"Eventually the machines would come to direct our travel, pull at our fingers, formulate our thoughts, and replace our words in a deluded notion of ‘progress’1. By the 21st century, children are begotten by production, introduced to their environment through machines, and begin their lives within virtual worlds via lifeless devices that they feel impotent and groundless to be without. Virtual worlds begin to displace authenticity, definitions dissolve, and fabrications shout down actualities.

Something is happening…..

We have long lost sight of our true nature as fundamentally heart centered spiritual creatures of energy, functionally supported in life by the processor that is our brain. Artificial Intelligence profoundly exacerbates the long standing capture of culture by the Cartesian delusion that we are mind centered beings – cold, calculating data processors serviced by a simple pump in our chest, who traverse an exclusively physical Universe.

In all worlds AI, ‘Love’ can never be more than an empty word peeling off of a line of code.

We must recover our sense of being as nature, and evolve accordingly toward an ORGANIC “singularity” – through the Authentic Intelligence everyone seems to be missing.

It is time we redirect technology toward the truly ORGANIC evolution we so desperately need, arrest our descent to extinction, and manifest a paradigm that transcends our shortcomings."


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Jul 17, 2023·edited Jul 17, 2023

Thank for your timely article, Jacob, on the relationship between technology and humanity.

i would like to focus on your statement "Everything technology offers is a reflection of the technology that we, as humans are." The technology you are referring to, would be "digital technology," since all of what you have listed as today's technology of note: "augmented reality, artificial intelligence, machine-learning, mass surveillance, automation, genome editing, nanotechnology" is basically digital technology. Even genome editing -- which is about the alteration of the basis of natural, organic life, still utilizes a very unnatural, non-organic, digitally-based process to accomplish it.

Some digital technology may initially require the capability to interconnect, at the input and output level, with our natural consciousness, however i disagree that what the technology then does, after the interconnection is made -- needs to still be in line with the natural processes of human consciousness. It becomes a true mind warp, of where it can take us. i also believe that the technology that operates differently from natural human consciousness this way, might not even have been developed completely through human endeavour, or for human benefit, either.

As humans, we are naturally very adaptable, not only in our behaviour, but also in regards to the optimization of our own consciousness itself -- in order that it may operate most effectively for us, in the progression our lives. Carl Jung's concept of the Transcendent Function, relates the natural evolution of the personality towards the holy grail of the Jungian psychoanalytic process -- individuation: "[whereby] “everything that happens at the behest of nature, unconsciously and spontaneously, is deliberately summoned forth and integrated into the conscious mind and its outlook [is] expressed in the transcendent function." But what happens when "the behest of nature," is no longer predominant in our lives, and we have turned instead, towards experiencing a virtual reality, rather than one created and maintained by human endeavour and Nature's life force ? Will our inherent Transcendent Function, which Jung identified, then operate to optimize this artificial situation, instead ?

Digital technology today typically has a serious bias -- in that it serves, to a large degree, the collective interests of corporations, government and globalist goals -- to surveil and manipulate the individual user's behaviour as well as their mental processes. It rarely serves the individual user's own needs, as its primary purpose.

Digital technology requires manufacturing processes too expensive and complex, be accomplished by an individual person or even by a small collective of people, as more basic technology certainly could be done in the past, i.e. in your example of the ancient human “tool-makers.” Not that far back in our history, it was different. Still in our living memory -- is Steve Wozniak's Apple II, which -- through one person's (and their supporting team's) ingenuity -- did serve the individual user, by means of its highly user configurable hardware and accessible software design, so that each user could tailor their computer to fulfill their own creative ventures, whatever they may be. Today's digital devices and applications are never designed in order to benefit the user's own needs, as their primary function. They only appear to come with multitudinous features and user configurability, but from a perspective taken at the beginning of the computer age, anyone back then would be able to see just how similar (and therefor restricted) today's digital products are becoming -- they are designed, to only be posted on-line, while human discourse is being geared only to on-line interaction, plus the following of, or the accumulation of followers -- which are people the user will likely never meet in person. It is clear that we are being led down 'the garden path,' while the garden becomes a Photoshopped menagerie, and the path leads only inwards -- to more and more direct and autonomous external access to our own mind and Inner Self, by forces beyond our control and even awareness. The fact that all this is happening w/o our awareness of even anything being amiss -- is the most concerning of all.

i don't believe this agenda is the work of evil billionaires -- the implementation timeframe is just too long to provide a pay-off within the lifespan of any individual human. If it does appear to benefit an individual in terms of accumulation of massive wealth, there are a number of instances where these actors will then use (or are required to use) their wealth to further nefarious agendas that only play out numerous decades (or even centuries) in the future. There are also instances in history where important innovators who forged new pathways of thought and technological progress -- claim they were in regular contact with "intelligences" from space or other non-human domains (e.g. Nicola Tesla and Carl Jung).

Good evidence exists that humanity was manipulated to go down this 'digital garden path.' For instance, a former member of President Eisenhower’s National Security Council, Colonel Philip J. Corso, revealed (with ample corroborating documentation) that after the Roswell crash in 1947, the ETs involved, gave the Americans the initial capability to create digital technology and then guided them down this road ever since. https://www.amazon.ca/Day-After-Roswell-William-Birnes/dp/150117200X/ Had our scientists discovered this technology on their own (as was likely to have happened anyway, except that it would have taken a bit longer), they would never have been indebted to the ETs to walk this digital garden path we all walking now. Had the development of computers progressed naturally, things could have been very different from what they are now -- where digital (or just 'electronic') tech would be oriented to serve humanity's betterment, rather than an alien race's.

