Alex Jones Says Lockdowns Are Coming Back... I Call Bullsh*t
How do we know if we're seeing truth or hijacked by fear and worry? What is the cost of reactivity? How do we know if we are responding or reacting?
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Alex Jones claims to have met with a TSA whistleblower who said they attended a meeting where they were told new rules on masking were going to re-emerge by mid-September. By October passengers would be masking up again, and by December full lockdowns and restrictions would be back in the United States.
I don’t buy it. But most importantly, does it serve us to knee-jerk into reactive hysteria?
To me, Autumn 2023 lockdowns don’t match the pattern social engineers typically engage with. By that I mean, those in the financial and ruling elite of the Deep State (unelected people with power over societal direction) don’t usually push people in developed countries to the brink over and over in short succession. It happens over time, with peaks of “good times” before the inevitable upcoming valleys.
Push people too far too quick, and you lose them to revolt.
To me, it’s much more useful to take a step back and observe the long-term direction we’re seeing with the WHO Pandemic Treaty.
Global elites are attempting to grab massive amounts of power through a worldwide treaty that would give The World Health Organization the power to tell the whole world what to do during a pandemic, regardless of agreed-upon facts. This treaty is far from being finalized but this to me is where we need to raise awareness. This is the long game, and it’s not concerned with what happens in September or October 2023.
To be clear, I’m open to anything happening, and will certainly keep my eyes open to signs of impending lockdowns, I just don’t see any real signs at the moment.
Over the past three days, about 10 people have personally reached out to me asking my thoughts on this latest claim from Alex Jones and whether I think lockdowns are really coming. Below I will share some thoughts I shared with each of them.
We’re Dealing With Unknowns Here
When in uncertain times and where a painful future could be on the horizon, we seek some semblance of certainty. “Who knows the truth?” becomes a big question for us.
But the truth is, we can’t know for sure what is going to happen. We rarely can. So what are we really looking for? What are we really missing in this moment?
Let’s reflect, we hear of “impending lockdowns from a TSA whistleblower…” What can we do?
We can look at the facts. Does a holistic view of the evidence look like we’re going to see lockdowns again?
I personally don’t think so, but you can surely argue there wouldn’t be signs, “they’d just do it.”Beyond the facts, can politicians do whatever they want? To some extent yes. Regardless of facts, policy can be employed against the will of the people. And it’s OK to be open to this possibility.
But can we do much about these unknowns in this moment? No.
So we’re left with a choice: do we spend our moments in reactionary fear and worry about what could be, or do we focus on being grounded and well, and respond to the situation if it arises vs. reacting to it now?
Right now, it seems a lot of people are stuck in reaction mode. To me, I believe this is a common condition of our current human experience. Many of us are missing a sense of embodied groundedness, and thus it’s easy to feel a general sense of anxiety about stressors in life everywhere.
As an anecdote, I believe it’s meaningful to consider:
maintaining an embodied sense of groundedness, not getting lost in all the ‘what ifs.’
working towards collectively halting long-term totalitarian power plays.
building capacity and resilience to respond to situations if they arise.
Not forgetting to enjoy life
I think these reflections are worth our time because when I honestly take a look at what transpired during COVID (on all sides of the equation) and even this last week with the Alex Jones situation, I see a lot of erratic reactivity and fear. It got so big that #Pandemic 2.0 took off on X (Twitter).
Look Past The Hysteria.
Many big “influencers” in the alternative sphere jumped all over this claim from Jones, without really thinking critically about it.
I’m all for listening, being open, and exploring anything that arises, but it doesn’t mean it’s most serving to be reactive and take to the streets yelling the sky is falling as we’ve seen on Twitter and YouTube in the past week.
A thought comes to mind: do we know the difference between reactivity and grounded response?
Stress and hyper-focus on the state of the world can change the lens through which you view the world. How our brain filters our reality begins to change, and instead of seeing the whole picture we only see that which confirms our fears.
Small irrelevant things can begin to feel like massive threats, even if they objectively are not. We may justify this by looking back on times we were right and saying “But I was right before!” even if we’ve been wrong many times during the same period.
Do we make time to reflect on whether we’ve succumbed to this type of filtering and bias? Have we come to see the world as black and white? Tom Bunzel recently wrote a useful piece about this reflection on The Pulse.
This filtering can happen both ways of course. If one wears rose-colored glasses too long or thinks there’s no such thing as ill intent within political powers, they can miss obvious threats thinking that nothing bad can happen. People may follow the words of their governors without thinking critically about them, and never see how they’ve been manipulated.
To me, the trick is finding that balance between these two places.
A New Baseline Emerges
From my observation, people have been in a state of hypervigilance about the state of the world for so long that they don’t even realize they are in that state, it’s simply their new normal, and their baseline has changed.
Now, the sky is always falling, someone is always trying to get them, and everything is a lie. This is simply what normal feels like and we become desensitized to this cultural behavior. Some of these feelings are based on truth, while the rest of it is simply being stuck in survival physiology.
