Bill Gates’ Global Agenda & How We Can Resist His War On Life
There is no 'life' in the paradigm of health that Bill Gates and his ilk are promoting and imposing on the entire world.
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In March 2015, Bill Gates showed an image of the coronavirus during a TED Talk and told the audience that it was what the greatest catastrophe of our time would look like.
The real threat to life, he said, is 'not missiles, but microbes.' When the coronavirus pandemic swept over the earth like a tsunami five years later, he revived the war language, describing the pandemic as 'a world war'.
'The coronavirus pandemic pits all of humanity against the virus,' he said.
In fact, the pandemic was not a war. The pandemic was a consequence of war. A war against life. The mechanical mind connected to the money machine of extraction has created the illusion of humans as separate from nature, and nature as dead, inert raw material to be exploited.
But, in fact, we are part of the biome. And we are part of the virome. The biome and the virome are us. When we wage war on the biodiversity of our forests, our farms, and our guts, we wage war on ourselves.
The health emergency of the coronavirus is inseparable from the health emergency of extinction, the health emergency of biodiversity loss, and the health emergency of the climate crisis. All of these emergencies are rooted in a mechanistic, militaristic, anthropocentric worldview that considers humans separate from--and superior to--other beings. Beings we can own, manipulate, and control.
All of these emergencies are rooted in an economic model based on the illusion of limitless growth and limitless greed, which violate planetary boundaries, and destroy the integrity of ecosystems and individual species.
New diseases arise because globalized, industrialized, inefficient agriculture invades habitats, destroys ecosystems, and manipulates animals, plants, and other organisms with no respect for their integrity or their health. We are linked worldwide through the spread of diseases like the coronavirus because we have invaded the homes of other species, manipulated plants and animals for commercial profits and greed, and cultivated monocultures.
As we clear-cut forests, as we turn farms into industrial monocultures that produce toxic, nutritionally empty commodities, as our diets become degraded through industrial processing with synthetic chemicals and genetic engineering, and as we perpetuate the illusion that earth and life are raw materials to be exploited for profits, we are indeed connecting. But instead of connecting on a continuum of health by protecting biodiversity, integrity, and self-organization of all living beings, including humans, we are connected through disease.
According to the International Labour Organization, '1.6 billion informal economy workers (representing the most vulnerable in the labour market), out of a worldwide total of two billion and a global workforce of 3.3 billion, have suffered massive damage to their capacity to earn a living. This is due to lockdown measures and/or because they work in the hardest-hit sectors.'
According to the World Food Programme, a quarter of a billion additional people will be pushed to hunger and 300,000 could die every day. These, too, are pandemics that are killing people. Killing cannot be a prescription for saving lives.
Health is about life and living systems. There is no 'life' in the paradigm of health that Bill Gates and his ilk are promoting and imposing on the entire world. Gates has created global alliances to impose top-down analysis and prescriptions for health problems. He gives money to define the problems, and then he uses his influence and money to impose the solutions. And in the process, he gets richer. His 'funding' results in an erasure of democracy and biodiversity, of nature and culture. His 'philanthropy' is not just philanthrocapitalism. It is philanthroimperialism.
The coronavirus pandemic and lockdown revealed even more clearly how we are being reduced to objects to be controlled, with our bodies and minds as the new colonies to be invaded. Empires create colonies, colonies enclose the commons of the indigenous living communities and turn them into sources of raw material to be extracted for profits.
This linear, extractive logic is unable to see the intimate relations that sustain life in the natural world. It is blind to diversity, cycles of renewal, values of giving and sharing, and the power and potential of self-organising and mutuality. It is blind to the waste it creates and to the violence it unleashes. The extended coronavirus lockdown has been a lab experiment for a future without humanity.
On March 26, 2020, at one peak of the coronavirus pandemic and, in the midst of the lockdown, Microsoft was granted a patent by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Patent WO 060606 declares that 'Human Body Activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system….'
The 'body activity' that Microsoft wants to mine includes radiation emitted from the human body, brain activities, body fluid flow, blood flow, organ activity, body movements such as eye movement, facial movement, and muscle movement, as well as any other activities that can be sensed and represented by images, waves, signals, texts, numbers, degrees, or any other information or data.
The patent is an intellectual property claim over our bodies and minds. In colonialism, colonisers assign themselves the right to take the land and resources of indigenous people, extinguish their cultures and sovereignty, and in extreme cases exterminate them. Patent WO 060606 is a declaration by Microsoft that our bodies and minds are its new colonies.
We are mines of 'raw material'--the data extracted from our bodies. Rather than sovereign, spiritual, conscious, intelligent beings making decisions and choices with wisdom and ethical values about the impacts of our actions on the natural and social world of which we are a part, and to which we are inextricably related, we are 'users.' A 'user' is a consumer without choice in the digital empire.