There are even clues that the "flat screen" devices, which replaced the electron beam television-type displays in the 2000's, were developed with ET technology, or at least were imbued with "sentient oil" from extraterrestrial sources (even if only a minute quantity was inserted in each device) in order to co-opt the attention and intention we aim through the screens of our devices, and direct it instead to other domains, ultimately enabling the changing of our consciousness (i.e. through our natural Transcendent Function) -- and thereby also unwittingly enabling those domains to connect directly back into our consciousness. https://youtu.be/9Q34bBluvb8?t=2429

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Nice. I would take a shot at your excellent question: "Why aren’t people like the Dalai Lama, Deepak Chopra, and Dr. Andrew Weil conversing more with people like Ray Kurzweil, Elon Musk, and Steve Mann?"

My response is that Ray Kurzweil, Elon Musk, and Steve Mann probably believe they have little or nothing to learn from the unscientific perspectives of new age teachers -- and are certain of their identities as separate geniuses. I could be wrong - wish I am but I think it is precisely the hubris of the technologists that is impeding us.

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This is a needed change and framing around transhumanism and technology. People may not be aware that biological systems are a miracle, and in the human body and in nature we have multiple systems functioning together. Any one of them individually is a miracle, and the way they interact and function together is awe-inspiring. I think sometimes people forget that the human body and Consciousness is way more sophisticated than textnology because this sophistication is accompanied by vulnerability. Technology seems less vulnerable than the human personality and the body is at times. Most points to the importance of spiritual maturation and development, so our vulnerability does not cut us off from our strength, power, groundedness, interconnectedness, and love.

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Jul 17, 2023·edited Jul 17, 2023

Love your description of the difference between technology and human consciousness.

i write "human consciousness" not just (all) "consciousness", because i believe the development of our digital technology is not of our own doing, but that of an extraterrestrial race's. Our current digital tech is aligned with the consciousness of this race, while humanity's natural consciousness is suited for life on this planet, Gaia. Our natural consciousness (and original language which our body speaks, and which we (our soul-based consciousness) were once also able to speak, but have subsequently lost) is suited to the carbon-based body we have, while the alien race's silicon-based consciousness carrier (in Robin Kaiser's terminology, see below) is congruent with a digital consciousness and native language, like what is being sold to us in the form of digital technology.

Gene Roddenberry was given this information by The Nine (overseers of our galaxy) (as noted in "The Nine: Briefing From Deep Space" (the book being about the information revealed in the channeling sessions Andrija Puharich organized in the 60s and 70s)). Rodenberry, following his instructions from The Nine, created the Star Trek franchise, with the pilot for the original series depicting the Zeta's (type of Grey alien) dangerous holographic insert technology (as also detailed in Ashayana Deane's "Voyagers I), as well as the later "Borg" which represented the danger we face of falling under the alien's agenda to bring all of humanity into their false mind matrix.

There is also a beautiful description by German Psychologist, Robin Kaiser, of what is going on: https://www.bitchute.com/video/59wjaT2mAGC4/

See also Robin's bio: https://robinkaiser.eu/ueber-mich/ where he writes (translated): "For some years now I have been in conscious contact with several groups of non-incarnated beings who have initiated me into high cosmic knowledge, which may flow through me into the collective field of consciousness of humanity. And for over two years I have been sharing my earthly journey with my wonderful soul mate Sun-You, who teaches me the sacred science of love. All of my messages are never about me as a person, because I am only one of many ambassadors of the cosmos, but what matters is the message itself, that reminds you and us of what great, limitless creative beings we are."

Sorry for going on about this imminent danger humanity faces, as i see it. i know a lot of people don't see it, and if they do acknowledge it, they don't see it as that important. i do believe that, because of what is being orchestrated here on the planet, is unprecedented in its scope, it required a Universal level agreement, (or a "meeting of sides" as Inelia Benz called it) and thus as we do have free will, which is also acknowledged at the Universal level -- that therefor everyone here on the planet has a free will choice on whether to go along with it, or not -- this option to choose also having been acknowledged by all sides -- even though that fact, of everyone having a choice -- is not being officially disclosed to us.

i believe that humans were seeded here on this planet to become overseers and protectors of all life -- on Earth and across the solar system -- but that it might be now considered by some ET factions, that we have unequivocally demonstrated that we are incapable of developing spiritually to meet this challenge, whereby we are able to 'walk with' the advanced conscious creators (ETs) -- and that this guardianship role should therefor now fall to another race able and willing to take it on (an alien race).

In the meantime, i am still holding out hope however -- re myself, as well as the collective of humanity, and proceeding along the path you describe -- of my own spiritual maturation and personal development.

Blessings to you


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"Our current digital tech is aligned with the consciousness of this race, while humanity's natural consciousness is suited for life on this planet, Gaia." Fascinating comment, thank you. I look forward to listening to the links.

Blessings to you as well. 💕

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Beautiful reflections for a Sunday morning! Thank you. The Pulse & CE are in my few sources for inspiration these days. :)

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