Whistleblower Gives Congress Info On Crash Retrieval Programs For Craft of Non-Human Origin (UFOs)
A former intelligence official turned whistleblower has given Congress information about covert programs that he says posses retrieved intact and partially intact craft of non-human origin.
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David Charles Grusch, 36, a former combat officer and a veteran of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), as well as the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), has blown the whistle on UFO crash retrieval programs.
He has given Congress and the Intelligence Community Inspector General detailed classified information about programs that, according to him, possess retrieved craft of non-human origin. He says that he came forward because this information has been illegally withheld from Congress, and that he has also been illegally threatened.
Grusch served as the reconnaissance office’s representative to the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force from 2019-2021. From late 2021 to July 2022, he was the NGA’s co-lead for UAP analysis and its representative to the task force.
As The Debrief explains,
“The task force was established to investigate what were once called “unidentified flying objects,” or UFOs, and are now officially called “unidentified anomalous phenomena,” or UAP. The task force was led by the Department of the Navy under the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security. It has since been reorganized and expanded into the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office to include investigations of objects operating underwater."
Grusch said the recoveries of partial and full craft have been made for decades all the way up to the present day. This also includes other programs within foreign governments and defense contractors as well. He said that it is known that some of these objects are confirmed to be of non-human origin, be it extraterrestrial or simply unknown.
Let that sink in. Grusch is claiming that governments are still, in no way, being honest about what they know, even though they are setting up programs and posturing as if they are being transparent.
The 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), signed into law by President Joe Biden in December, included an amendment requiring the Pentagon to give high-ranking Senators classified reports on any previously undisclosed programs like the one discussed in this article. The new provisions also provide protection for whistleblowers who want to come forward.
Dr. Garry Nolan from the Stanford University School of Medicine also recently mentioned this fact while mentioning his knowledge that people have been working on reverse engineering these objects.
So it’s not a surprise that Grusch is coming forward now.
Karl E. Nell, a recently retired Army Colonel and current aerospace executive who was the Army’s liaison for the UAP Task Force from 2021 to 2022 and worked with Grusch there, characterizes Grusch as “beyond reproach.”
It seems NewsNation was the first to break this story.
Other intelligence officials, both active and retired, with knowledge of these programs through their work in various agencies, have independently provided similar, corroborating information, both on and off the record.
Tennessee Congressman Tim Burchett has stated multiple times that the US government may be reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology.
He recently told Newsweek that he believes the US has “recovered a craft at some point, and possible beings.”
"Too many people in the know have told me that, and that we had to do something with these multiple craft that have crashed and we do not have the technology....I just believe it in my heart. I've talked to too many pilots, top pilots, our Navy pilots, the best pilots in the world, that have said this is what they've seen."
Then there is Eric W. Davis, a renowned astrophysicist, the Chief Science Officer of EarthTech Int’l, Inc. and the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin in Austin, Texas. He is the Owner/Chief Executive/Chief Scientist of Warp Drive Metrics. They do consulting and contracting for the Department of Defense. He is also an Adjunct Professor of Astrophysics, Space Physics & Engineering Research at Baylor University.
Davis stated in 2020 that in some cases the examination of the material retrieved from some UFOs has, according to the New York Times, "Failed to determine their source" which has led Davis to conclude, "we couldn't make it ourselves."
The New York Times went on to explain,
"Davis, who now works for Aerospace Corp, a defense contractor, said he gave a classified briefing to a Defense Department Agency about retrievals from off-world vehicles not made on this Earth.”
I’m Tired of Hearing About “Project Bluebeam.” But I Understand.
When it comes to the discussion of UFOs, people are quick to claim it’s entirely a psyop to distract the public. But this analysis truly does not make sense when taking a look at the entirety of the evidence.
Project Bluebeam refers to a supposed covert program that uses high-tech holographic technology to stage events. In this case, many people believe certain UFO sightings are a product of Bluebeam technology. There’s only one problem, there’s no credible evidence for this claim, it’s just a belief that’s not really backed by anything.
I understand why people would be inclined to believe this, however. Governments have deceived and lied to the citizenry on so many important subjects over the years that it’s truly hard to believe anything they say. Based on my research, there are events that have been staged, just take a look at false flag terrorism, for example. But there have also been real events, like 9/11, that were perhaps planned but the explanation given to the citizenry was a complete lie. And then there are real events where the collective perception of humanity regarding these events is influenced in an inaccurate way.
