13 Years Ago Julian Assange Published Collateral Murder: Now He Faces 175 Years For Exposing War Crimes
Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange has been in prison for several years experiencing torture while he awaits possible extradition to the United States. All this for exposing truth.
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Yesterday marked the 13th anniversary of WikiLeaks’ publication of the Collateral Murder video. The video, which you can see below, shows how two US Apache helicopters participated in the unprovoked slaying of 11 Iraqi people including two Reuters journalists. Two young children involved in the incident were also seriously wounded.
As a result of exposing this and various other warcrimes, Julian Assange faces a 175 year jail sentence if extradited to the US.

After the video was released one of the soldiers involved in the incident, Ethan McCord, shared the following:
“If you feel threatened in any way, you’re able to engage that person. Many soldiers felt threatened just by the fact that you were looking at them, so they fired their weapons on anybody that was looking at them because they (I) felt threatened. We were told if we were to fire on anybody, and if it were to be investigated, that ‘officers will take care of you.’ ”
“We were told by our battalion commander to kill every m***** f****** on the street. Many soldiers would not do that, we decided we were going to shoot into the rooftops of buildings because, if you didn’t fire, the NCOs in your platoon would make your life hell.”
“This happens on a daily basis, destroying vans full of children, the destruction of the Iraqi people happens on a daily basis.”
For those of you who don’t know, Assange is the founder of Wikileaks, an organization that obtained genuine classified documents from various sources. These documents exposed various war, environmental, financial and other crimes by multiple governments around the world, especially the United States.
They also revealed the corruption within the intimate relationships between big multinational corporations, whether it be pharmaceutical or big food companies, and agencies like the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). In short, many of these documents exposed unethical and immoral actions by powerful entities that are tasked to serve the people.
Assange was charged under the Espionage Act and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, largely for actions rightfully recognized as protected news-gathering practices.
Assange has been held in prison in the United Kingdom for several years, subjected to torturous treatment while the US attempts to to extradite him to face criminal charges.
Unprecedented Events
For the first time in history the US government has brought criminal charges against a publisher for the publication of truthful information. This establishes a dangerous precedent that can be used to target all news organizations that hold the government accountable by publishing its secrets. And it’s equally dangerous for journalists who uncover the secrets of other nations.
Over the past few years we’ve seen an unprecedented amount of censorship of independent media outlets who present truthful information that calls into question government narratives. This effort continues to gain momentum and strength.
The Espionage Act was originally intended for use against spies, but it’s now being used against journalists and whistleblowers. These charges against Assange threaten to criminalize reporting in the United States and around the world.
Proponents of Assange’s extradition would argue that he threatened national security. We would argue, as would many others, that national security has become an umbrella term to censor information that exposes unethical and immoral actions of corporations and governments. It’s simply used as an excuse to justify these actions for ulterior motives, be it financial or political gain, while simultaneously deeming these actions as necessary and good for the collective.
When I write about Julian Assange I always like to share a hard-hitting quote from Nils Melzer, Human Rights Chair of the Geneva Academy of Int. Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, Prof of Int. Law at the University of Glasgow, UN Rapporteur on Torture and Other Inhumane or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
“How far have we sunk if telling the truth becomes a crime? How far have we sunk if we prosecute people that expose war crimes for exposing war crimes? How far have we sunk when we no longer prosecute our own war criminals? Because we identify more with them, than we identify with the people that actually expose these crimes. What does that tell about us and about our governments? In a democracy, the power does not belong to the government, but to the people. But the people have to claim it. Secrecy disempowers the people because it prevents them from exercising democratic control, which is precisely why governments want secrecy.”
WikiLeaks’ threat to the powerful was recognized and every effort was and is being made to criminalize anonymous leaking, and basically make it extremely taboo to question big government on any major geopolitical/world issue.
