"I remotely view a previous lifetime, administer Reiki to that body during its transition, and then scan this current body to see if there were any changes."

HR: So.... any other hobbies?

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Arjun Walia

Read “The Super Psychics of China.”

It reads like a super hero documentary.

The ability to manipulate objects, fire, time and many more.

And yet the premise is that we all have the ability to do these things.

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Uri Geller comes to mind. Wikipedia portrays him as an illusionist. I think his powers were real. There was also Sai Baba who could make the vibhuti powder out of thin air. I am quite certain we have abilities beyond what we can imagine but have been educated to believe we do not.

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I can easily identify with the paranormal events you mentioned. I've had plenty of them happen to me throughout most of my life. At about the age of 4 years, I was "introduced" to my Guardian Angel (every living human on earth has one: the problem is, most people poo-poo the idea, thus losing out on a very important advantage life can offer them), and at 5 years I met my Spiritual Guide. I've also had three so-called Near Death experiences that were most enlightening.

I don't think that another person can "educate" another into recognizing these higher realizations of who we really are. A person has to naturally evolve (grow) into becoming a more spiritual person, much like a flower can't bloom before it's matured, or given 'the ready' to bloom by its Higher Self.

One can certainly hasten the process and reflect and study higher spiritual laws, but much like a prospector mining for gold, you can't find the gold without effort—and if, like so many folk in society, think the cause not worth the effort, we won't spend the trouble to seek.

I thoroughly enjoy your dissertations, Joe. You certainly speak from your (spiritual) heart and you give us much to ponder on.

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Very interesting! It makes sense - physical material is mostly space. People engaged in long-term spiritual practices experience the space as empty, or filled with consciousness, awareness, presence, energy, etc. People themselves are also consciousness, awareness, and presence (although most people are mostly aware of the phenomena being experienced by consciousness, like thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations). So the potential is there - that people who are consciousness can consciously affect material objects within the field of consciousness, especially because those objects are mostly space anyway. Hopefully this is how humanity as a whole is evolving.

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