I wrote about this in more detail here:
Anybody who has studied ufology and sifted through the evidence and lore knows that it is an extremely vast topic that leaves no aspect of humanity untouched.
What we are most likely to get from the government is a simple, extremely watered down and sanitized version of disclosure – something that will most likely not be an accurate version of the truth. This may include a false alien invasion perception or threat narrative that’s beamed into the consciousness of the citizenry through various forms of propaganda.
At the end of the day, I believe as mainstream UFO disclosure continues to ramp up exponentially it will simply be used to justify heightened security measures, like space-based weapons. But perhaps I’m wrong.
The fact remains, objects of this nature have been reported for centuries. For example, an event that took place in Nuremberg, Germany in 1561 documented a number of “cylindrical objects” appearing in the sky. Then, from the objects emerged small round objects, and disk shaped objects that were red, black orange and blue. The story was covered in the printing press, which you can see below.
I don’t think governments had holographic technology back then, do you?
There are literally hundreds of examples of well-documented cases. Another comes in the form of a ninth-century Latin passage which is still inspiring the works of multiple UFO researchers around the globe. 'Liber contra insulam vulgi opinionem' is the name of the document.
In this document, the Archbishop of Lyons complained about a belief among the French peasantry regarding a “certain region called Magonia from whence come ships in the clouds.” The Archbishop even said three men and a woman who had claimed to have “fallen from these same ships” had been stoned to death, an event he personally had witnessed.
I don’t know where the ‘mainstream’ is going with modern day UFO disclosure, but I do know that the phenomenon is very real. That doesn’t mean I trust governments and “official” explanations. In fact, governments have long spread misinformation into the UFO field.
Who is to say they are not in the process of doing it again? Furthermore, why are so many stories shared over the past 5-plus decades by other whistleblowers and high-ranking people been completely ignored?
Branches within the government now claiming that they are only beginning to study and take interest in the phenomenon is neither accurate nor genuine. It’s completely false. It sets up the opportunity for these departments to control the narrative around the phenomenon, and provide the explanation.
Information warfare is at an all-time high. Big tech organizations have been active in censoring certain political views, information, science, and evidence that calls into question government measures against COVID, and more.
Organizations like NASA and governments suddenly claiming that only now will they begin to investigate the UFO phenomenon puts them in a prime position to explain the phenomenon, to relay “new” discoveries to the citizenry.
i agree with what you wrote here: "I don’t know where the ‘mainstream’ is going with modern day UFO disclosure, but I do know that the phenomenon is very real. That doesn’t mean I trust governments and 'official' explanations."
i have been researching the UFO phenomenon for several decades, and this new take on it -- starting from the time the new operant term "UAP" (coined by Nick Pope), was adopted by the gov't and by researchers aligning with the gov't's narrative -- seems significantly different in some important respects, than the previous period where the gov't denied everything about "UFOs." i find, for example that prior to the advent of the UAP term, more detailed testimonies were released by experiencers and contactees, each with a much more coherent and understandable picture of ET visitation and their agendas, whereas the material being published after the UAP term's adoption, has generally been more suspect in regards to its authenticity.
My view is -- though many may disagree -- that some ETs have been here and intimately involved in Earth affairs for a very long time, whereas other ET races like the Zetas (a particular race of Greys) are recent newcomers whose arrival effected a dramatic shift in the status quo of ETs involvement on the planet. Currently in the USA, the overall ET's base of operations is centered on the CIA (which Kerry Cassidy also affirms), and at the global scale, the Committee of 300 https://www.cia.gov/library/abbottabad-compound/4A/4A92FD2FB4DAE3F773DB0B7742CF0F65_Coleman.-.CONSPIRATORS.HIERARCHY.-.THE.STORY.OF.THE.COMMITTEE.OF.300.R.pdf
Jacques Vallee has written a number of books describing how the UFO phenomena, although 'real' as far as it being an intentional act from an outside source, is basically a Psyop (a psychological operation of deception (whether by real ETs, the CIA or some other element)). According to Vallee, all such apparent ET encounters (throughout history, as well as those reported currently) are intended to deceive the experiencer, and through the wide dissemination of reports of these deceptions, as truth -- that Psyop would also make its way into our common knowledge and beliefs about ETs. From my own limited personal experiences with ETs, as well as my research on the subject and interviews of other experiencers, i would say that Vallee's thesis of intentional deception, may be true for only some such phenomena, but certainly not for all genuine encounters.
