Keep your eye on the long game. Absolutely.

Conspiracy theorists do have a pretty good batting average though when it comes to COVID. I remember reading their warnings about vaccine passports, forced vaccinations, boosters, and even the theory that COVID was a means to climate change lockdowns. And the WHO pandemic treaty is just part of the NWO agenda they've been warring about since the 80s. I remember all of it having come across so many under ground publications in the 80s and 90s. I always took it with a grain of curious salt but now I can see they weren't that off. The way the UN/WHO are acting only adds to this.

Look. The 'Covidians' are going to try and gin up the fear to force masking and vaccination. Why not? People rolled over and consented the first time around without much of a fight. That's enough for the 'medical tyrants' to try again. So I expect it.

But the conditions are different now and I reckon more people are 'awake' and armed with better information and facts. Not to mention the millions hurt by the lockdowns and vaccinations. The 'elites' lost a lot of credibility and currency by foolishly mandating vaccines in my view. It punctured a hole in trust with the medical and political establishments. How could they be so foolish? It's an axiom of human nature that people don't like to be coerced against their will and 'experts' in public health had to have known this so why did they do it? A moral panic is one thing but there has to be another explanation (s).

And then comes the fact no one takes accountability for their mistakes and/or bull shit. This is what bothers me. They're so weak and arrogant that they can't find humility. People respond to contrite humility. Would it be so hard for the 'experts' to admit they were wrong? People wouldn't hold it against them. Another interesting quirk of human nature. Instead, we seem to be getting a second attempt at failed policies and 'solutions' that never had any empirical evidence to back them up whatsoever except for 'declarations' from the expert class who had the biggest megaphone and access to the media to sprout their, to me anyway, quackery.

Also, politically things have shifted quite a bit in both the USA and Canada but especially here in Canada. Trudeau is enormously unpopular now. He's tremendously weak in the polls. Unless he sees political currency in rebooting his divisive approach to public health, I don't see much of a fight here. The provinces are also a little wiser now. Alberta won't dance and neither will Saskatchewan thanks to strong leadership. Manitoba may fall in line.

Of course, the three biggest provinces of B.C., Ontario and Quebec remain pretty much wild cards with B.C. remaining firmly one of the most backward jurisdictions on the continent with its Covid rules.

Anyway. All this to say, prognostication is a sucker's game. I learned this as a lifelong recovering sports junkie who stayed away from that dark art.

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Excellent article as usual: well thought out. and well written. I agree the 'second coming' of COVID will not happen. But because the world is sill so spooked from the first: 19 lockdown It wouldn't take much to start a stampede — And this is what the Cabal is counting on, by keeping us in a near panic condirtion by continuing to feed us false rumors of a second lockdown. Then, when we are frightened enough to easily fall into their next warplan (whatever that will be: it certainly will not be another COVID lockdown) . . . like a well groomed herd of buffalo, we stampede for the cliff!

The solution? First of all, stop listening to the Evening News. For one thing, it's not news: it's very carefully crafted propaganda, propaganda that would make Hitler's propaganda minister, Herr Joseph Goebbels, envious.

Since the Cabal keeps pounding us with propaganda, we have to just as ferociously, keep pushing back with truth and common sense. Misinformation is a shadow and has no power against truth. But, first, we need to recognize truth. Then, the Cabal has no power over us!

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Again, you've hit the nail on the head, Joe! I am so tired of receiving 'factual' shares from contacts because they've found something in the alternate media and not mainstream, therefore it MUST be true, right? No personal researching, clarification or investigation of said article first to see if it is worth spreading the message. Ironically, I shared your article with an acquaintance who sends me these kinds of tidbits from social media frequently, and they said, 'no matter what, lockdowns are coming'! You can lead a horse to water... ;-)

The other thing I'd add are my thoughts about supposed 'whistleblowers', since that is the alt. media's favourite quotable resource right now. I find it interesting how at one point in our history whistleblowers who defected from government agencies, big pharma, etc. and revealed damning truths were typically mysteriously found dead soon afterwards, but now they can openly voice their 'truths' on social media and internet without any attempted censorship or personal repercussions. Does that even sound likely if they are attempting to expose wrongdoings, since the media and internet are patrolled and controlled? Or could it be that false 'whistleblowers' exist amongst the real ones, thereby creating complete confusion around what is truth and again adding to the mass confusion? And could it equally be possible that many just state something is from a 'whistleblower' as this age's 'undisclosed source' (and therefore unverifiable)?