With a true sense of embodied groundedness missing, we are just that, not grounded. Thus we can’t find solid ground and become hypervigilent about everything.
How can one effectively sensemake when the lens through which they see the world has become highly limited?
Are We As Right As We Think?
It’s one thing to be able to “see what’s coming next” and stay grounded, but what happens when we live our lives every day predicting, waiting for and focusing on “the next thing coming?”
Two thoughts come to mind here…
We’ll eventually be “right” years down the line, even if it’s only by default. This of course is similar to Batman in the Lego movie. Remember the scene where he throws his bat boomerang at a button a bunch of times, eventually hitting it, and then saying “First try.”
We can yell that the next crisis is happening tomorrow every day and eventually, we’ll be right. We can then say “I told you so,” but were we really that right? And what did we trade in terms of our well-being along the way?With that approach, it’s likely we will have spent all those years leading up to the crisis in a hypervigilant state, stripped of joy, not living our lives, alienated, and waiting for the sky to fall. Is that the life we want to live? Do we need to be in this state to help shift the state of the world towards something more desirable?
I’m not suggesting we shouldn’t truth seek and make sense of a world rife with corruption, I’m suggesting there’s a better way.
What’s Most Important?
My appeal here is to ask things like:
How do we stay grounded and well during times of uncertainty?
How do we even know if we feel grounded and well?
How do we take actions that move us toward collective sensemaking vs. tribal reactivity?
Are we letting stress and fear of what may be coming degrade our ability to feel joy and be in the present moment? What cost does this have on us individually and collectively?
Is the constant reactionary nature of social media actually helping us? Are we getting mad that social media hijacks us while we also play right into that hijacking and disguise it as truth-seeking?
To me, these are not necessarily easy questions to answer in a time of great uncertainty and change, especially when you take in the fact that political elites are indeed using crisis’ for massive power grabs. Nonetheless, the need to ask these questions is great. If we don’t I believe we will continue to see more polarization, more division, and a greater lack of wellbeing.
Again, it’s easy to blame the elites for creating divisions, but don’t we play into that as well?
These are some of the most important questions and reflections I wanted to share concerning this coming lockdown prediction because I find them to be the most overlooked.
We are biased towards reactivity because our culture fears that if we don’t freak out NOW we will somehow lose all our freedom instantly. But in that state, haven’t we already lost our freedom? Haven’t we become hijacked by our emotions and survival physiology?
We’re not free to respond, we’re arrested and reactive.
A Closer Look At Alex Jones & ‘Prediction Culture’
Whenever Jones comes out saying something major like this, people say “Jones has been right and predicted everything for years… so this must be true!”
While this is mildly true, he’s gotten some things right, he’s also a lot like Lego Batman. He’s missed many times, incredibly badly, but still says “first time” when he gets one right. Conveniently, this approach gets ratings and views.
If you’ve been observing the alternative community long enough you know Alex Jones has been making predictions for decades. I’ve witnessed many myself since 2008, and almost none of them come to pass.
From guaranteed financial collapses within months to massive devaluations of the US dollar within months to the beginning of WWIII within months to the guaranteed assassination of Trump to anything else you can possibly imagine.
Jones has shared a ton of claims that have not been true or come to pass. Maybe he made them up from thin air, or maybe he got them from someone who thought they were true, who knows?
Yet even after all this Jones’ claims are often not thought about critically. Neither are others.
If the mainstream were to make a rash claim like this, it would be pulled apart with hours of research and doubted for days on end by the alt community. But Jones says it, and it goes viral without an ounce of critical thinking.
Is it perhaps that our habits around news watching have become tribal? Perhaps we aren’t interested in truth but more so just confirming our current position? And seeking to continue feeding our unprocessed outrage?
People love to fact-check, rightfully so, the mainstream and their sometimes bogus claims, but is that same rigor applied to those in the alt sphere?
Remember all the “experts” who claimed everyone vaccinated would die in one or two years? That didn’t happen. But making the claims moved the goalpost. Death in one or two years became three, then five, now ten (I believe that’s where Dr. Martin is now on his claim.)
There’s no accountability for comments, but audience retention through fear and unprovable predictions remains. How does this serve us? What good does it do?
Parse out the solid, grounded journalism done in the alternative sphere that helped wake up millions during the COVID era. Then look at what’s left… predictions, hysteria and things that only confused and stifled sensemaking.
What did “what’s left” truly offer us collectively? Was it helpful in ‘waking up the masses?’ Were we more joyful or more fearful? Did we connect more or divide more? Did we have more truth in the end?
When alt ‘experts’ repeatedly get things way wrong, some people just move on to the next adrenaline rush or the next prediction, not rectifying within themselves: “How should I adjust my sensemaking now that this source is repeatedly wrong? What could I have done differently?”
Is Jones Moving The Goalpost Too?
