This is a war of the western Superclass elites against the rest of the world. Vandana Shiva is apocalyptic. Bill Gates and those like him are anti-human and delusional in a way like Howard Hughes was.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

i think there is a danger in focusing on Gates as a singular, independent agent with some personal vendetta against life as we know it. Oh, there is a vendetta against life, alright -- all natural, carbon-based life inherent to this planet -- but Bill Gates is just like some front thrown up to act as decoy for our all too human impulse to immediately attack the messenger -- one for a much deeper and more pervasive and comprehensive agenda that is threatening this planet.

First they made Gates into this self-made idol who brought us mana from heaven in the form of essential software which conjured lowly hardware into springing forth with a Frankensteinian digital life form of its own. And we ate it up and asked for more, while elevating to stardom, this genius story with humble beginnings in some garage in Seattle, and concluded the riches bestowed upon this golden calf as being well-deserved. The actor cast for playing the part was neither poor nor humble, and then the actor, faithfully acting out his assigned role, simply bought an operating system from a developer going defunct and had it developed further, while the power and influence held by secret societies drove his Microsoft-op into unprecedented global monopoly status.

Then just like Dylan having made the deal at the crossroads, it was time for him to pay up since none of those bestowed riches were really the actor's own and thus we catch this story where it is being played out today -- of genius turned philanthropist intent on curing the world of the disease of natural life itself.

But he is not alone, was never alone, as many are playing out this story of evil come to Earth. They act in concert, yet this coherence goes unnoticed since we have been well versed by the media through their classic stories of corruption for self gain in either public or corporate office, on where the buck will always come to a dead stop and go no farther. Yet we do not even heed this truth when it is revealed -- that is never about money or personal wealth, but about the planetary real estate and the life force we all still source, that's really what's at stake, i.e. RFK revealed that Big Pharma never created the vaccine, but that it was the Military Industrial Complex who subcontracted many small operators, each doing a small part of the process, so that for anyone involved, the real goal was never clear, while Big Pharma just slapped their labels on the finished product https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/military-covid-vaccines-rfk-jr-podcast/

This shell game continues while it is we who are not playing with a full deck. While the secret societies have a direct line to Spirit and use it to get their bidding done, we have been brought up with Spirit-less Science as the be all and end all, and are forced to miss the real point -- that material technology both emulates and masks what they are already doing in Spirit. The material level only shows us the template and when we unknowingly agree to this template, as in your app telling you -- use constitutes consent -- we also consent to what they are already doing to us at the Spirit level under that template.

Microsoft's data mining patent lists everything visible under the light of day -- radiation, brain activities, body fluid flow, blood flow, organ activity, any body movement, images, waves, signals, texts, numbers, degrees, or any other information or data -- but it also excludes, and thereby clouds, the real prize they are really interested in mining -- human life force energy -- and this is the one thing these Luciferians don't have, but need, to be able to power their planetary takeover plan. The rest is just a dog and pony show for our continued fascination, as they finalize the plans for interior decorating their new digs, while keeping our eternal souls chained to feeding their ideal new world where physical immortality awaits, but which thereby needs to be off-grid from the Universal Life Force which only supports natural processes of the recycling of all life.

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I have three of Vandava's books, and had the wonderful opportunity to meet her and discuss her work with a small group of students (not woke, but very awake!) I have so much respect for this woman.

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I’ve seen this split in global human society for years. People who are fighting to retain and restore humanity and the “sheep” who willfully give their humanity away in the name of “safety”.

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I really like Vandana Shiva! A strong wise woman. 💪🏽🙏❤️

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Indeed! She's a legend.

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All of what you say is valid. But WHY, OH WHY, do you not address the ongoing assault of weather manipulation? They pretend they aren't already doing solar radiation management and solar aerosol injection. Just look up. Do you really think those skies are normal? They are starting to do normalization by calling it cloud seeding. You have to have clouds in order to seed. They are creating clouds by spraying plastic and aluminum nano particles with barium and strontium. It is relentless here in New Mexico. People from all over the world are reporting on the filthy skies and trees dying.