“Julian was just doing his job, which was to publish the truth about wrongdoing. His loyalty is the same as that which all journalists should have: to the public. Not to the spy agencies of a foreign power. He published evidence that the country that is trying to extradite him committed war crimes and covered them up; that it committed gross violations that killed tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children; that it tortured and rendered; that it bombed children, had death squads, and murdered Reuters journalists in cold blood; that it bribed foreign officials and bullied less powerful countries into harming their own citizens, and that it also corrupted allied nations’ judicial inquiries into US wrongdoing.”
At the heart of any meaningful action in our world is our ability to make sense of reality and unite on a direction. The problem we face in sense-making is breaking down as we are shutting out balanced inquiry and pretending that anyone who opposes an idea in the mainstream is just operating off of ‘misinformation.’ How can we even make sense of what’s going on in our world if there is no transparency?
i wouldn't call the actions of the NCOs during the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan by foreign Western powers, "corruption" or some kind of rogue free-for-all. This apparent indiscriminate killing of innocent civilians was entirely planned and orchestrated at the highest levels. These crimes against humanity were being kept from journalists by restricting their mobility to the Green Zone where it seemed like a normal war was being waged. Investigative journalist, Jeremy Scahill (see his book Dirty Wars: The World Is a Battlefield), surreptitiously ventured outside of the Green Zone and interviewed those who had been at a wedding which was invaded covertly by a team of US Special Forces, killing a number of people -- some of whom had, in fact, been supportive of the US invasion. So the agenda was clearly to turn the citizens of the invaded country against the invaders, through the general outrage being held among the population, where these barbaric acts were known by all. Ultimately the objective was to create the "terrorists" to take revenge against the Western invaders and their perceived ideology, as well as channeling this through a "radicalization" of the native religion, so that an image here in the West of an ideological threat was maintained, rather than one of simply 'people fighting against perceived atrocities of the occupiers.'
As well, corruption was deliberately facilitated in the installed governments of the invaded countries like Iraq and Afghanistan -- to provide the Western media with scapegoats for the eventual failure of the war. In fact, it was never about winning any war, but rather micro-managing it, and maintaining a continual state of 'being at war' to facilitate the psychological manipulation of the minds of people at home, by keeping the 'enemy threat' prominent on the nightly news. It also importantly enabled the Military Industrial Intelligence Complex to source unlimited government funding w/o the usual oversight (since it is a war, for heavers sake, and our way of life is at stake) -- trillions which only they know what they did with (but it is less than likely it involved anything to do with spreading democracy or ensuring girls had a right to an eduction or even enhancing their own citizen's standard of living).
The notion of "corruption" being behind any of this is just another Psyop smoke screen to keep people from seeing the real truth. As soon as corrupt public officials, or even corporation CEOs who misused public money, are cast before the public eye, with the ready help of the self-serving legacy media eager for scandal, our pursuit of truth will hit a dead end block through the emotional outrage we experience as well as the gossip potential generated to share the indignation, and few will feel the need to look any farther.
Exactly the same type of Psyop was perpetrated in regards to the Plandemic, as revealed recently by Alexandra Latypova, a former Big Pharma executive, in interview with Robert F Kennedy Jr. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/military-covid-vaccines-rfk-jr-podcast As Latyova discloses, it was never about Big Pharma greed in creating toxic vaccines; they were just handed the vials by the olde Military Industrial Intelligence Complex, so that people would be more comfortable jetting a jab of something with the usual Pfizer etc. brand name on it (while the pharma companies willingly accepted B$$ for their rendering of service (but it's not greed, if it's a gov't handout)).
