Jul 21, 2023·edited Jul 21, 2023

Good one, Joe! - also reassuring and inspiring to read the words of other kindred spirits commenting here. Love it that existing data is the foundation for this enlightened vision that AI presents! A resonant vision is summarized here:

"Our challenge is to engineer the Moonshot of an evolutionary path wherein we permanently catalyze our inherent human experience into a broader and deeper perceptual dimension – a transition that reifies a heart-centered, personal/collective human experience, as consciously interconnected individuals integrated within a coherent network – simultaneously separate and all together, like 7.x billion fingers on one ‘Whole’ hand. Once done, perhaps the best part will be an undeniable and perpetual sense of BELONGING – to one another everywhere, as constituent cells of a ‘Whole’ Humanity, integral to our living Earth.

The Age of Reason famously proclaimed “I think, therefore I am” – an ode to egocentricity.

The Ubuntu principle, “I am because we are” – appropriately expresses our evolved symbiotic orientation in the new paradigm – The Age of Intuition."


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I would like to hear this answered on a 'Non-woke" programmed AI system, it would be interesting. I think the idea of "harmony", no bad emotions,no poverty, nothing "bad" in the world just reflects the lack of understanding of the purpose of this world/dimension. All those things are necessary to provide examples and motivation for our spiritual learning journey. Example: What happens to a child if the parent protects them from any and all bad consequences? Eliminates/satisfies all their wants and desires? They already have a term for this.... A spoiled child who is stuck never growing up, a huge blight on society. Removing pain receptors from a child, while well intentioned, will not turn out well.

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But you can choose to learn the hard way or the easy way. Why to choose painful way if you are conscious enough to choose?

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I am pleased to discover you and have a similar vision and mission, which I think of more as Conscious Evolution, I think similar to Collective Evolution - need both together. I am a US Convener of Transcend International, founded by Johan Galtung, a father of peace studies and conflict transformation. He begins with the question describe the X (Middle East, Afghanistan, etc) that you would like to live in. I submitted your article to Transcend Media Service. I have been frightened by ChatGPT. Your explanation is a different take on it and perhaps a positive use. Thanks for opening my mind. We still have to be extremely vigilant about how it is used.

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Those AI words sound scarily like the New World Order's narrative...& we KNOW that is not where they are going with anything.

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Wise words you... and the AI lol. I'm still trying to figure out how I feel about AI. As with anything, I think it will have its ups and downs. Perhaps some are a bit more afraid of it than others. But as you talked about in your Ethics of AI piece.. I too think it comes down to how we steward these techs. The hard part is there tends to be a difference between how the average person might steward these techs and how the powerful in society might...

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AI can be useful, as ever it is the way it is directed that's the issue!

All who have gone through formal education have been indoctrinated (intentionally) to Comply, Conform and Obey authority, hence the Covid compliance.

By doing away with authority (Representatives in some form of Government) and implementing a population driven direction using personal responsibility and AI (this would require a good amount of education for most people) it would be possible to create a planet fit for all that is.

Those currently in power and Not Caring (the Sociopaths) will not give up their power, but by doing this in small steps change can happen.

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Thank you for this writing, dear Joe.

I am one of those 1000 already. I have had the time and the inclination to dream of something different. I align with the ideas/answers AI came up with in your article, not because I am the one who thought of them, I have been reading and pondering all this for 15+ years, and because they feel so much better than the reality I am living in. My heart just knows.

I love your work, Joe. Thank you, again.


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Is AI constrained to presume there is no God?? If so, the constrainer(s) are foolish beyond measure; their God is themselves. A fool is one who says, or believes, ‘There is no God.’ AI is merely the latest parade of the blind leading the blind.

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It did make me think though, and opened another thought process in my mind and heart. Kind of what I needed to hear today in re: forgiveness. God answers questions from unexpected sources.

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Amazing post. We have such potential. But not only humans. All life. I, either by my faith or what I sense, am connected in a thrillingly organic way to everyone and all life (plus the atoms of existence in the rocks and sand, sky, wind and sea and ground, we walk on--all of it. ). Perhaps if humans weren’t here it would be different but cycles and truths would remain. I’m glad I’m here, though.

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In a very short comment. Quantum mechanics is starting to answer the idea of connectivity. In a nutshell: we are all connected to everything and influence it by virtue of thoughts, feelings etc. We create reality by our interaction with possibilities. You are trained in your early years (0-4ish) to become who you are and how you be (in order to survive). In essence, you are being run by the survival programme of the 4yr old you! Mmmm, no wonder we struggle with life. The Jesuits knew this, hence the saying "Give me a child before seven and I'll give you a man for life" i.e. manipulate and control the child and this control continues throughout the life of the being. It's time to break away from this control.

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