After reading Zechariah Sitchin’s book “The 12th Planet” (book 1 of the Earth (Ki) Chronicles) he states that the moon (Kingu) was a satellite of another planet (Tiamat). Cylinder seals found that depict celestial battles showing Marduk (the 12th planet) and Tiamat (renamed Earth) with Kingu (Tiamat’s satellite/moon) fought a battle where Kingu had been stripped of its vital elements - atmosphere, waters, and radioactive matter where he shrank in size and became “a mass of lifeless clay”. NASA’s findings also alluded to a huge collision “when celestial bodies the size of large cities came crashing into the Moon”. Both NASA’s findings and L.W. King describe the Moon as the “planet that was laid waste”. Cylinder seals found that depict the celestial battle showing Marduk fighting a fierce female deity (Tiamat) with Kingu (moon) trying to protect Tiamat, his creator.

According to the Creation epic Marduk eliminated from the heavens the Sun’s first partner-in-Creation Tiamat. Bought Earth into being thrusting it into a new orbit nearer the Sun. He hammered a “bracelet” in the heavens - the asteroid belt that separates the group of inner planets from the group of outer planets and turned Tiamat’s satellites into comets, her chief satellite, Kingu he put into orbit around Earth to become the moon and shifted a satellite of Saturn (Gaga) to become the planet Pluto imparting to it some of Marduk’s own orbital characteristics (different orbital plane).

The puzzles of our solar system - the oceanic cavities upon Earth, the devastation upon the Moon, the reverse orbits of the comments the enigmatic phenomenon of Pluto - are all perfectly answered by the Mesopotamian Creation epic as deciphered by us.

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We live in a crater on the moon. Crater Earth Theory…the moon is the. Earth…it’s a plasma image reflection in the sky as we see it’s Rumble :Godgevlamste

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The Earth's density is 5.5 g/cc whereas the Moon's is 3.3 g/cc, so the Moon could be up to 40% hollow. It is also possible that as the Earth formed the heavier elements formed the Earth, and the Moon, being further away from the centre of gravity, gathered generally lighter elements.

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There is a zero chance that the moon was captured by the earth's gravitational field as it has remained in orbit around the earth since its known existence without the slightest spin. While in the vacuum of space, every object will retain its momentum including its spin unless a force acts against it. For the moon to be orbiting around the earth in perfect synchronization so that only one side is ever visible from the earth, must have been done on purpose.

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Yes to me that is the most compelling argument of all, that and its location to be the perfect size for eclipses.

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could an outside force then be acting against the moon that we just are not aware of?

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I am quite certain that an outside force did act on the moon to move it from wherever it came from and then again to freeze it in place so that only one side is visible from the earth.

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