Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly Has Resigned Amid Freedom Convoy Protest
As of moments ago, Ottawa's police chief Peter Sloly has resigned and will make a public announcement shortly after the Ottawa Police Services Board meeting today.
Since the onset of the Freedom Convoy protest in Ottawa, Sloly has faced intense criticism from residents of Ottawa who felt he wasn't doing enough to handle the situation in Ottawa's downtown core.
Keep in mind, the protest is a peaceful one, that has seen no violence, damage or injuries.
Sloly's resignation comes as sources tell CBC News he's been accused of bullying and volatile behaviour that has damaged relations with senior leadership and compromised the force's ability to cope with the truck protest.
Sources have reported to CBC News that Sloly allegedly belittled and berated senior Ottawa Police Service officers in front of their colleagues, and has failed to put forward a solid plan to end the controversial protest.
Below is a statement released by now former Ottawa police chief Peter Sloly.