Great reflection. I love how it's all coming together with science and spirituality. As we open ourselves to new possibilities we seem to be able to settle into old truths that weren't accessible before.

I see this in so many ways. If we look at human evolution as cycles. If we can't see the cycle than we haven't zoomed out for enough. These cycles are described in astrology, our stories and myths. It seems to me like we are at the end of another huge cycle when everything comes up from inside, in a fast intense way, evolution pushes us both from the outside and internally. It's a hard yet very exciting time to be alive on Planet Earth. I am grateful to be here now for this exciting time.

When I was young I had some experiences that pointed to aspects of reality that went beyond what I could touch. I had prophetic dreams of small scenes of events I would later experience in my physical reality. All the times I would be thinking of someone, then they would call me, or I would run into them on the street. How I would realize something that I need or would benefit from, then three people would mention solutions to that thing. I see a parallel with our "targeted ads" we see on platforms like facebook or google. Yes they have figured out how to predicate or know what we are thinking about, but maybe some it's also quantum-entanglement, a co-creation of our experience. This idea that we both create our experience, and we are changed by it. A continuous flow between being the creator and creation, being impacted by and impacting our experience of reality.

As I reading this article religion came to mind. It seems to me that religions started when very mature, evolved beings shared their transcended experiences. Their teachings and examples have been lost in many ways, misunderstood, intentionally twisted. In this time we are being reminded of them, your indigenous examples one example of that. We are all one, not the same but united through our unique expressions of the same core. We have lost the essence of what religions where based on, and yet we are coming back to those essences. While my experience of religious teachings is limited, I see examples of that shift even within some of the churches and their teachings.

In many ways this process of finding the diamonds in the rough, separating the wheat from the chaff or finding the gifts in our shadows is maybe the whole point or purpose of existence. The journey rather than destination.

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An important exercise to attuning to the oneness of our universe. It creates a shared experience with all living beings and changes the way we choose to act on other living beings. Enjoyed this piece.

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When two people affirm their oneness the energy flow between them changes... in a sense it only really turns on. When a group of equals get attuned after they affirmed their oneness a whole new energy source opens up: the field of oneness between them. This has rarely been been done so far since it's really tricky to get a good number of people to go that deep with each other because mostly a guru type leader will prevent that from happening.

What this points to is that when we think about a critical mass of people needed to shift to this new worldview you are talking about we are thinking about a quantitative measure, not a qualitative. The qualitative energy and information output from a group of people that jump into the actual deep experience of oneness might be just what we need for the shift and the potential of that is unpredictable since I don't think that this has been done before.

I call it at the core oneness made personal.

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I think forgiveness is key, because there will always be people who are destructive, and the temptation is to add to it when we feel exploited. Also, poor behavior is taboo in small groups of people. The wolves can hide in larger groups. The breakdown of 'family' is causing society to fray at the seams. For sure we can work to elevate our world, but we are by nature fighters, so unbroken peace is only an ideal, worth aiming for though.

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What a wonderful, timely and thoughtful article!

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Joe Martino

Important piece for our current global situation.

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Thanks Carl!

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When we say ghost or spirit we basically mean the same thing. meaning. In Western culture, we are taught to be afraid of ghosts and we're told all kinds of scary stories to keep us afraid of them but in reality, when we say ghost or spirit we mean the same thing: a person's soul.

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Like we see it here is that that are three things here. Soul - Spirit - Earth Body. When we die, the fluidecord breaks and so the Soul spins the Spirit Body. Looks the same as us earth body, but more refined and the more conscious we become, the beauty fuller it will shine... In other words, spirit are not more then people were the karma is made good and then the Earth let them go and they will go where they have connection to with their consciousness. That can also be, if lived very earthly, that they are in the Spheres of this Earth. Also lower & higher people of the lower & higher spheres can come here to take us down or lift us up. It is all up to our own consciousness and what we really want bc that is what & who we attract....

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All religions are based on this thought of teaching every child from the time he was born! They all thought that it will bring an altogether new man society but miserably failed.

Inter connectedness is grown by consistent and persistent effort by a person, it cannot be taught.

But if anyone wishes to form a religion and control a large crowd of followers this is very successful idea till date - as all religions are based upon this philosophy.

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Yes, I think we have lost a sense of equilibrium. I feel consumer capitalism, and the propaganda inherent in advertising has pushed us in the wrong direction. I love the books by Dr. George Simon who asserts we are all natural born fighters, and we need to fight in certain contexts. The problem arises when aggressive personalities have one aim only which is to win or dominate, forfeiting fair play in the process, and leaving victims in their wake. When resources became scarce, the American Indians warred. Something is terribly wrong today, just take a trip down any street in Los Angeles and witness that fact.

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by Joe Martino, The Pulse

Brilliant piece Joe and relevant to what is now going on in the world today. The credibility of institutions that have kept us separated, that they may control us, is at its lowest level ever. We need a new reality that follows shamanic beliefs and teaches respect for all things. In so doing it can only bring us together with each other and this beautiful planet.