So this is why they have tortured Assange and imprisoned him (for 175 years, whereby he will potentially then be himself responsible for his own death, from old age) -- but not because he revealed military secrets (since they don't really care about winning the war or how many US soldiers die), but so that his public image could be manipulated. It's also not about making Assange an example for others thinking to do a similar deed, but rather because what he revealed, couldn't be easily Psyoped away in the public mind and became a danger of outing the government's 'War for Only the Sake of War' agenda. By not executing him, it prevents him from becoming a martyr, and keeps his image in the public mind, open for manipulation. Through revealing that he is being psychologically tortured and that he has suffered a mild stoke, it paints an overlay of intellectual incapacity over his hero image in the supporter's mind, since many people need a strong and capable hero-image to associate with an alternate reality that the government and media denies. Any truth that's not collectively-accepted (that isn't general knowledge) remains closely tied in people's minds, to the originator of that alternate viewpoint, or in Assange's case -- the recognized disseminator of the material leading to the alternate viewpoint. And if this image that many have of Assange -- as an original whistleblower out to do good in the world, then becomes tarnished by visualizing him losing his faculties through mind control -- the truth he revealed (that war crimes were being committed and even authorized by those in charge) -- also becomes more questionable w/out the hero image to uphold it against the onslaught of government propaganda and perceived pubic opinion.
George Orwell demonstrated this effect, in his book "1984," where the characters who had seen through the totalitarian system's mind control and Doublespeak, were first imprisoned and made to denounce their loved ones -- the only thing that mattered to them at that point in their lives -- and then given limited freedom so that they could be observed by everyone as idly sitting around with no will to engage in life anymore -- the intended effect being that their revolutionary ideas about real truth rather than gov't maintained "truth," also became perceived as lacking any validity.)
The Crown corporation Judaic 'elite' operating the UK and the US use the notion of criminals who need to be in prison to protect society principally to maintain scapegoats whose crimes are in reality for the most part actually negligible in comparison to those of the politicians and those behind them.
Publicity surrounding those in prison is a propaganda exercise, except for a few of whom, it must be said, such as sex killers who really should in truth only be quickly and cleanly dispatched as the continued cost of a thousand pounds a week to keep them in there if spent elsewhere could save many lives.
Such propaganda is really an absolute obscenity while it is used to maintain the facade of a capable, morally superior and spiritually wise ruling elite that children and those of similarly blinkered vision need to believe in like they believe in Father Christmas.
Such a self-asserted truth by TPTB is of course a complete fabrication that is only maintained in a seemingly deliberate transparent way, as a type of mickey-taking virtue-signalling by the government that they are the good guys who do not stoop to murdering or even executing people, when it is plain to see that they really instigate and participate in the constant infliction of absolute terror and bloodshed through the continued deliberate mass genocide of millions in Iraq and Afghanistan for instance, through the horrifically dark legacy of their DU still giving millions in Iraq cancer and birth defects each year as it will continue to do so for literally many hundreds of millions of years more at least, by which time of course no human being will still be living there.
The cancer rate in Iraq prior to coalition invasion was just 5% per lifetime, but even by 2005 it had already reached an obscene 200% lifetime incidence of cancer, especially with dioxin producing burn pits and militarily enforced use atUS gunpoint of Monsanto GM crops and glyphosate, and the rate is still rising rapidly, they just killed an entire people, not just once, but for all time again and again in the future. But soon, nobody in Iraq will even be able to produce viable offspring at all there, they are now a dying people, brought to you by the same dark production team that brought you Deuteronomy 20:16.
The obviously criminally insane Tony Blair, even after he had been made completely aware (not that he didn't know in the first place, taking into account the words of Aaron Russo and Major General Wesley Clarke that the whole thing was planned years ago, involving several ME nations intended to be invaded) that there never were any WMD in Iraq, still said "I would do it again". You cannot get more mental or evil than that.
Together with the crypto-Jewish rulership of Saudi Arabia whose wahabi sect was in fact first created by a Jewish elite agent sent from Britain in the 1700's, with Jewish elite in Britain then later creating and installing the crypto-Jewish fake Muslim royal family leadership there in the early 1900's whose line we still see running Saudi Arabia today, joined at the hip with Israel in purpose and deed, they murder people in Yemen too with the RAF and British special forces that even officially operate alongside Al Qaeda soldiers now, if you research deep enough, just like in 1984.
