Tucker Carlson's Claim of 'Troops Dying From UFO Encounters' Corroborates With Other Stories That Exist Within UFO Lore
Exploring one of Canada's best documented cases of UFO contact.
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During an appearance on the “Full Send” podcast, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson recalled a recent discussion with a Stanford professor, who, 11 years ago, was allegedly tasked by the Defense Department to investigate numerous cases of troops dying due to UFO-inflicted brain injuries.
The host of “Tucker Carlson Tonight” shared that his source, who claimed to have expertise in traumatic brain injury, studied the brains of more than 100 troops who died following such encounters. The professor also told Carlson that there are dozens of open court cases that support his claims.
According to Carlson,
“[In] a number of cases, these things have landed on military bases. ... Servicemen have approached them and they get traumatic brain injury, or they’re killed, […] I’m like, why isn’t this on the front page of the New York Times? I don’t know.”
Susan Gough, a Defense Department spokesperson, told the Military Times that this story is false.
To the everyday person this story may seem crazy, but to veteran scholars in the field, like historian Richard Dolan, long time UFO researcher Timothy Good, scientists like Jacque Valleé and many more, it wouldn’t be surprising.
It wouldn’t be surprising because what Carlson is sharing has been shared by many researchers, experiencers and military personnel over the past few decades. There are multiple incidents and claims that those who have come within the vicinity of some of these unknown objects have suffered various health consequences.
A Few Examples
Take a look at the picture below, for example. It’s a picture of Stefan Michalak, a man involved in a UFO incident in Manitoba, Canada. In 1967, Michalak was treated at a hospital for burns to his chest and stomach that later turned into raised sores on a grid-like pattern.
According to Stefan’s son, Stan Michalak, who co-authored a book detailing his father’s encounter titled When They Appeared:
“I recalled seeing him in bed. He didn’t look good at all. He looked pale, haggard. . . .When I walked into the bedroom there was a huge stink in the room, like a real horrible aroma of sulphur and burnt motor. It was all around and it was coming out of his pores. It was bad.”
The incident is one of Canada’s most well known cases, it became known as the Falcon Lake UFO incident. In 2018 The Royal Canadian Mint even commemorated the event with a new coin.
In the image below, a grid of dots can be seen on Michalak's burned shirt.
On May 20, 1967, he says he saw two cigar-shaped objects with a reddish glow hovering about 45 meters away. One descended, according to Stefan’s account, landing on a flat section of rock. This object, when it landed took on more of a disc shape. The other remained in the air for a few minutes before flying off.
Stefan sat back and sketched it over the next half hour. Then he decided to approach it, later recalling the warm air and smell of sulphur as he got closer, as well as a whirring sound of motors and a hissing of air.
Stefan also said he saw the door open on the side with bright lights inside, and that he heard voices muffled by the sounds from the craft during the encounter. Michalak claimed that the speakers sounded human, with two discernible voices, one higher than the other. He initially attempted to communicate in English and offered mechanical support, assuming the pilots were experiencing mechanical difficulties. His exclamation silenced the talking he had heard. There was no response.
He described the ship as being made of smooth metal and equipped with panels of several different coloured flashing lights.
Eventually, he says, as he walked close enough to the craft to touch it, it began to turn counter-clockwise, and then, all of a sudden, he was struck in the chest by a blast of air or gas that pushed him backward and set his shirt and cap ablaze.
Disoriented and nauseous he stumbled through the forest and vomited. He eventually made his way back to his motel room in Falcon Lake then caught a bus back to Winnipeg.
After Stefan made it back to civilization, he was treated at a hospital for burns to his chest and stomach that later turned into raised sores on a grid-like pattern as you can see in the picture above. For weeks afterwards, he suffered from diarrhea, headaches, blackouts and weight loss, but he didn’t lose his life.
What’s also interesting to note about the UFO phenomenon is that we see critical instrumentation failure of our own aircraft when in the vicinity of some of these objects. One of my favourite documented examples comes from an incident that took place in Iran in 1976,
“Iranian Air Force Jets and a UFO which played “cat and mouse” with them, appearing on radar and “paralyzing” their weapons and electronic systems when the jets attempted to open fire on it….As the F-4 approached a range of 25 nautical miles it lost all instrumentation and communications. When the F-4 turned away from the objects and apparently was no longer a threat to it, the aircraft regained all instrumentation and communications. Another brightly lighted object came out of the original object. The second object headed straight toward the F4.”
Another Notable Incident
A second similar incident I’d like to share from you comes from Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke, a Professor Emeritus at Montana State University who is Cherokee/Choctaw and has been researching the Star People and collecting encounters between them and Native Indians for many years.
In her book, “Encounters With Star People, Untold Stories of American Indians” she details many of these stories, and explains how her fascination with Star People came from stories told to her by her older relatives, like her grandmother, when she was a child.
“My people tell of Star People who came to us many generations ago. The Star people brought spiritual teachings and stories and maps of the cosmos and they offered these freely. They were kind, loving and set a great example. When they left us, my people say there was a loneliness like no other.”
