In the past three years, we have learned that seizure disorder can be induced by the shot. I wish the public was aware of this in the 60's, when I was found on the school yard suffering a grand-mal seizure a while after getting the shot in school. This seizure disorder was the gateway to further non-therapeutic non-consensual classified human experimentation, trauma, torture, brain mutilation, PTSD, and continual episodes of cerebral hemmorrahaging in the operative field. There remains further question of a black operation, that remains subject to secrecy and concealment. Hard to believe our government is so inhumane as to mandate a poison upon the masses, as to facilitate human guinea-pigs for various unethical sadistic Nuremberg Code violations. Only if there was informed consent, there would be no need for me to question, if the missing brain tissue of a US President was covertly transplanted upon my person, by means of misrepresentation and fraud. Now more than ever, we have to accept, that the very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society. Let there be light.

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It was never safe or effective. It shouldn't have been forced on the population. May God help all those who have been hurt from this.


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The actions need to be taken against the "US Department of Defense". Here is a short statement from Anna Von Reitz:

Here is just a partial analysis of "Department of Defense" aka, "DOD", as a foreign commercial

corporation controlling among other things:

NIH, CDC and FDA, Social Security, Health and Human Services including Indian Health,

Railroads, National Transportation Safety, Bonneville Power, Nuclear Regulation Agency, DOE

Petroleum Reserves, BLM, Bureau of Reclamation, DOEducation, FBI, DEA, DOJ, US

Attorneys Army, Army Reserves, Corps of Engineers, Navy Exchange Service Command, Air

Force, NSA, Secretary of Defense, Civilian Personnel Advisory Service, Strategic Command,

and "Congress" --meaning the British Territorial United States "Congress"--- are under DOD.

More information here: http://annavonreitz.com/gettingcaughtup.pdf

The American States and People are calling for the liquidation of these offending corporations.

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Very good news, it is a small but significant start, but all those responsible for quite consciously and deliberately inflicting the COVID bioweapon really need stringing up, but to impose such a sentence is unfortunately not within the remit of the present court system.

Paper sentences and fines are what will only amount to a dodge for those responsible and are not really appropriate sentences for these people at all, as what they have done is cause widespread massive long term and even lifelong physical injury and agony, thinking of the people who have lost their eyes and hearing, had disabling strokes, all their hands and feet surgically removed after COVID sepsis, even just after getting 'vaccinated' or been born with half their faces missing and parts of the body missing due to these 'vaccines' having been given to unsuspecting pregnant women, the violent hatred and physical aggression of those monsters behind all that who still plan to give these bioweapon injections out throughout an entire person's life deserves a very protracted and severely painful physical response before their actual executions.

The Pfizer company alone might pay a huge fine as usual but will still most likely remain in operation, and it is extremely unlikely that a court case such as this would ever actually result even in a single person even going to prison for even 6 months. The company might even dissolve for a set period required by law if it gets bankrupted and then merely resurface under another company brand name with just the same murderous operatives working within it for the very same purposes, as no one will ever actually get sacked.

Even if any court enquiry ever reaches to the question of government involvement, that will likely only go to the level of 'financial corruption' through certain politicians being demonstrated to have major shareholdings in Pfizer or having taken bungs from them, and the true terrible reality will never ever come to be discussed in any present court that this is not really a matter of financial corruption, not even a 'population reduction' scheme to 'save the planet'. Everything these Frankist Sabbatean criminal terrorists do as a collective while deeply infiltrated among all peoples and religions with the WEF, UN, WHO, NATO is thoroughly intended only to permanently ruin the human genome and even the ecosystems, and environment.

Totally insane policies like sending cancer-causing and heavily mutagenic DU shells to be used in Ukraine clearly demonstrate this fact, as Ukraine is the 'bread basket of the world', being a major grain and seed growing area relied on by much of the world for substantial proportions of the foods they consume.

The cancer rate in Iraq in 1990 prior to the illegal terrorist coalition invasion was a mere 5% lifetime likelihood of getting cancer, yet even by 2005 that rate had rocketed up to 200% after the deliberate heavy use carcinogenic dioxin-producing burn pits and DU munitions, and that rate is still continually rising today, it is getting worse and worse, not diminishing and going away, as DU is dangerously radioactive for hundreds of millions of years and is known to destroy the contiguity of any genomic material, in the fullness of time thus preventing the continued reproduction of any form of life on any land area where it is deployed.

