Seeing Through The Eyes of A Bee
What can we really know about perception? And have we lost ways of knowing that are our birthright as humans?
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I was intrigued by a video on Facebook about how a bee “sees” humans. See below…
According to the video, the Liverpool Museum allows visitors to experience what it feels like to be a bee.
Bees have five eyes and experience us as patterns of tiny fragments, apparently similar to how they may see flowers.
An Darach, a website that encourages readers to connect with nature, has an article on “How (and What) a Bee Sees.” The piece states that:
“Bees are also thought to be trichromatic, but that they cannot see red because they don’t have a photoreceptor for it. However, they can see the Ultraviolet (UV) end of the light spectrum and so they make colour combinations from blue, green and ultraviolet.”
Our receptors can see red so we make color combinations from Red, Green and Blue – the “RGB” values in our computer screens. Unlike bees, we need instruments to read the ultraviolet part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
What Is Real?
So who is “right”? Or a more accurate perceiver of “reality”?
It reminds me of the famous statement:
“If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern.” ― William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
And while, as Blake says, it is man who has closed himself limiting his knowledge of reality, as in the famous allegory of Plato’s cave, we need to also consider that the narrow range of the electromagnetic spectrum of our eyes is a small sliver of human experience.
There has been much written and studied on how if one becomes blind, for example, the other senses become more active and help to create a more accurate version of reality for that human’s experience.
As we perceive, the brain makes guesses as to how accurate the information is – the more frequent patterns of perception would seem to increase accuracy. But the brain can easily be mistaken.
We Don’t Really Understand How Experience Happens
This leads to the notion of “qualia” – the one aspect of consciousness that science has been unable to connect to purely physical phenomena – the actual “personal” experience we have.
Qualia might be sensing something to be hot or cold, or calm or disturbing.
Qualia are what makes consciousness "hard" to explain in scientific or materialist terms. They are the subjective, first-person experiences that don't seem to be fully captured by third-person descriptions of brain activity or behavior.
When we consider what we know about the bees, and also factor in other parts of the animal kingdom, we know that bats don’t see but use hearing or sonar to navigate their world. To the extent that something exists beyond their own bodies, they interact with it mostly using sound.
Similarly, dolphins augment their other senses with sonar, and along with whales seem to have other ways of communicating their “subjective experiences” with other cetaceans.
There is also anecdotal evidence that some plants have awareness of some kind; we know that trees communicate with other trees through their roots, and some plants seem to even respond to human emotions.
All of these various sensory capacities serve to create each creature's “experience” of the universe within its unique world.
All Known Sensory Capacities are Expressions of DNA
We now know that there is a single organic operating system; DNA is very similar to our own computer code, and seems to be present in almost every known life form (except viruses).
So the question is, what if humanity began to understand that each individual person’s unique experience is a function of their own biological and genetic identity, how might that impact our society?
Remember how it was Tesla who said that when science delves into the nonmaterial realm, it will advance at great speed?
Whatever these nonmaterial energies may be, that create a life form’s experience, they would seem to be universal among life forms – at least on our own planet.
These Ubiquitous Energies are a Common Bond Among Life Forms
Along the lines of ecology, or what we now call epigenetics, what if it was taught in schools that no creature is separate from the totality of existence, or its environment?
Could we begin to fathom that the individual experiences of members of one race, for example, are mirrored in the private worlds of all other races – since they share similar brains, nervous systems and genetics?
Perhaps this would begin to raise the awareness of all humans that along with other creatures sharing this planet we are all part of an immense, mysterious matrix of collective experience.
Joe Martino has asked how we might imagine a world in which humanity has experienced a “shift” in consciousness that might bring more peace and harmony.
Starting with the bees, and continuing through other known life forms, humanity might begin to drop its hubris of separation and “specialness.”
The article on the bees concludes:
“In summary, while both bees and humans use vision for navigation and identifying objects in their environment, the specifics of their visual systems are adapted to their respective needs and environments. Bees excel in tasks related to flower detection, motion perception, and polarization vision, whereas humans have a higher acuity and sensitivity to a broader range of colours in the visible spectrum.”
Science Has Confirmed the Limitations of Our Senses
We now know, with our scientific instruments – especially microscopes and telescopes – that the world of our visible spectrum is myopic and woefully incomplete – just like the universe apparently experienced by bees with their vision of masses of particles.
Telescopes launched into space, in particular, have provided a mind blowing sense of the potential vastness of what is “out there.” Photos taken of Earth from the Voyager spacecraft have provided an eerie understanding of how tiny our planet is compared to stars, galaxies and now clusters of galaxies.
All of this apparent information is gleaned only one way – through Awareness – a nonmaterial knowing shared by all living creatures. Animals may not even have brains or advanced nervous systems like ours, but what is happening during their lives is an exchange of information with their own environment.
Maybe this can finally open us to a broader sense of “scientific” truth that encompasses the deep understanding that subjectivity – or consciousness – is ubiquitous and primary in the universe?
I believe this could be achieved if we educated humans, as the indigenous people did, to sense their connection with the universe through their inner body, rather than only through an intellect that works only through comparison and division.
That would probably create more mystics, like William Blake along with humans that experience their existence in an entirely new way.
And it might actually begin to bring a peace that “passeth all understanding.”
In a world of fast paced life, working two or more jobs just to attempt to make ends meet. Add into that the constant political / economic changes. Most of society is running to stand still. They are constantly programmed to FEAR through the Tell-Lie-Vision a fear based propaganda programming machine in just about every home in every city that runs 24/7-365...
To achieve the level of understanding of the world we exist within. And our own abilities through our various senses and abilities with elevated levels of consciousness. One has to remove themselves from society, for the most part. We have been lied to on such a scale, Generational lies that created traditions and cultures that we believe are truths today because of the lies told to great great grand parents and down through the family tree to us.
When one attempts to bring those lies out to be exposed to the truth, cognitive dissonance becomes an issue. We challenge a belief so ingrained within us subconsciously we cannot accept or at times even hear truth. However, we still need to work through and expose the real truths.
There has been an all out war on the pineal gland of society. Fluoride in the water system, Chemtrails in the skies, GMO in our food, all designed to calcify our pineal gland!!! Why??? Because our pineal gland is the pathway to elevated levels of consciousness!!! If we cannot obtain those levels of consciousness we cannot correctly heal... If we cannot heal the deepest wounds we end up always reinjuring our spiritual body and creating a scratch that when almost healed we re-scratch the same spot. The real wound is the bone beneath the scratch but we cannot address that bone as the scratch distracts us with the blood.
Most will react with I don't believe the Lies, I know the truth!!! To those of you that believe that. I have a couple questions... What document is more important and why? The Constitution or the Declaration of Independence? as previously stated why? An example of the Lies, Who won the Revolutionary War, America, or British?
Are you aware, The Crown of England controlled our Courts, The Judicial Branch of Government, one of the 3 equal branches of government? Are you aware that all attorneys have to pass the BAR to be an attorney? The BAR = British Accreditation Registry. All attorneys hold a Title of Nobility, an Esquire. If England controls our courts, who really won that war??? Nothing is as it appears on the surface.
You can stop the fear based program, start by turning off the Tell-Lie-Vision. That is a good start. Start a prayer or meditation program. Where you sit in quiet with your thoughts, strive for that space where you are No one, No where, No thing, No time. When you learn to find that space, and return easily. You can address the programming and reprogram yourself to align with your creator. You will start to access your frontal lobe and get what I call higher vibrational levels of downloads of information to help you heal and become whole. It's a process. The destination lies within the journey... Peace...