— Richard Wagamese, a former well-known Indigenous writer in Canada. He was an author and journalist from the Wabaseemoong Independent Nations in Northwestern Ontario.
This particular story comes from three American Indians who are military veterans. All three of them were stationed together at an Air Force base when this event occurred.
One of the men was named Arlan. Clarke actually knew Arlan 15 years before he told her his story. She describes how they first met while he served on the interview committee established by her school (Montana State University) in the hiring of a new faculty position that would recruit American Indian students and teach in the College of Education.
Arlan was on the hiring committee, and after Clarke was hired she stayed in contact with him and became part of his extended family.
He frequently stopped by my office at the University on his monthly trip to Helena to meet with the governor’s liaison on Indian Affairs. On one such visit, we sat in my office discussing tribal politics, when I noticed he was staring at the poster hanging on the wall. It pictured a UFO with words underneath it that read, “I believe.” “Do you believe?” he asked, pointing to the poster. “I do,” I replied. “I believe too,” he began.”
“When I was in the service, I was in the Air Force, most indians join the army, but I joined the Air Force. One night the whole base was on alert. An unidentified object appeared on radar. It was headed straight for the base. Several jet fighters scrambled in pursuit. They returned but the base remained on alert. That meant we were all in full combat uniform and dispersed around the perimeters.”
Arlan continues:
Around 2 a.m., a spacecraft appeared. It hovered over the base for a good 30 minutes. There were windows where you could see shadows moving, like someone walking around. We all stood there, our rifles ready to fire. The order never came. The UFO just hovered there, not moving, not making a sound. One foolish airman broke rank and ran in the direction of the craft, shouting and waving his rifle in the air. A beam of light shot out of the craft. He was frozen on the spot. When the light retracted, he fell on his face. A few seconds later, the craft flew away. Two hours later, we were called together and told it was a test and ordered not to talk about the event. I never did. I kept it a secret until this moment.”
“Why now” Clarke asked.
It’s that poster. That craft looked identical to the one we saw that night.“After the incident, did you ever talk to your buddies about it?” I asked. I never did. Within hours of the sighting, I was transferred to a different base. My friends were transferred out the same day. We were given 12 hours to prepare for our transfers. There was a lot of paperwork. We didn’t have much time to talk about the transfers or about the UFO. Some of us exchanged home addresses, but you know how it is when you’re 18. You think you’ll write, but you never do. I never saw or heard from any of those guys again.
Arlan did however know the names and addresses of the men when they were enlisted, and through that Clarke was able to track them down for a chat. Keep in mind this incident occurred decades ago.
Clarke asked Max about the UFO incident.
Yes, I remember. The brass told us never to talk about it. In fact, the said if we did talk, they would come after us. They told us we had witnessed a top-secret test to determine how we would react under unusual and stressful situations. I never believed them. It was a barefaced lie, and they thought we were so inexperienced and dumb that we would buy into anything…They said it was an experimental craft. It was all lies. Not even the big boys knew what that craft was or where it originated. They were shaking in their boots and the last thing they wanted was for the word to get out.
Arlan, Hank and me – we were sent to protect the entrance to the base. We took our positions and waited for an unknown enemy. We must have been there for over an hour. I was cold and my teeth were chattering. That’s when it happened. The craft came out of nowhere. Not a sound. Suddenly it just appeared hovering silently over the base. We didn’t know what to do. We are all nervous as hell. Our commanding officer told us not to fire, but to be ready to respond if something happened. This one guy, I don’t know if he lost his mind or what, went running toward the craft shooting. A light came out of the craft and he was stopped in his tracks for just a moment as though he was paralyzed, and then he dropped to the ground unconscious. A few moments later, the craft moved silently upward and disappeared into the night.”
A couple of years later, after I re-enlisted, I ran into one of the medics who was on-duty at the hospital that night when the UFO appeared. He told me that the guy was burned all over this face and body. He said he heard a doctor say it was radiation. He said they kept him in a sleep-induced coma for a while, and then they just let nature take its course. He died within a month of the incident.”
As you can see, the two examples above are just one of many stories I’ve come across in my 15 years of research into the phenomenon, and there are many such stories.
This is why when I came across Tuckers Claims, I didn’t really doubt them and wasn’t really surprised to hear it.
Thanks for this post. I think it's pretty obvious that there are other life forms in this vast universe. It seems they have visited us, and are likely technologically advanced to get here. UFOs and other life forms will definitely also be used to advance defense contractor agendas and government agendas. Our government may have this technology, anti-gravity, already. We don't know how many of these supposed alien attacks are actually governments testing technology and advanced weaponry. I like Steven Greer's work on the subject. I get so excited to be living during this time where many more of us could witness other life forms! 😄🌈 That is something I definitely don't want to miss.
The public has been programmed to dismiss aliens and UFOs as fantasy, while the government black ops programs investigate it with compartmentalized secrecy. Now why would that be? It has to do with the deviant psychology of our leaders.