The deliberate intention of those behind the illegal and unjustified attack on Iraq was to vindictively poison the land of Iraq forever in Biblical fashion to ultimately prevent any form of life surviving there, to actually salt DU into the ground areas of both presently occupied areas as well as any possibly habitable areas to prevent Iraqis even considering moving to less polluted and as yet uninhabited areas in the future at any time for millions of years without risk of serious genetic harm, and I am not using hyperbole here.

I have met and spoken in person with voluntary medical workers who visit Iraq every year and they tell me they hardly ever see even a single normal child there anymore, they are nearly all already damaged in some way or other, some psychologically, some injured, some with terrible birth defects, some with cancer, and so on, even mRNA bioweapon fake seed stock manufactured at the time under the Monsanto name was pushed on Iraqi farmers literally at gunpoint by American troops while their own traditional Iraqi grain stock ideally suited to their climate and soil was forcibly confiscated and destroyed and their grain research facility at Abu Ghraib destroyed so that the Iraqi people would then have to feed on genetically damaging, cancer-causing, fatal organ damage-causing, birth defect-causing, lowered fertility-causing and miscarriage-causing poison fake foods that would also need to be grown in combination with the cancer-causing glyphosate that is also harmful in many other ways.

Even unpopulated areas were bombed with DU according to the Australian journalist John Pilger who went to Iraq and actually witnessed constant sorties of coalition fighter bomber jets taking off heavily laden round the clock with DU munitions and coming back empty, and then getting reloaded straight away to bomb again. A damaged oil pipeline running through Iraq from Mosul to Kirkuk was repaired by American engineers and extended into Israel, this was reported in an article I read in the Daily Telegraph in the UK in the early 1990's which stated that unlimited amounts of oil are to be sent with no charge at all from Iraq to Israel in perpetuity, that is why US troops remain there to this day to protect the well heads and pipeline to ensure that that flow of stolen oil carries on flowing uninterruptedly. No other nations get any of that oil, just Israel, provided by their gutless grovelling NATO slave armies demonstrating their fealty at the feet of their masters, not that anyone should be getting any stolen oil at all from Iraq, or from Syria for that matter, and especially not at such horrifically obscene cost to innocents. What the infiltrated and controlled rogue NATO governments do is very heavily connected to the entire program behind the COVID bioweapon.

The real truth is that this is a very thinly veneered military attack against all of humanity by a certain criminal terrorist nation run by a criminal terrorist death cult whose dual nationality scientists function on an actual military level rather than on any stated 'medical' level, but this essential truth will never ever be allowed to even be mentioned by any present court system.

Some of the politicians who have been involved have already just been reshuffled so new politicians in their places cannot be said to have been responsible for this or that as they are well disappeared from the scene should the slightest possibility ever arise of any legal action against any particular politician, and the party itself endeavours by such means to remain seemingly blameless.

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For instance, former UK health secretary Matt Hancock coldly murdered 30,000 old people in the UK by callously and cruelly shoving COVID-infected old people into unprotected communal old people's nursing homes with zero appropriate medical facilities, just like tossing a burning petrol-soaked rag into their homes with them to watch them all burn so that he could then use their deaths to create panic in the general public about 'COVID' and thus drive them into blindly accepting actually increased death rates, effective suicide, or sterilization through the bioweapon fake vaccines, and he just got reshuffled to a new position, and the newspapers and government just carries on as usual.

This has never ever really just been about some 'corrupt' companies just making a pile of money, this has never ever really just been about a genuine medical mistake of any kind committed in genuine haste while having had to very rapidly seek a solution through desperation in a very short amount of time for a real disease, this has never ever really even just been about a discreet form of population control to save the planet, this has been and still is a weapon of war unleashed against all of actual humanity like a nuclear first strike by a certain criminal death cult whose stated belief in their scriptures is that all others must be first enslaved as eternal inferiors and ultimately totally exterminated from the entire planet so that the spiritually ignorant terrorist soul group alone can eventually take the entire planet for themselves.

This they are easily accomplishing by using heavily infiltrated agents in governments almost all over the world, currently masked as 'WEF' agents who Klaus Schwab proudly claims to have successfully infiltrated into the cabinets of many governments around the world, but even that is a deception in itself, his game is just to put a fancy new-sounding identity on a seemingly fairly new group, when in fact the WEF is really a fancy veneer for murder incorporated, the same Frankist Sabbatean death cult maniacs that have operated similar schemes of creating mass disease, famine and war to effect changes in geo-political balance over many centuries already as they move towards their NWO one world government that is intended to be run from Jerusalem under draconian Noahide Law.