Regardless, I agree with Joe that there is no point anticipating something that hasn't happened yet - living an event ahead of it actually happening just lowers your wellness and immunity so you are in a worse place if it does actually happen. Trust that you can deal with whatever happens when it happens. As Mark Twain put it (assuming it is quoted correctly, of course), “I've lived through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.”

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Once again, we need to be prepared and resist if masking and lockdowns happen!

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I heard on the radio of two schools closing for a period of time due to strep, flu and covid. This is insanity. People with strep and flu generally stay home. So what if kids get the flu anyway, it is impossible to live a sterilized life. The thinking has become so distorted.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Joe Martino

It’s so difficult to tell these days with the psychological manipulation ongoing. Tell who is spouting propaganda or who is a disinformationist or a complete liar.

Remember there are hundreds of “think tanks” 10 steps ahead of us!

In the UK we are being warned of a new strain(to cover up the ongoing mRNA injuries) and that masking and distancing could be re implemented!

Priming us. The Great Reset(cover up) rumbles on.

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The Good News Is:

We Are Not Fighting To Save Anyone - Any More.

We Were Fighting To Save People From The Shots.

We Don't Have To Do That Any More.

We Saved More Than We Needed To. We Saved Plenty.

Now We Are All Fighting Against Those Dumb Enough

To Have Believed The Lie:

The Dead - The Dumb- And The Suffering -

Are Now The Enemies Of The Majority.

So - Keep Beating The Living Shit Out Of Them.

'Like Your Intuition Tells You To.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Joe Martino

I think you’re missing the target on this one Joe. While part of his delivery is theatrical to say the least, he’s laid out his case and with some patience (time) evidence will come forward - or it won’t.. but a quick google of “more lockdowns coming” presented these top three findings published in the last day:

1. Top review says Covid lockdowns worked, period. (Politico.eu)

2. Conspiracy theorists spread false information about return of lockdown (ap news)

3. Lockdowns and masks unequivocally cut spread of Covid (the guardian)

What do your spider senses tell you when you read those headlines…two promoting lockdowns and masks, and one blasting conspiracy theorists? Propaganda and Narrative control?

A late sept-dec push would coincide w our winter/return of flu season/ etc. we also have seen how quick and unscientific the response from our own administrations and different levels of government. It’s a game of follow the leader. Placate the masses that “we, your government” are reacting in your best interests to help and protect you.”

One declaration from the psychopathic chief public health officer in Canada and our airports, schools etc will implement masks in a days notice, driven by hard progressive left leadership that permeates all our public institutions. There is no lead time necessary to implement any of this.

All of this coincides perfectly with the American 24 election cycle.

You keep asking where is the proof and how do we hold to account if he’s wrong? I ask you, what if he is right?

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Small side note, as I mention in the piece, if things do lockdown in the fall, we respond then. But for now, my sense is the hysteria I see isn't really doing much to serve anyone.

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023Author

I've read each of those articles you pointed to. I still do not see this as "proof" of coming lockdowns. Pro vaccine, pro mask, and pro lockdown studies have been coming out for the last year in the news cycle, why is it only now that it's proof of coming lockdowns in autumn?

Interestingly the top report on covid lockdowns isn't making too many waves in terms of "proof" that lockdowns worked. Generally people recognize that the report showed very minor results and that it isn't a holistic study. It doesn't take into consideration all the damage lockdowns caused and that has been a bigger discussion in the last few months in the mainstream. Where should this concession from the mainstream fit into our sensemaking about how they see the possibility for lockdowns?

