It was about this time last year that we moved The Pulse to Substack and we have to say it has been a nice change.
We’ve enjoyed being part of the Substack network which feels like an open and reliable platform to share ideas and not be shut down or censored. New readers are finding our work as a result, and it has been nice to engage via comments with this community.
We’ve managed to build our audience here to about 45,000 readers which we are very grateful for, especially in a time with so much great content out there! We hope to continue to grow in 2024.
We’ve had a lot of fun focusing our content on topics we find meaningful in changing our collective conversation at a time of societal change and awakening.
We appreciate that you have stuck around and engaged with our work as we dive into conversations we feel aren’t easy to find out there.
For the rest of December here, we are taking a much needed Holiday break :)
We also wanted to take a moment to say that we deeply appreciate all of the support you have given us this year, and in all the previous 14 years we have been doing this work! Your care and interest in engaging with us and sharing our content go a long way. Thank YOU!
As we head through tough financial times as a collective, we’ve been losing quite a bit of financial support as well. If you’ve been thinking about becoming a paid subscriber, you would greatly assist us in continuing to spend time creating quality content and working to bring out unique stories.
You can of course still help by sharing our work on social media, inviting friends and family to our Substack, and commenting to let us know what you think!
That said, we truly hope you have a wonderful holiday season! Have a great remainder of 2023 and we look forward to growing with you in 2024!
Hi There I would like to thank you for your diversification of the many topics you cover And I spread the word about your website when the topic comes up in conversation. I do enjoy the authors that have written many of your posts/articles/essays They are great writers. Have a great Christmas and enjoy the beak. Peace
Merry Christmas you lovely people!