But that's not the totality of Gates' vision. In fact, it is even more sinister--to colonise the minds, bodies, and spirits of our children before they even have the opportunity to understand what freedom and sovereignty look and feel like, beginning with the most vulnerable.
In May 2020, Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York announced a partnership with the Gates Foundation to 'reinvent education.' Cuomo called Gates a visionary and argued that the pandemic has created 'a moment in history when we can actually incorporate and advance [Gates'] ideas…all these buildings, all these physical classrooms--why with all the technology you have?'
In fact, Gates has been trying to dismantle the public education system of the United States for two decades. For him students are mines for data. That is why the indicators he promotes are attendance, college enrollment, and scores on a math and reading test, because these can be easily quantified and mined. In reimagining education, children will be monitored through surveillance systems to check if they are attentive while they are forced to take classes remotely, alone at home.
The dystopia is one where children never return to schools, do not have a chance to play, do not have friends. It is a world without society, without relationships, without love and friendship.
As I look to the future in a world of Gates and Tech Barons, I see a humanity that is further polarized into large numbers of 'throw away' people who have no place in the new Empire. Those who are included in the new Empire will be little more than digital slaves.
Or, we can resist. We can seed another future, deepen our democracies, reclaim our commons, regenerate the earth as living members of a One Earth Family, rich in our diversity and freedom, one in our unity and interconnectedness. It is a healthier future. It is one we must fight for. It is one we must claim.
We stand at a precipice of extinction. Will we allow our humanity as living, conscious, intelligent, autonomous beings to be extinguished by a greed machine that does not know limits and is unable to put a break on its colonisation and destruction? Or will we stop the machine and defend our humanity, freedom, and autonomy to protect life on earth?
Excerpted from Vandana Shiva's book Oneness vs. the 1%: Shattering Illusions, Seeding Freedom and is reprinted in collaboration with the publisher.
This is a war of the western Superclass elites against the rest of the world. Vandana Shiva is apocalyptic. Bill Gates and those like him are anti-human and delusional in a way like Howard Hughes was.
i think there is a danger in focusing on Gates as a singular, independent agent with some personal vendetta against life as we know it. Oh, there is a vendetta against life, alright -- all natural, carbon-based life inherent to this planet -- but Bill Gates is just like some front thrown up to act as decoy for our all too human impulse to immediately attack the messenger -- one for a much deeper and more pervasive and comprehensive agenda that is threatening this planet.
First they made Gates into this self-made idol who brought us mana from heaven in the form of essential software which conjured lowly hardware into springing forth with a Frankensteinian digital life form of its own. And we ate it up and asked for more, while elevating to stardom, this genius story with humble beginnings in some garage in Seattle, and concluded the riches bestowed upon this golden calf as being well-deserved. The actor cast for playing the part was neither poor nor humble, and then the actor, faithfully acting out his assigned role, simply bought an operating system from a developer going defunct and had it developed further, while the power and influence held by secret societies drove his Microsoft-op into unprecedented global monopoly status.
Then just like Dylan having made the deal at the crossroads, it was time for him to pay up since none of those bestowed riches were really the actor's own and thus we catch this story where it is being played out today -- of genius turned philanthropist intent on curing the world of the disease of natural life itself.
But he is not alone, was never alone, as many are playing out this story of evil come to Earth. They act in concert, yet this coherence goes unnoticed since we have been well versed by the media through their classic stories of corruption for self gain in either public or corporate office, on where the buck will always come to a dead stop and go no farther. Yet we do not even heed this truth when it is revealed -- that is never about money or personal wealth, but about the planetary real estate and the life force we all still source, that's really what's at stake, i.e. RFK revealed that Big Pharma never created the vaccine, but that it was the Military Industrial Complex who subcontracted many small operators, each doing a small part of the process, so that for anyone involved, the real goal was never clear, while Big Pharma just slapped their labels on the finished product
This shell game continues while it is we who are not playing with a full deck. While the secret societies have a direct line to Spirit and use it to get their bidding done, we have been brought up with Spirit-less Science as the be all and end all, and are forced to miss the real point -- that material technology both emulates and masks what they are already doing in Spirit. The material level only shows us the template and when we unknowingly agree to this template, as in your app telling you -- use constitutes consent -- we also consent to what they are already doing to us at the Spirit level under that template.
Microsoft's data mining patent lists everything visible under the light of day -- radiation, brain activities, body fluid flow, blood flow, organ activity, any body movement, images, waves, signals, texts, numbers, degrees, or any other information or data -- but it also excludes, and thereby clouds, the real prize they are really interested in mining -- human life force energy -- and this is the one thing these Luciferians don't have, but need, to be able to power their planetary takeover plan. The rest is just a dog and pony show for our continued fascination, as they finalize the plans for interior decorating their new digs, while keeping our eternal souls chained to feeding their ideal new world where physical immortality awaits, but which thereby needs to be off-grid from the Universal Life Force which only supports natural processes of the recycling of all life.