls, clock pendulums, bread, matches, etc. In one test, a raw egg was placed in a salt solution inside a sealed aquarium six feet away from her. Researchers report she was able to use PK to separate the yolk from the white of the egg. Observations by Western scientists of Mrs. Kulagina’s PK ability has been reported with verification of her authentic ability. These same Western scientists have reported that as of February 1971, they have not been able to visit or observe Mrs. Kulagina. A veil of secrecy has been placed on Sergeyev and Mrs. Kulagina for unknown reasons.
A report from 1975 when Lamothe was a Major reads as follows:
Soviet research with Kulagina…indicates that energy interchanges, or transfer between mechanisms, may be possible between gifted psychics with inanimate objects. There is evidence that Soviet research with these women (Kuligina is not the only one) also involves attempts to influence animate biological systems. In 1972, LaMothe reported that Kulagina had the capability for stopping and starting the beat of an excised, living, frog heart. If true, it supports the contention that Czech and Soviet claims for “beneficial” applications of biological energy transfer might be imposed on humans. Such dramatic effects illustrate some of the dangerous potential of controlled biological energy transfer.
According to researcher Dr. Jeffrey Mishole, who did his doctorate in Parapsychology,
There is a large gradient between the electrical characteristics in the forward part of Mikhailova’s (Kuligina) brain versus the back part of the brain (fifty to one), whereas in the average person the gradient is four to one. The usual force field around Mikhailova’s body is ten times weaker than the magnetic field of the earth.
During PK, her pulse rises to 240 per minute. There is activation of deeper levels of the occipital lobe and reticular formation. This enhances polarization in the brain between front and back, says Sergeyev. When the gradient between front and back of the brain reaches a certain level, and there is most intense activity in the occipital lobe, radiation of electrostatic and electromagnetic fields are detected by the force field detectors four feet from the body….Heartbeat, brain waves, and force field fluctuations are in ratio. The fields around the PK medium are stronger further away than close to the head. Mikhailova appears to focus these force field waves in a specific area.
In the 1975 report from Lamothe mentioned above, he also mentions that Kulagina experiences dizziness, elevated heart rate, anxiety and sometimes felt ill while performing in front of scientists and military personnel. Lamothe mentions that she had a much easier time and didn’t experience these symptoms and feelings of discomfort, which also affected her ability, when demonstrating her abilities in front of friends, or those who were already open to this type of phenomenon.
There are multiple videos of Kuligina that can be found on YouTube, and various articles attempting to, as with all other “psychics” who have in some way gone public or have been brought into the limelight of the public by others, debunk her and label her is a fraud. This is why I refer to official documentation published and archived by intelligence agencies, because it’s a fact that they took the matter quite seriously and those that claim to debunk Kuligina never really provide any sources. Keep in mind that she is one of many examples. The fact of the matter is that people with these types of abilities, and the idea that these abilities may be real and lay dormant within all of us simply threatens the beliefs and world paradigm of many people. This doesn’t mean that there aren’t frauds out there by the way, but it seems that everybody in this category seems to be listed as one.
Concluding Comments: Humanity still seems to have a difficult time accepting or even looking into concepts and phenomena that may not fit the frame. When it comes to topics like parapsychology, it can be especially difficult due to the fact that it’s been completely ridiculed, labelled as a hoax and deemed a “conspiracy theory” for many decades. This massive ridicule campaign has really closed the collective mind when it comes to even entertaining this type of thing.
That being said, we cover such phenomenon because it’s one of many that is and does have the potential to greatly expand human consciousness and the way we perceive our world. There is still so much to discover about the nature of reality. This is why I believe Nikola Tesla said that “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. ((Saad & Medeiros, 2015) I believe non-material science represents the next scientific revolution.
As I’ve said many times before, it’s not new discoveries, developments and technological advancements that will change the world, it’s the consciousness behind these factors that determines which way as a collective we move. Do we use our discoveries and advancements for the betterment of humanity and in service to others? Or do we use them for control, profit, greed, to build weapons and to feed the ego? Real change comes from within. We cannot change and transform the human experience without an inner transformation, and I believe humanity is currently going through that process.