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I've been on the case re Billy Gates over the last three years, and realized during the pLandemic hysteria created by the legacy media, that Gates and his crony crime syndicate associates comprise a Pharmafia. I've written about this extensively, and what ought to be obvious to most reasonably well informed adults is that the billionaire oligarchs are mostly 'Biophobes'. They eschew any semblance of spiritual balance(and most are atheisists)in exchange for souless materialism. Humans in the serf class are merely expendable chattel/monetized units of exchange and barter in a global drama defined by Totalitarian control. The genetic experiment on billions of souls was an exercise initiated by Big Tech moguls. We have been witnessing a neo-feudal initiative for total control of the world's population. Gates is merely a frontman and useful media icon for the brand. I appreciate articles like these now more than ever. It's time to take action. [https://rikitikitavi.substack.com/p/gates-portrait-of-a-madman]

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In the 1920s and 30s, the Japanese bought scrap metal from America, turned it into bullets and bombs and attacked us at Pearl Harbor with them. In the last 40 years Bill Gates has made billions from software he sold us... now he is shooting it back at us with his demonic agenda.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Arjun Walia

Wow! She has really dug into the big picture of Gates and his cohorts agenda. A clear description of the problems - but how do we deal with them???

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And still hasn't covered what is possibly the most genocidal of his projects. They pretend this isn't happening, but just look up. Do you honestly think those stripes in the skies are normal?


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I've been seeing CHEM trails for at least 15 years. Can I get anyone around me to SEE the checker-board absurdity above them?

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There are active groups on Facebook from all over the world. But we can't seem to get anyone in power to stop the genocide. There's a meteorologist named James Spann who is posting pictures of the grids, etc in the sky and calling them beautiful. His mindless minions agree. I have been randomly talking to people in grocery lines, or clerks, or anyone. More people seem to becoming aware. I post geoengineering stuff on his site, but it may be that he removes it or it has limited viewing. Here's an article I wrote. I made a mistake about the chemicals being spewed from jet exhaust. They are mostly from canisters installed on the wings.


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Ok true enough. But what lead with that headline and castigate Gates is gen he was calling for alert attention to the situation of potential epidemics, making him the villain pitting humans against humans just as in war against nature committing exactly same reductionist, polarizing, blaming us against “ them” thinking you just repudiated? Headline grabbing sensationalism ? Typical blame game? How about making yr point without the opportunistic “ show the celebrity and point the finger or catch readers attention in an immature, ineffectual and meaningless way. Ti me, u just gave an example of the kind of thinking that does not serve anyone well. Drop the big common tease to grab my attention and rather stick to your point! Otherwise you just weaken, discredit and obviate it.

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* WHEN HE was calling…*Celebrity tease.( Regret all my typos, sorry Meant to sayWHY BE INFLAMMATORY AND SUNK TI THE LOWEST COMMon DENOMINATOR BLAME GAME. Only weakens and detracts from your argument IMO.

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You can rationalize, but you can't hide. They pretend they aren't already doing solar radiation management and solar aerosol injection, but they have been hitting it hard the past 4 years.


and this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmoMTsO80ro

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Since Gates so hates life (and he does!), wouldn’t the kind thing to do be to relieve him if it ASAP? It must be a terrible burden to him. How can we organize this mission of mercy?

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Arjun Walia

Powerfully worded! More people need to consider the difference between the C02 push of the elite and the destruction of our commons. To me they are two different things. Unfortunately, the C02 discussion creates a resistance in some people anytime someone talks about the environment now..

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There are those who can’t separate the crisis from the taking advantage of the crisis because they lack critical thinking skills. And there are those who slyly WON’T separate them, because conflating the two affords them opportunity to carry on with business as usual under the convenient excuse that saving the environment means supporting the Gates/WEF/Transhumanist agenda.

Some of the corruption of the elites finds purchase in the corruption of the average man, I’m afraid.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Arjun Walia

Yes Anthony, I have noticed this as well and it's troubling because we are harming the Mother yet now that discussion is seen as taboo because of carbon tax. Another way we've been divided.

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