Like other folks, Jones is always moving the goalpost on his predictions, making it so people keep waiting and waiting for more to come. Sounds like what governments did with COVID goalposts, doesn’t it? It’s an effective strategy that can hijack anyone not taking a moment to reflect.
If people watched the whole clip of Jones making his lockdown prediction, they would have heard this part:
“They may change the plan, they may speed it up, they may back it off, they may cancel it, that’s what I want.”
Alex lets himself off the hook by basically saying “Anything can happen.” But in the age of social media where 30-second bites, hysteria, and fear rule, no one even hears that part.
Here in lies something we really have to consider: What really is the purpose of this report that everyone spreads like wildfire? Is it really going to help anyone?
I could perhaps better spend my energy pointing out where the mainstream gets it wrong so we can move the collective into a space of curiosity and open-mindedness again, but I see the same ‘follow the leader’ behaviour going on in the alt sphere and believe it’s useful to point out.
We have a collective sensemaking problem, not just a mainstream one. My vision has always been to help inspire a collective evolution, thus I don’t like to suggest groups of us vs. them are the best framing except when it’s useful to explain tribal dynamics.
Are Mask Mandates Back?
There are many claims that masks are already coming back everywhere, but is it widespread? Here is a quick list of what I found in the US recently.
Morris Brown College, a private liberal arts school, in Atlanta, is requiring students and employees to wear face masks in hallways and lecture halls for two weeks after 'reports of positive cases among students.'
A single office in a single studio (Lionsgate) in Hollywood brought back mandates after a few employees got sick.
On August 17, Syracuse’s Upstate Hospital began requiring staff, visitors, and patients in clinical areas of the hospital to wear masks.
It’s not widespread, and while I see that it’s easy to say “this is how it starts,” I encourage you to take some time to look at the whole picture to assess.
Could masks come back in full force in hospital settings in the fall? Yeah, I could see that, and to me, that would be an unscientific thing to do. But I imagine it would be fought quite heavily this time around.
Could mask mandates come back to all public settings around various countries? Sure, but we can respond to that if we get there.
As for lockdowns, this leads me back to the beginning: We CAN’T know for sure what is coming. We can only control how we respond to the situation.
But I have to say, this whole Alex Jones TSA prediction ‘thing’ carries many hallmarks of the same behavior people don’t like about the mainstream…
The fear, the drama, the moving of goalposts, the emotional hijacking, the lack of looking at the whole picture, the audience retention games…
There has to be a better way than all in believing these claims or all in dismissing them. What does that way look like for you?
Final Thought
My final thought on all this is an observation adjacent to this event.
We can write an article about UFOs and provide fascinating evidence going back hundreds of years and it’s widely met with claims like “it’s a distraction! UFOs are just a distraction!!” A distraction from what exactly? I have no idea, but people are free to feel what they like and we should talk about it collectively. Only problem is, you ask “What is it a distraction from?” And there’s no answer…
But then evidenceless conjecture about something that doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen pulls the attention of millions in the alt sphere into reaction and panic… could this be a distraction? A distraction from living a life feeling grounded, in joy, and on purpose? When in fear and panic, people become less powerful because they become less well.
I feel that in order to stay sane in our world right now we have to turn part of our focus toward our own wellbeing. There are signs everywhere that people are not doing that.
Think critically, make a difference if you feel driven to, and don’t bury your head in the sand, but we have to be careful not to forgo joy to hypervigilance, worry and anxiety.
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Thank you for this!!! This helps me feel more sane to be honest lol
It seems like this news story is slowly dropping from my X feed as the "next adrenaline rush" as you put it is emerging. The reaction to this TSA story reminded me of how different I have felt in this community since 2021. I think you have pointed out that you see it evolving in ways, I see it too... hopefully in positive ones. But I generally find myself having a hard time resonating with a lot of what's happening. Happy to be here though!
I think you’re missing the target on this one Joe. While part of his delivery is theatrical to say the least, he’s laid out his case and with some patience (time) evidence will come forward - or it won’t.. but a quick google of “more lockdowns coming” presented these top three findings published in the last day:
1. Top review says Covid lockdowns worked, period. (
2. Conspiracy theorists spread false information about return of lockdown (ap news)
3. Lockdowns and masks unequivocally cut spread of Covid (the guardian)
What do your spider senses tell you when you read those headlines…two promoting lockdowns and masks, and one blasting conspiracy theorists? Propaganda and Narrative control?
A late sept-dec push would coincide w our winter/return of flu season/ etc. we also have seen how quick and unscientific the response from our own administrations and different levels of government. It’s a game of follow the leader. Placate the masses that “we, your government” are reacting in your best interests to help and protect you.”
One declaration from the psychopathic chief public health officer in Canada and our airports, schools etc will implement masks in a days notice, driven by hard progressive left leadership that permeates all our public institutions. There is no lead time necessary to implement any of this.
All of this coincides perfectly with the American 24 election cycle.
You keep asking where is the proof and how do we hold to account if he’s wrong? I ask you, what if he is right?