Welcome to the three-part analysis of The Brave New World of 1984. This is Section II of three. You can find part I here.
For Huxley's reality to take place, two components needed to happen. One, there needed to be a collective ideology that united the population, and two, there needed to be a way to get people to "love their servitude."
A hedonistic culture needed to be established for individuals to love their servitude. In the YouTube movie Brave New World, you see that society has those two components: the population all thinks alike, and two, they love and have easy access to pleasure, which is described as hedonism.
From the Academy of Ideas, we read that:
“Hedonism is an ethical position that maintains that life's ultimate goal should be the maximization of pleasure and the minimization of pain and discomfort. A hedonistic lifestyle...weakens people, it makes them feeble and incapable of mounting any resistance to fanatical ideologues who desire to rule over society.”
We've mentioned how unorthodox Huxley was in his studies of animal magnetism. Still, he was also well-versed in the latest scientific studies. This shows how Huxley firmly understood and knew nature and how it works.
Here at Unorthodoxy, we do something similar. We study unorthodox themes such as magical principles, e.g., the power of goal setting, and apply them with the latest studies on productivity to manifest the life we want to live.
Regarding those scientific studies Huxley was familiar with, we are now introduced to psychologist BF Skinner and his groundbreaking scientific studies on rats. Interestingly, there are a lot of rat studies out there because these rat studies can mimic what will happen to human populations with great accuracy. If you've seen a study done on a rat, just know that the study's endpoint may have been intended for humans.
Skinner, who is another Machiavellian, was able to show how rats' behaviors can be changed by positive or pleasurable reinforcement. In his book, Skinner dives deeper into this matter. From the Academy of Ideas, we read the following:
The following passage from Skinner's book Walden Two, however, reveals that such mass-conditioning would in reality make possible a pernicious form of tyranny – one in which the masses would be enslaved, yet feel themselves to be free.
"Now that we know how positive reinforcement works, and why negative doesn't, we can be more deliberate and hence more successful, in our cultural design. We can achieve a sort of control under which the controlled…nevertheless feel free. They are doing what they want to do, not what they are forced to do. That's the source of the tremendous power of positive reinforcement—there's no restraint and no revolt. By a careful design, we control not the final behavior, but the inclination to behave—the motives, the desires, the wishes. The curious thing is that in that case the question of freedom never arises." (B.F. Skinner, Walden Two)
At this time in American history, around the 1950s, we must remember that hedonism was not the norm in American culture. In the article, who are the bad guys, we see how the traditional values of a country must be broken down. We can see how agencies like Hollywood worked with the Government to instil in the population this sexually pleasurable society.
This "love for pleasure" has been in work for the last 50 years, and now that technology has caught up, we have the ultimate pleasure devices right at our fingertips. The Academy of Ideas has the following quote that describes Huxley's pleasure-seeking perfectly:
What Huxley called "non-stop distractions of the most fascinating nature" were used by the state as instruments of policy to drown the minds of its citizens in a "sea of irrelevance".
In Huxley's Brave New World, there was a medication known as "Soma." Soma was set to provide the individual "a holiday from reality." In today's world, I would use my pharmacy background to explain that we have the same drug known as "PleasaurRant" which stands for "pleasurable irrelevance." And it also does what Soma did: plugs us into a hedonistic mindset with endless distractions filled with dopamine for us to escape from reality.
But as stated earlier, there are two parts to Huxley's reality. We've mentioned the first being hedonism and now the second being collectivism. Sticking with the Academy of Ideas, we read that collectivism can be defined as:
...a doctrine, or a set of ideologies, in which the goals of a certain collective, such as a state, a nation, or a society, are given precedence over the goals of individuals. Socialism, communism, nationalism, and fascism are all collectivist ideologies.
We've been engrained through public education that we live in this democracy. Sure, we have Democrats versus Republicans, but the idea that we are in a democracy and have the choice lessens the notion that there is no way we have an oligarchy where this ruling class is in control. However, multiple studies have shown that an invisible ruling class is pulling the strings, with the most recent being from Princeton University. This is known as oligarchical collectivism.
Oligarchical collectivism is a system in which an elite few under the guise of a certain collectivist ideology centralize power using force and deception. Once in power, these oligarchs crush not only the economic freedoms of their citizens… but also their civil liberties.
Yes, we do have two sides in the Democratic Party and in the Republican party, but if we look close enough, what we can see is that these sides are both sides of the same coin. We never really focus on the true invisible class pulling the strings.
Another form of magic is known as "karmic retribution," in which the individual casting the magic frees themself from negative karma because they informed the individual they were casting a spell, and the individual consented to what occurred. This is what we see in "Eyes Wide Shut." A movie that informs the viewers of this invisible oligarchical class that runs society.
And so, since we cannot see this ruling class under the guise of democracy and notions such as governmental checks-and-balances like judicial, legislative, and executive, we've had this idea that totalitarianism would never come to our society. Even the Academy of Ideas back in 2017 had the following quote:
Orwell did not believe the totalitarianism which he feared could emerge in a society without it first becoming collectivist. So perhaps what has prevented his fears from coming true thus far is that capitalism did not die as he believed it would and collectivism has yet to emerge fully formed in the West.
The year is now 2023, and as you all know, we have the collectivist idea of "trust the science." This collective idea - which Huxley stated might need biological warfare - unified the world in 2020.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is how the world that Huxley envisioned came to fruition. Not the boots of Orwell in 1984, even though he may have had a better story, but Huxley, in combination with his unorthodox knowledge and scientific studies, was able to accurately predict and assist in creating his reality and funding the ultimate revolution.
This concludes part two of the series, and in part three, we will learn how to be like Huxley. We see how Huxley's predictive programming was effective, and you can now see predictive programming being used elsewhere. For example, the World Economic Forum (WEF) laid out its predictive programming for 2030 in the following released letter.
That WEF post has the predictive programming idea we're seeing in infrastructures being built with concepts such as 15-minute cities and CBDCs. We're also seeing the climatic world of What Happened to Monday being constructed as we have daily stratospheric aerosol injections in our air. And yet no politician seems to discuss this.
This is why what matters is our life, and we will need to take control of our lives with our hands. With that being the case, if magic is a part of nature and is being used against us, is it possible for us to work with nature and magic to create the reality that we want?
That is what we will address in part three of the series.
This concludes Part II of the three-part analysis of The Brave New World of 1984. You can find Part I here.
Alan Watts statement on 'predictive programming' has given credence to that mechanism being used in many, many film and television productions, particularly in our post-WWII era, from 'The Outer Limits' to 'Stargate'.
Parts 1 snd 2 were much interesting. To me an explanation. Most people don’t want to beleive this is even possible. How can some humans be so demonic, « machiavelic »? Thank you for this