Rabbi Yisrael Ariel has stated on video that NATO armies of nations controlled by Israel will then carry out the mandatory physical execution of all Christians and Muslims throughout the entire world.

Noahide Law also means that members of all other non-Jewish religions are classed as 'idolators' like Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, Daoists, Shamanic peoples, etc., as well, and all 6 billion of them will all be liquidated in another Bolshevik Stalinist purge, the killing of 66 million Christians in Russia was just a beta test, Stalin carried on murdering Christians in fact right through WWII right up till 1953 when he died, these are the kind of 'allies' our 'leaders' choose for us, and they got away with that very easily.

The UN and US have very long ago already officially approved for the eventual physical implementation of the Noahide Laws when their intended NWO one world military dictatorship government comes into being, this is just one program that is to be employed to get the 7.5 billion 'population reduction', but the population reduction planned is only of our peoples, not theirs, they are now engaged in the final stages of an extremely audacious mass attack on the entire planet to take the entire planet, no less, for themselves alone.

Don't think that NATO troops will not comply, look what they have done to Iraq already, and when they have outgrown their usefulness, they too will simply be suicided, like the soldiers in Ukraine and Russia today in the 'meat-grinder', as Rabbi Menachem Schneerson stated many years ago that the line of the Slavic peoples of Russia and Ukraine must be ended by a deliberately created seemingly necessary war to trick them into exterminating each other.

Other rabbis have said that all white people in the entire world must be dealt with similarly as 'Amalek', but even those rabbis are being very economic with the truth there, as their scriptures state that all Gentiles in the entire world are ultimately intended (by these criminally insane, godless self-worshipping psychopaths who actually believe they themselves are 'god') to be totally exterminated, but of course, they won't reveal all their plans at once, as they need to keep some duped Gentiles alive for a while to do the killing of other Gentiles for them before even those Gentiles who they use will also be eliminated too by one means or another, likely by having become totally sterile through mandatory COVID vaccinations in the armed forces, which are even mandatory in Russia under WEF agent Putin, who like Zelensky and the US government is an intimate friend of the Frankist Sabbatean Chabad Lubavitchers who have had the Noahide Laws accepted in the US and UN.

Places like certain African nations and Sweden where the COVID 'vaccine' agenda never really took hold experienced a curious absence of any actual COVID epidemic, and those nations that did implement mass COVID vaccination programs concomitantly saw a massive rise in 'COVID infections' and deaths, which no doubt whatsoever were caused by the so-called COVID vaccines themselves.

An immensely cruel and sadistic program of actual physical warfare against humanity has been carried out for many decades already even before COVID death jabs were invented, just the pace of the military operation to take the planet is changing.

See the book by Eustace Mullins; 'Murder By Injection'. https://ia801302.us.archive.org/12/items/MurderByInjection.EustaceMullins/Murder%20by%20Injection.%20Eustace%20Mullins.pdf

One of the stated 'side-effects' of the Pfizer COVID 'vaccine' is in fact COVID pneumonia, and that of course can spread via 'shedding' to the non-vaccinated. 1%, that is, 20,000 out of 2,000,000 American service personnel are already now officially diagnosed by military medical authorities as having been permanently sterilized for life after having been ordered to take the COVID bioweapon injections. Just as they are stupid and obedient enough to do that, they will surely be just as obedient and stupid enough to carry out the intended military operation already planned for them to carry out to implement Noahide Law in the form of executing all people who follow any non-Jewish religion. The COVID jabs of course are intended also to soften people up, to make them so disheartened and ill that they will become less willing to value human existence and less willing and able to hold on to life, so that they will more easily succumb to any future military action against them.

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UK PM Rishi Sunak, a keen WEF proponent, has stated that UK people will need to take 4 vaccines a year for life, so in an average 80 year lifespan, that would mean taking 320 COVID vaccines, and they are creating more mRNA vaccines with what Fauci calls 'self-replicating nanotechnology' for other diseases to replace older-style vaccinations for these same diseases. Consider how many more percent of people are calculatedly and deliberately intended to get permanently sterilized by these bioweapons, and remember the days when people like Biden dishonestly assured us that if we had just one vaccine we would never get the COVID or be able to spread it to others.

These have been deliberate calculated physical acts of war against all of humanity by all the Big Pharma companies and all the purposely infiltrated politicians involved who had in reality all been fully informed of all these nearly 1,300 'side-effects' of the Pfizer COVID 'vaccines'. Surely, even more incidences and types of 'side-effects' are yet to manifest or even be identified in the fullness of time.