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Well said John, I couldn't agree more!

I have re-aligned some of my work recently to split my time between this writing/journalism I have done and teaching somatic work and nervous system health. My hope is to help bring more peace and wellness to people's bodies like I had to do in my own journey, that way we can get more in tune with our true authentic self beyond the layers of pain and trauma our current system has helped create within us. The more shamanic beliefs you mention can take hold much better when we well. :)

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by Joe Martino

How do we reconcile our physical separateness with our spiritual connectedness? I often ponder the question if there were two families on an island, and only enough food to support one family, sharing would do nothing for either family to survive, what to do?

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Indeed these are fascinating questions. I think that question you bring up of reconciling is probably one of the biggest one that arises.

We are here to play a separate game on the fabric of connectedness it seems. But it's one thing to be separate and another to build entire worldviews on separate = dominate, compete, and destroy. To lose sight of what it feels like to truly be connected. Most of what we have going on today is beyond the simple recognition that your body is over there and my body is over here (separate), it is in a space of not even being connected to our own feelings, body and emotions on a mass scale. This is where I believe so much of the destructive aspects of our current worldview come into play. (Speaking from my somatic and nervous system background.)

Thanks for the thought provoking comment, would love to hear any counter thoughts that come to mind :)

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by Joe Martino

Thomas Campbell's book 'My Big Toe' is amazing on this subject, although the writing style is very tedious to read, it is so worth it though. It is his theory, although he has scientifically explored alternate states of consciousness himself at the Monroe Institute.

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Very inspiring article, Joe. Some of my very first experiences as a child were so-called ghost experiences, so spirituality has been part of my life from a very young age. The spirit world has been hidden from mankind for Millennium. In the past, evolution was present at a very slow pace, but is now speeding up exponentially where it is becoming obvious even in the most mundane affairs of our lives.

Evil — the negative aspect of our lives has had its day. It is now time for the positive — the good in our lives to shine. We are living in a wonderful age. Let our light shine and illuminate creation!

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I used to differentiate between Ghost and spirit.

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Thanks Albert! You are absolutely right, evolution does seem to be speeding up as our current events and moment seem to be acting as an evolutionary pressure for it. Some say there are also many cycles at play, an idea I am quite familiar with but it tends to make people feel like things will just 'fix on their own.' That part I don't fully agree with.

And well said at the end! The last gasps of an old world and way of being are being had, something new is being created :)

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Joe Martino

Aether. It's all connected through aether.🤗

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Indeed! I always get a kick out of mainstream science's belief in that the aether theory was debunked. In no way was this idea debunked credibly in the past, and now the whole idea of string theory and consciousness is only further supporting it. Interesting times we live in!

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Joe Martino

"It can be hard to stretch our consciousness to a worldview like that. After all, we have been brought up thinking and seeing the world through a light of separation, anything else feels foreign."

Indeed - herein lies our fundamental barrier. Despite the ongoing "awakening", an authentic transition can only be shepherded via some catalyzing process yet to be determined. To wit:

"The egocentricity experiment with human Design has run its course – its climax is our confluence of crises. Virtually all system solutions and ascension paths proposed by even the most enlightened among us fail to breach egocentricity’s stronghold. The forecast for our imminent extinction is well founded and arguably certain unless we become something new. Metamorphosis is appropriate terminology here. At this Moment in history, ages of humanity can be metaphorically distilled into a litter of newborn kittens, blind from birth, whose eyes are now poised to open onto their world for the very first time….are we ready? This is our evolution.

Relieving humanity of egocentricity’s bondage by consensus is impossible. Political proposals are hopelessly impotent. It is now imperative that we develop metamorphic catalysts immediately – means and methods to efficiently transmute egocentricity and profoundly evoke our innate senses of interdependence and compassion."


peace love

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Well said! Another interesting part has been working to create an ecology of reliable tools to help people become more attuned with themselves and slowly become less egocentric as a result. Easier said than done of course, but there are some tools I do think work in a sustainable way.

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Thanks for engaging, Joe! You are doing good things!

re tools: Meditation first and foremost - a fundamental practice of virtually all faiths, formal or personal has been the ticket for millennia. Getting the horse to that water AND getting it to drink it is the trick. However, at this point in our history we no longer have time to "slowly become less egocentric" in bits and pieces here and there. From this chair, a yet to be discovered and/or developed swift and universal transformation is the order of the day:

"Our challenge is to engineer the Moonshot of an evolutionary path wherein we permanently catalyze our INHERENT human experience into a broader and deeper perceptual dimension – a transition that reifies a heart-centered, personal/collective human experience, as consciously interconnected individuals integrated within a coherent network – simultaneously separate and all together, like 7.x billion fingers on one ‘Whole’ hand. Once done, perhaps the best part will be an undeniable and perpetual sense of BELONGING – to one another everywhere, as constituent cells of a ‘Whole’ Humanity, integral to our living Earth."


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