In the end, none of us can know for sure, but for me, my spidey senses continue to point to the fact that with early treatment ad booster shots, the mainstream thinks they have what they need for managing COVID. My sights are more so set on the coming years as they build and get buy in on the WHO pandemic treaty. Climate "lockdowns" are also an interesting one to navigate. Data collection, taxation etc.

But in terms of Autumn lockdowns, if it doesn't happen, what are we to make of this? if he is right, then of course I would have no choice but to say "he's right" lol. But he has been wrong literally HUNDREDS of times on record over the last 15 years that I've observed him. So I'm not holding my breath :)

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Joe Martino

Hi Joe, I wasn’t offering those as a form of proof, I offer no proof, only patience to wait and see. What those articles do offer is a continued glimpse of the propaganda and narrative control around this issue - and my sense is it’s pointing in a pretty clear direction when you see fresh articles like those being produced. Time will tell.

I concur w you around who pandemic treaty, climate lockdowns, cbdc/social credit etc, though I think a “super” variant would coincide well for them to continue pushing this agenda - especially during this upcoming election cycle - that is all, at its root, one and the same.

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Indeed time will tell! The upcoming election cycle shall be an interesting one especially as we move past Christmas. Will be interesting to see what emerges!

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Alex has been right about an awful lot of things. They are desperate to stay in power. Just look at what they're doing to everybody perceived as threats. Trump and co, Jordan Peterson, C. J. Hopping.....

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023

Toronto CP24 has reported a new virus is coming & it’s going to make Cov vaccinated people more sick, than unvaccinated. A couple of colleges in the US have already stipulated masks be worn.

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Will share my thoughts to a similar comment here, plus most of this is covered in my article:

"Ya, there was indeed talk of a potential new variant, but it seems classic headline reading with no context took over here. While hospitalizations rose, COVID hospitalizations are not of concern and the country sees no worry when it comes to having to respond to a minor rise. They don't even appear to be talking about masking, just recommending people at risk go get their booster. For some reason though, people are looking at this as 'proof' of coming lockdowns. Meh lol"

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023

As people wake up and push back against the narrative, anything to control us will be implemented. I'm not an Alex Jones fan, but one need not dig too deep to find clear indications that the reinstatement of oppressive policies to contain and control us are clearly imminent - and will be for as long as the globalist psychopaths wield the levers of power in their colossal determination to own and control everyone and everything on Earth.

Grounding in this environment means separating from the reactionary narrative that we are force fed 24/7 as best we can - and finding a way to virtually anchor ourselves within the baseless chaos that continues to redefine everyone's 'reality':

"By its own fluid, the caterpillar’s body dissolves within the chrysalis to metamorphose into the butterfly. The chaos that has recently emerged on all of Earth, is the ‘fluid’ now dissolving humanity as we know it, within our global ‘chrysalis’. We the ‘Conscious Creatives’, are the imaginal cells building the new evolved Whole World out of the formless solution that chaos continues to make of us, as it expands and envelopes virtually all of humanity. It is time we redirect technology toward the truly ORGANIC evolution we so desperately need, arrest our descent to extinction, and manifest a paradigm that transcends our shortcomings."


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I agree with the second portion of the comment. But my questions remain, where is the evidence that something is coming this fall? What will happen to our perspective if fall moves through and no lockdowns happen? I certainly see the WHO pandemic treaty will set the stage for oppressive actions perhaps years from now, but my specific question remains: where is the ACTUAL grounded evidence that it is about to occur in the fall?

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This issue here is that whether Alex Jones is right or not, we need to be prepared if masking and lockdowns happen.

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There is a difference between reacting to information reflexively and preparing oneself based on previous trends and vettable information. There is already plenty of talk as well as implementation of masking here and there. The way these people work is in increments kept as imperceptible as possible - frog in slowly boiling pot concept. To wit - see video of Dr Fauxi delivers a a steaming dog pile of approved falsehoods that too many among us continue to parrot like this:

“Lockdowns have to have an end game. You have a reason to lockdown, for example, in New York City, when Elmhurst Hospital was overrun and they were having cooler trucks outside, because they had no places to put the bodies, you had to have something to immediately shut down the tsunami of infection. That lockdown was absolutely justified.