Consider, if the Pfizer COVID vaccine had really been created in such haste, how on Earth did they manage to acquire such immensely detailed research data on these nearly 1,300 'side-effects' (intended effects) in such a supposedly short period of time, surely, they had really been testing this bioweapon already for several years and perfecting it throughout all that time to cause the maximum number of illnesses possible, as the list of side-effects eventually released to the public that complicit governments around the world had already been secretly provided with before they even gave any COVID vaccines out, read almost like a complete medical dictionary.

Pfizer craftily now say these are not side-effects, but just coincidental conditions that manifested in test subjects, but that is ridiculous, as since when do research companies hire unhealthy test volunteers with nearly 1,300 already present and often extremely serious conditions (including one stated as COVID pneumonia) that would surely skew their test results and make their product unsaleable? And since when does any medicine have such an immensely long list of 'side-effects' that read just like a deadly poison?

A supercomputer similar to the one used to make 40,000 designs for lethally toxic military nerve gasses in just 6 hours was used to create both the Pfizer and the Moderna mRNA COVID vaccine designs, supposedly in 1.5 hours in one case and 2.5 hours in the other case. Surely if the parameters have been set by a criminally insane computer programmer, the computer will unerringly achieve exactly what it is programmed to do. I think that in reality, the supercomputers used by Pfizer and Moderna were undoubtedly left running for very much longer than just 1.5 hours in one case and just 2.5 hours in the case of the other in order to ensure their required end product of such an ingeniously complex hellish nightmare weapon as their purported COVID vaccines.

I consider it extremely likely when looking at the staggeringly horrific list of nearly 1,300 Pfizer 'vaccine' 'side-effects' that the actual parameters set for the supercomputer around which to develop its weaponized end product were principally determined by the instruction to produce a bioweapon capable of duplicating just about every disease ever known to man.

Consider what parameters the entirely malevolent computer programmers at Pfizer must really have set, especially after Jordon Walker's disclosure that Pfizer actually make COVID variants themselves through what they call 'directed evolution', which they would never call 'gain of function research' of course as that would be illegal.

Why did the Pfizer supercomputer programmers not set as a parameter to their supercomputer that none of these nearly 1,300 'side-effects' was to be allowed to result from the final design, and consider why after nearly 1,300 'side-effects' of their COVID 'vaccine' had been identified that they did not then immediately realize whatever error in programming had been made, correct these and thus ensure that any future COVID vaccine designs could never produce any of these 1,300 'side-effects'.

Surely the analysts and programmers have had plenty of time to do just that, if that had ever even remotely been considered as a possible path of action by any of their scientists, but they have never bothered to do the obvious and leave the supercomputer running for however long it takes to produce a COVID vaccine that cannot possibly cause any such adverse effects, they could have left it on for these last several recent years solid to find a real antidote, but very tellingly they have never ever done so, and continually only produce more versions of the same toxic bioweapon based on the one they know they can rely on to cause nearly 1,300 already established 'side-effects' (deliberately intentional effects) that have been identified just so far up to this time.

Of course, if they were ever really to look for a genuine cure, that would entirely defeat the total object of their original exercise that was obviously in fact to produce a bioweapon that would massively reduce the human population and massively weaken and disable remaining humanity in the process.

Allowing anyone to really look for a genuine cure would spoil their rotten sick joke, as the COVID vaccine bioweapon is thoroughly intended to cause COVID itself and vastly more illnesses and diseases besides and could never really be purposed to actually cure anything at all.

Pfizer, like Moderna had never asked their supercomputer programming parameters to be set to remove any possibility of all these so-called side-effects from ever occurring even before the governments involved then released their lethal and otherwise damaging products to be injected into the slave peoples they control. There had never really been any real rush, as evidence shows they have been playing about with 'COVID' in their labs since 2015 if not well before.

A now Christian former Russian mRNA bioweapon researcher whistleblower has stated on video how Russia was developing mRNA bioweapons many years ago, and that they possess the total antidotes already, but of course, these are not given to the Slavic people of Russia themselves who are intended to be liquidated by those really running Russia, as Russia is controlled by Israel of course just as America and Ukraine are too.

Pfizer and Moderna obviously still maintain the same hostile anti-human policy, and a significant percentage of cows injected with their lethal mRNA fake vaccines in Australia and many other animals have simply dropped dead, often just after they have been injected, so hatred against all life on this plane is evident and vastly more physical acts of war are being arranged to be inflicted against us at an ever-increasing pace right now, and not just by Pfizer.

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