And now these Jews in power talk of 'moral obligation', 'British brollies' and all that, with their blackface WEF agent Rishi Sunak (after a flurry of actually provable Jewish leaders, David Cameron, Theresa May, Boris Johnson, and Liz Truss, I have it all, never mind what anybody else might say), to 'defend civil liberties' in the morally and spiritually bankrupt criminal Jewish Zelensky dictatorship of Ukraine that the Israeli-controlled CIA and MI6 themselves installed which has been shelling to death white Slavic Russian-speaking Ukrainian civilians with British armaments since 2014 and is still doing so today with British armaments as live videos from the Donbass region prove with fragments of Western-produced 155mm shells shown from shells that are repeatedly coming down every few seconds on Ukrainian civilian areas from areas held only by Ukrainian troops under Jewish command.
People are being forced under the Jewish communist leaders of Ukraine to serve (the agenda is stated by Zelensky to create a Greater Israel in Ukraine - more likely to annihilate everything living there and make it a wasteland like Iraq is soon to be) by suiciding or get shot in the back of the head, as always as under the NKVD destruction squads operating in Stalin's day who would execute any Russian Gentiles who refused to advance under fire from the Germans, or who were later returned after surrendering to the Germans, 5.5 million Russian Gentile white soldiers surrendered to the Germans, all were executed as traitors by the actually Jewish Stalin (yes I know he was supposedly a Georgian) who I have authentic photos of wearing Jewish ritual black leather tefillin prayer box and Jewish yarmulke skullcap, yet the Jews really running the UK today make out that they are protecting freedom in Ukraine, while Zelensky high on coke has women and children physically dragged away to be forcibly conscripted and then thrown into the meat grinder where the average life expectancy is just 4 hours.
The Frankist Sabbatean Chabad Lubavitcher late head Rabbi Menachem Schneerson said years ago that a war must be created between Ukraine and Russia to make the white Slavic peoples kill each other so that the line of the Slavs is physically ended, with other rabbis today openly stating on video that all white people must be ended.
This is why treacherous maniac UK, US and NATO nation politicians working only for Israel are deliberately suiciding us by giving us COVID bioweapon jabs and pushing us into an unavoidable certain nuclear conflagration which the Jews hope will physically annihilate almost all of the remaining 800 million white people in Russia, Ukraine, Europe, America, Canada at one go, and they seek to instil terror into people by hanging Assange out to dry on BZ.
And of course, they put another phony holocaust movie out featuring Jesse Eisenberg just to keep the insane narrative going about the supposedly eternally beleaguered Jew, while they are steadily planning our total physical extermination that is thoroughly intended to be followed by that of all other Gentiles.
Yet the US and UK are respectively the first and second largest manufacturers and dealers of lethal arms in the entire world, selling to any literally genocidally murderous regime who simply wants to use lethal power to enforce their position and very often annihilate many others, all in the cause of shifting geo-political balance in favour of the gradually encroaching NWO one world government intended to be run from Jerusalem of course.
The UK Conservative and Labour Parties both have 80% MP membership of 'Friends of Israel' societies (friends of criminal terrorist societies) in their parties. 70% of all UK MP's are millionaires, used to using other people to get more than everyone else has, with wealth now seeming to be the main qualifying factor in elections, not spiritual quality.
Actually, regarding prisoners again, very little is really spent on the prisoners themselves to maintain them in prison, as you might figure, more is spent feeding a prison guard dog than on feeding any inmate, and so on, the main part of the money goes into stuffing the pockets of the bloodsucking usual suspects who run the prisons.
People in prison are used to provide a false sense of peace having been maintained, society supposedly thus having been protected against the asserted main source of some evil, but are used mainly to distract attention away from the inconceivably more massive and distressing crimes that those in power themselves commit.
How many life sentences for mass murder are each of the politicians and their deep state handlers due? Clean it up, bring back the death penalty, for them first.
Free Assange!