“Lockdown has a purpose. One of the purposes, if you do not have a vaccine, it is to get more ventilators, get the hospitals better prepared, get more people involved in the healthcare sector to do it until you decompress the pressure on the hospitals, then you can open up.

“If you have a vaccine available, you might want to lockdown temporarily so you can get everybody vaccinated.

“So, lockdowns with a purpose work. It saves lives.”


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I agree that The Powers That Be use a slow and steady pace for the most part! I believe TPTB are behind in their Agenda 2030 narrative and are now starting to hurry up!

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Indeed - these are plans that span a century and they are accelerating toward the culmination right now, facilitated by current technology. However, as we wake up and defects in the technology reveal themselves, their illusion will vanish along with our delsusions that are currently dissolving.

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I agree!

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Thank you, dear Joe, for writing about this in a way that brings me to my center. I try to stay away from the hysteria aspect of alt media. It helps me accomplish that when I read your writings.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Joe Martino

Ya I watched that a few days ago. Didn't he state in the video I watched anyway of his claims that he stated that the reason was because there is a deadly variant coming out of Canada??

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Ya, there was indeed talk of a potential new variant, but it seem classic headline reading with no context took over here. While hospitalizations rose, COVID hospitalizations are not of concern and the country sees no worry when it comes to having to respond to a minor rise. They don't even appear to be talking about masking, just recommending people at risk go get their booster. For some reason though, people are looking at this as 'proof' of coming lockdowns. Meh lol

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Alex Jones only has like a 90% accuracy track-record and he only predicted Putin's invasion of Ukraine 4 months before it happened in Oct of 2021. He's not grasping at straws here, whistleblowers have contacted him.

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Where's his 90% track record? What are we to make of the hundreds of predictions he's made that never came to pass?

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023

90% of what he has predicted HAS come to pass. Also, your article is a dollar short and a day late because the very same day that Alex Jones warned that this was about to happen Academia, Hollywood, the Biden Admin themselves all started issuing "guidance" about a "resurgent strain (that is indistinguishable from seasonal flu via the PCR method above 22 cycles, see: "COVID" 1.0). Alex Jones is Light Years ahead of you guys at the Pulse, has been accurately calling out the Cabal for decades, that you would seize now as the opportunity to jump on the BlackRock - Vanguard controlled media, political and judicial system promulgated narrative about AJ and attempt to deride him as he's only now being properly vindicated, accurately warning all of us that they are about to roll out "COVID-23" before it happens so that we can try to shut this down before it takes hold. What is your intent here, don't believe AJ and go back to sleep? You're way behind the power curve with this one. I've been accurately following the Cabal for over a decade. Alex Jones is 100% legit. For the record I don't like Trump, RFK Jr. will get my vote but I also don't like his stance on Israel. https://philosophersbunker.blogspot.com/2023/08/msm-propaganda-confirmed-biden-planning.html https://philosophersbunker.blogspot.com/

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023Author

I have been doing this work for 15 years, we have reported on many of the power elites you're referring to for years.

But it's also true that Alex Jones has been wrong literally HUNDREDS of times. All I will say is, if Autumn comes and goes and there is no lockdowns, what are we to make of Jones' comments? Forget them and pretend he's right almost every time?

Academia has nor Hollywood has announced lockdowns or mandates, read my article, only two tiny announcements have occurred. Are we to assume they represent all of Hollywood? All of academia?

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You’re not correct regarding your convictions it seems. After taking a good bit of research material from independent unbiased logical sources over a long period of time and you realize that what’s happening now has been planned and in process failed at least a century.

Lots of people don’t see the big picture and that’s understandable because of mainstream media and television propaganda, they call it programming for a reason.

Have a great day 👍

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And honestly, if Covid does come back, I sure hope we’ve learned our lessons (https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/four-lessons-that-we-should-have) and at least don’t simply comply.

Example: Why I don’t wear masks


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It’s already being put out on MSM. It stops when we do not comply.

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I had a look around, I didn't see MSM saying they were gonna lockdown, where did u see this?

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