An Important Message To Humanity From A 33rd Degree Freemason
Freemasonry and other secret societies have a negative connotation. The fact is that many of these societies are originally rooted in goodwill and service to humanity. But something happened...
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What is Freemasonry?
In modern day pop culture, it seems to be heavily associated with evil, darkness, and an elite group of people or a cabal that has a major influence on how we live as individuals and as a collective.
I believe this interpretation stems from a lack of study, and our increasing inability to dive deep into a particular subject matter with the use of proper sources.
Sometimes I feel the collective, generation after generation, may be losing its intelligence. Then again, sometimes I feel the complete opposite is occurring.
The negative connotation often associated with freemasonry doesn’t paint a full picture, according to experts in the field of philosophy who have dedicated their lives to this particular subject area.
One of them is Manly P. Hall.
Hall has been recognized as one of the world’s leading scholars in the fields of religion, mythology, mysticism, philosophy and the occult (1901-1990). He was the founder of the Philosophical Research Society (1934). Many great minds have been attracted to his work, including the late Carl Jung. When Jung was writing his Psychology and Alchemy, he borrowed material from Hall’s private collection.
47 years after writing The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Hall was recognized as a 33rd-degree Mason, the highest honour conferred by the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite.
Over 70 years he delivered approximately 8,000 lectures in the United States and abroad. He also authored more than 150 books and essays as well as countless magazine articles.
He explains (quote taken from the video below),
“From the beginning of time, Freemasonry has been punished for its love of truth, and out if its punishment came the United States. We were founded by Masonic pressures, we were founded by Masons, we were founded by some of the best minds of our time. . . We were founded by people who sacrificed much, and also gave their lives in many cases. But we came through, we came through because of a definite determination, that the way of light shall prevail. Therefore it is very important to us to make sure that this light does prevail, that it goes on, to help us with all the things that are necessary for us to do.”
The Secret Teachings of All Ages explains how secret societies have existed for thousands of years. It explains how information, knowledge, and “magic” have been in the hands of people who have hijacked these teachings and used them to steer the will of their desire for power, control and selfish gain.
Hall suggests that the “white hats” of these and other secret societies have been very busy trying to combat this rise of the use of “magic” for “evil” purposes, control, and world dominance.
He explains (quote take from The Secret Teachings of All Ages) ,
“The masses, deprived of their birthright of understanding and grovelling in ignorance, eventually became the abject slaves of the spiritual impostors. Superstition universally prevailed and the black magicians completely dominated national affairs, with the result that humanity still suffers from the sophistries of the priest-crafts of Atlantis and Egypt.”
“They mutilated the rituals of the Mysteries while professing to preserve them, so that even though the neophyte passed through the degrees (Freemasonry) he could not secure the knowledge to which he was entitled. Idolatry was introduced by encouraging the worship of the images which in the beginning the wise had erected solely as symbols for study and meditation. False interpretations were given to the emblems and figures of the Mysteries, and elaborate theologies were created to confuse the minds of their devotees.”
I explored this further in an article I published last year if you’re interested in going deeper: “Do Some of the World’s Elite Use Black Magic Rituals To Obtain More Power?”
The Takeaway
The main takeaway from his book should perhaps be the fact that many ancient (and current) secret societies are rooted in goodwill and have the desire to bring abundance to all life on the planet, and to protect it.
“Almost all of the secret societies of the past, have been dedicated to clean up jobs. They’ve all come like the Knights Templars to take care of the corruptions of various beliefs and doctrines. They came to take the place of political corruption that was behind hope. Everyday, in every-way, the brothers were at work. Sometimes secretly but always continuously.”
- Manly P. Hall (Quote taken from the video below)
Today, especially in popular culture, secret societies have a bad reputation. As explained earlier, many have taken ancient concepts, ceremonial magic and sorcery, and completely perverted it. By doing so they have created a form of black magic in the process – driven by the same greed and ego that, Hall says, brought down the great city of Atlantis.
So, it’s important to recognize the origin of these secret societies, and the desire to do good and protect the collective from harm. Perhaps the perversion that occurred in the past contributes to the one sided negative connotation associated with secret societies today.
Below is a video of Hall’s last public lecture, given at the Scottish Rites Masonic Temple in L.A., where he has some very important words for humanity.