Vallee, in most of his previous books, e. g. "Messengers of Deception," has been very quick to see objects appearing from the sky with a message for humanity, e. g. the infamous UMMO event -- as a harbinger of deception, however now in his book, "Trinity", he unequivocally abandons his longstanding skeptical eye, for an almost religious one:
“. . . one month after the awesome atomic test . . . a weird object came out of nowhere, circled the sky . . . only 10 miles north of Trinity and crashed . . . as if to underline the enormity of what had taken place; or to acknowledge it? Or to offer a warning perhaps, a sign that somebody else had been watching? Or even, in my own speculation, to open a parallel historical and strategic path, one that superseded even the taming of the atomic force?" Trinity, p. 5
i would say "Trinity," (which includes interviews of witnesses by Paola Harris who poses quite leading questions to them) is still much in the same "deception" vein as Vallee's previous books -- however "Trinity" is not about revealing to the reader, the inherent deception of the phenomenon in its many guises, but rather about perpetrating a Psyop itself -- on the reader. Vallee does this through first a calculated narrative portraying a deep, transcendental message to humanity behind the Trinity fission detonation, followed by his very personal conclusions on what we must all take to be ET's statement on this matter (apparently supported by the new evidence he has so meticulously dredged up). (Didn't UFO researcher and nuclear scientist, Stanton Friedman, say much the same, i.e. that after Trinity, the ETs realized, "The children have found the matches" ?)
To highlight the radical perceptive shift that one can experience with the simple change of acronym -- from 'UFO' to 'UAP' -- something that never existed before (the UFO), or was only, as for Valee, a messenger of deception -- miraculously transforms through seeing it in its true form (as the UAP), and enables millions to be illumined with "a straight answer" on the ET issue. As an example of this transformative effect, former Deputy Assistant of Defence for Intelligence, Christopher Mellon had apparently been so deluded by the false idea of UFOs (which he may have not realized, are not real), whereas, he now knows, he should have sought in all those black ops files he scrutinized while in his official capacity at the DoD, the incontrovertible evidence readily available there on the "UAP":
Mellon in an interview in 2016: "I highly doubt DoD or any other government agency is concealing UFO information. I participated in a comprehensive review of DoD's black programs and spent over a decade conducting oversight of the national foreign intelligence program, an almost totally separate world of secrets. I visited Area 51 and other military, intelligence and research facilities. During all those years, I never detected the faintest hint of government interest or involvement in UFOs." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Mellon
Mellon on the back cover of "Trinity" published in 2021: “Thanks to the quiet, meticulous research of Dr. Jacques Vallee and Paola Harris, there is fresh reason to believe that our government is concealing physical proof of alien technology. Read the book, and if persuaded, join the millions of other Americans seeking a straight answer.” https://www.amazon.ca/TRINITY-Best-Kept-Jacques-F-Vall%C3%A9e/dp/B0B8BPCK1R?asin=B0B8BPCK1R&revisionId=&format=4&depth=1
In fact, seen for what it really is -- Vallee's book, "Trinity" -- is very good evidence that ETs (the Zetas in particular) are indeed here in our midst, and are behind the voice of Vallee, Paola Harris, Christopher Mellon, and the gov't's new agenda of celebrating 'the revelation of the UAP.' The Zetas have previously gone on record with a number of people (e. g. ascension teacher, Drunvalo Melchizedek; hybrid agenda promoter, Suzy Hansen; and remote viewer, Paul Elder) about their intense opposition to nuclear fission detonations, which they claim have adversely affected them in other dimensions. Their reiteration of their message now, about the universal impact of nuclear detonations, through Vallee and his reputation (who had been promoting a different message about ET's untrustworthiness until they apparently made their case to him), is just one good piece of evidence that the Zetas are indeed here among us, and in bases underground and under the sea, and that we should take their presence and intentions for planet Earth, very seriously.
Is the United States govt the only govt on Earth that has discovered artifacts of extraterrestrials?