My thoughts: sorry, I hardly ever watch videos. Why? For one: in a small apartment the only way to do so is with headphones or I annoy my partner with the sound from the video. I don't like headphones for long.

The second reason is that I usually have plenty to keep me occupied and interested, mostly things I read in my spare time. With a written article I can skip sections I find uninteresting or which contain facts I already know. Not so in a video!

Thirdly, I find that I retain information better and for longer if I have read it. For example, I'm hopeless with so-called "instruction videos", like for solving mechanical or computer problems. I remember maybe three steps and then have to go back and look for step number four.

Lastly, don't take this personal [!!], a lot of people have the tendency to waffle on before they get a point across. The result: videos quickly bore me!

Indications of my dislike of video or film: since 2012 I don't own a television. And several months ago I decided to block the data access for my YouTube app because it only annoyed me. I very occasionally watch travel videos from overlanders, who mostly I know personally. But that's it.

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Loved this, great to see you back on video too. I read many comment sections on articles and videos. Almost always it's pessimism or polarizing. It has become cultural I think. I do wish CE had more influence like in the past. We need you guys right now. ❤

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This is exactly what I’ve been working on: maintaining awareness of what’s going on in the world without losing my head; at times a very difficult process. Thank you Joe and CE

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Beautiful! There is a skill to learning to have and hold OUR energy, and allow the other folks, world and 'things' out there to have it's own energy. I remember during COVID there was a moment for a couple weeks where I lost my head a bit. I felt angry and frustrated BEYOND what was a natural reaction from having a boundary crossed. Instead of a temporary 30s moment of anger, I was getting stuck in it for hours and it would trigger easily for those couple of weeks.

There was a Dr I wrote about a year or so back who was telling everyone to never watch the news because it's negative. I offered a critique of her position as I felt she was throwing the baby out with the bath water and not helping folks build capacity. There's a dance of knowing how we feel, where our capacity is, taking breaks, feeling good, and building capacity... it sort of all happens at once. This is what some of my upcoming offerings will cover :)

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Very very hard but that’s the only way to remain sane ! Following the same line …

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My thoughts?

YouTube. No thank you.

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I can understand that, YouTube has been a pest for sure., especially to us over the years.

At the same time, from a creator point of view, there is no better video platform. I know, sounds wild. But essentially the alt platforms like Rumble are just echo chambers and their tech backends aren't very good. They only give good reach to the celebrities they've paid millions to in order to come over to their platform, while other creators get nothing. Sadly, YouTube remains the best for reach, income, and quality of audience, even if it is nowhere near perfect.

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Thanks Joe. I can appreciate that and wish you all the best with it I don't use rumble much either to view.. As you say it's an echo chamber and poor imitation. On the off chance someone ever has the capacity to copy/mirror/shate it to Odyssee I would willingly watch .

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Great to see you back! I always settle into a sense of peace when I listen to your stuff.

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Thanks man! I think this video format will be the easiest thing to engage for the remainder of 2024. But we shall see :)

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Nail on the head.

How to explore... some framework... and that sense of 'relief' and not only 'be okay' with not knowing ... thrive... movement happens...

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Indeed! Some loose constraints help point to a direction. Finding safety in the moment and body helps increase the tolerance for uncertainty :)

Hope you're well! I have a couple emails of yours to respond to!

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'not knowing', being uncertain, letting go of importance by not deciding anything FOR SURE, hanging on loosely to what i think IS... all brings me so much comfort and feelings of safety... i do still need to be mindful of what my part is in this board game we are playing and step in and out of it, sure... we can line our reality up in some powerful ways, i think

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