“The coming years are going to be of the greatest importance to the Masonic Order…The situation is serious…everyday the water is worse, the Earth is more polluted, the air is more tainted, the destruction of natural resources, the continuance of war, the development of destructive weaponry, all these things go on, and if they go on long enough something is going to happen…Something is going to remind us that man does not have the right to destroy that which he did not create, he has not the right to take a beautiful world, with all of its privileges and opportunities, and turn it into a purgatory”
- Manly P. Hall (Quote taken from the video below)
Another person who revealed important truths about Secret Societies and their dealings, was filmmaker Stanley Kubrick. His film, Eyes Wide Shut, continues to be one of my most favourite, of all time. i had to watch it three times (separated by a number of years) before i got what he was conveying. In it he subjects the audience to some unique emotional psycho-dynamics in order to represent the means by which Secret Societies operate; it can be understood if one observes their own emotional reactions closely as the plot progresses. It was Kubrick's final film and he considered it his greatest contribution to the art of cinema. i would agree. And as if to apparently highlight this cinematic feat and mirror the plot of the film, Kubrick synchronistically died six days after delivering the final cut to the producers. This in fact demonstrates the way one's destiny can be influenced by ritual -- in this case, Kubrick's ritualistic way of crafting his cinematic creations, specifically honed to make the occult (meaning hidden), visible.
But let me explain what the movie reveals about how Secret Societies do what they do. The first time i watched it, my focus was entranced by Tom Cruise's character's desire and actions on that desire, to cheat on his wife (played by Nicole Kidman), simply because she had disclosed to him an explicit sexual fantasy she had had about cheating a year earlier. He was a young, well-respected MD. They were the perfect couple with a beautiful daughter, living a dream life and he was embarking on a tragic trajectory of throwing it all away. So my thoughts were inextricably fixed on him not going through with his own adulterous plan, which additionally required dangerously infiltrating a Secret Society’s debaucherous ritual, one meant only for the elites, and way above his social standing.
But Kubrick masterfully captured this titillating emotional tension and held it steady – of the expectation of extreme sexual pleasures in dangerous, forbidden situations, while tragically renouncing true love and falling deeper into the clutches of evil. Through twists and turns in the plot, giving the impression of being caught in excruciatingly slow motion with no capability to look away, this tension continued relentlessly.
The second time i watched the movie, i knew the outcome, and thus experienced none of this weird titillating tension. i just wanted to understand what Kubrick was getting at. i grabbed hold of the comment the doctor’s mentor, who had been a guest at the elite’s ritual, made – that they just make you believe they were going to kill you, and that the ritual was all staged for amusement. This implied that the prostitute who had offered herself in the doctor’s place, when he was found out during the ritual, wound up later dying of an overdose, only because of her own belief in the sacrifice she was making to repay his earlier generosity.
The third time, i knew more about Secret Societies and got what Kubrick was portraying through his meticulous filming and acting requirements – the movie still holding the record for longest continuous shoot at 400 days ! This weird tension he inculcated in the audience is meant to reflect what the victims of Secret Society ceremonies put out into the ethers – called Loosh by some – vital energy of a certain low frequency that negative spiritual entities on the other side need and are willing to take in exchange for doing favours for the elites. These opportunistic spirits can influence destiny and the prostitute, by making her sacrifice during the ritual -- her life for his -- inevitably shortened her destiny on Earth. It was all in line with the agreed upon rules between elites, the spirits, the clueless guests like the mentor who only saw it like play acting, and the victims like the prostitute who accepted her fate and offered her Loosh and her life, in good faith.
However, unlike some believe, Loosh is not directly connected to actual sexual activities, and is more like it is manifested through conflicting intentions, like not wanting the doctor’s bad intentions to ruin his good life, while at the same time the viewer holds an opposing fascination about the orgy he will inevitably wind up at. Spirits love human duplicity. This is why there was no actual sexual impropriety by either of the main characters, and sex acts at the orgy were only edited in by the producers since Kubrick had died and couldn’t prevent it.
Meetings of Masonic Lodges, like The City of London, are not discussion sessions. Impending global events are presented as destiny. It is then everyone’s job to do their part to make sure they happen as they are supposed to. Intricate ceremonies have been created hundreds of years earlier and are adhered to religiously. They are what the spirits know and can rely on. i don’t believe it’s like some kind of white hat vs black magician game. The opposite of Secret Societies is no Secret Societies. Once the truth is known by everyone, it has no value as Loosh. If they revealed the full extent of Egyptian knowledge and artifacts they have appropriated, Egyptology would experience a quantum leap. Everything about that amazing advanced civilization would suddenly make sense.
I'm going to have to come straight out with what I think because there is no "nice" way to say it. He gives excuses for Freemasonry but any secret society should be held in utter contempt. Why secret? Does anyone still understand what secret means? It means withholding information. Why does anyone do that? To control. So he is justifying these "black magicians" who are really just wankers who hold information to themselves to get the advantages. They would be nothing were they to share that information. They would be just like everyone else. And I'm sure that information is important, stuff like "we create what we speak". They know this predominantly but they don't make it well known to us riff raff. It's all tied up with supremacy which is the antithesis of the frequency we need to be in to move forward. Yes he said some impressive things, but we are on this trajectory because some have information and others don't. Also other factors like massive and severe mind control tactics. Manly didn't say it all which is how they release information to us, they say a lot but either say something that isn't right to throw us off track or they omit important information.