More misdirection. Most likely is that the genetic material pretending to be a novel, virus was a genetically engineered bioweapon produced and released initially against China by the US DOD.

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I agree that it was likely around for quite some time prior to us knowing about it. I mean even now there are multiple studies coming out showing anti-bodies for it in the US in early 2019.

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The most likely scenario is that there was no distinct disease called Covid-19 with very specific symptoms caused by a novel coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2. There was absolutely no justification to believe that a pneumonia with the 2 most common symptoms (cough & fever) constituted a new disease. The 1st cases in China actually list cough and fever as the only 2 symptoms!! Loss of taste & smell was never a symptom in China and was added months later in the US. So it’s the same disease but the symptoms are completely different in China & the US? It doesn’t work like that and let’s not forget that the flu “disappeared”. Why would a novel lab leaked coronavirus cause the flu to disappear?? What’s more likely: There is a new disease and the flu disappeared or could they simply be calling the flu and every other illness “COVID” ?? The latter.

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Call me skeptical (because I very much am for various reasons) but the DoE? How is this related to what that agency does? Under what circumstance would they even be involved?

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Think back to all the lies we’ve been told for our safety, for reasons of National Security. Since their inception; the National Security Council’s been calling the shots, for everyone below the central banks. The DOE is the AEC; they got us into this mess, and we’ve been living in Plato’s cave since then.

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My point is there is no possible reason for DoE involvement, and the chance of someone there being qualified for anything of the sort is probably just above zero. Hence, one of my myriad reasons for skepticism.

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The Atomic Energy Commission has been running our lives since the forties. Cost overruns, disposal costs are borne by the taxpayer because the nuclear arms industry needs NPPs to produce their weapons-grade fissile material. The MIC, DOE is sustaining itself through wealth extraction; hollowing the country out through taxes, inflation, subsidies etc. They’re not at the bottom of government, they’re at the top.

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For the record, Im not arguing against what you are saying. Just seems odd that this particular agency would be tasked even with all that in mind. Although last night I did come across an article (I will have to track it down again) that DoE has an intel division (shocker) that is alleged to be highly qualified for this type of investigation. Which only brings more questions to the table IMO

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There are different types of energy. Each of us; even if there was no Matrix, still possess our own form of energy. We can recharge and start over, seemingly forever. We’re presented with a limited number of choices; so instead of living a simple existence on a homestead, where we can see the results of our efforts, our labor is commodified and reduced to a handful of beads we can store or trade amongst ourselves. The lie we’re told is that government skims off the top, and survives on that. It’s really the opposite, the skimmed part is what we get. Imagine how many times each dollar gets taxed, over and over. If the same dollar changes hands enough times; 100% of it ends up being taxed, which is why they have to keep increasing how many there are, the same way a Ponzi scheme needs new money.

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And? Still not even remotely a rationale for DoE to be involved.

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Maybe it would be easier to see if we could pay for things based on their worth, instead of their inflated value. Inflation is not 5%, it’s 97%. As we approach 100% our reality starts to look more like what we see (People dropping dead because of lies their government told them) and less like what we’re told (We’re going to Mars!) What kind of life do we think the government expects for someone who’s 18; after telling them they’ll be expected to pay into this system we’ve created for 50 years, and if they’re not crippled by then, maybe the money will be gone because all the other people who got 72 vaccines have already been disabled. So the Emperor has no clothes; there is no future, at least not the one they’re selling.

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Broken food, broken money, broken medicine and broken people. A fiat existence. Gee, I wonder if it was all planned that way.

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Had some similar questions, and have been looking into this a bit myself. Good question to ask for sure.

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Well definitely let us know what ya find if anything. I wouldnt even know where to start on this one, which could could purposeful diversion/confusion of sorts knowing the way these clowns operate

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oh no, Joe, don't say you're still into germ theory! There has never been a virus isolation or any evidence besides in silico computer generated sequences from combining bovine growth serum, gentomycin, etc., using pcr tests, python code, from China! Your fellow Canadian, Christine Massey, has come up with 0 results from over 200 gov agencies around the world from FOI requests. They purposely leak these misdirections to further the narrative. We have at all levels, janitorial services, cleanup crews, shuttling mechanisms to scoot out toxins away from a system, so at the intracellular level, that would be things like exosomes. Then at a higher octave would be bacteria: https://www.bitchute.com/video/dg1D18lNImyS/ . Then molds/fungi, roaches, rats, vultures, firetrucks, etc. We are mixing cause and effect.

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I have looked pretty extensively into the idea that no virus exists, I am not yet convinced this is the case. What I do agree on is the general idea that terrain theory is an important aspect to the discussion of germs, but I still have many questions around what was causing so many people to get sick with very specific symptoms, especially after close contact with one another.

My general point, I don't have an answer yet, but I have come across some interesting work over the past while. I think it would be too quick to say "there is no virus." This would be jumping to certainty when we have none. In the same vein, to say "there is absolutely a virus" and not being open to good theories upending that would be too certain as well. That said, I have not yet seen anything too convincing yet.

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Great that you have an open mind, and yes, I have a few questions too about whether there is actually contagious vectors at that fractal level, i.e., inside the nucleus, where 'viruses' can insert themselves into the DNA, whatever DNA is, replicate, etc. There is parasitism as well as clean up at all fractal levels, good bacteria, bad bacteria, etc., but these imbalances occur only when there is some kind of deficiency. I'm not sure how STDs are transmitted if there is no contagion anywhere and only toxicity in the environment. But why won't virologists allow people to watch and video their methods? What are they afraid of? If I say I have a dragon as a pet, I need to show it as proof, but they say trust us, you don't need to see anything, and then ban Contagion Myth from Amazon, ban youtube channels, etc., like yours. But they allow the Fauci email leak saying what the 'virus' was engineered to be. I'm working on an article with more links, etc., but here are some links, if you're interested. Thanks, Joe.

John Enders, Nobel for polio 'virus', was the only one that tried a control experiment in virology, but he even pointed out that it was a failure: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Dxa1B39cLewh/?list=favorites&randomize=false .

Michael Houghton, the 'discoverer' of the Hepatitus C ‘virus’ is quoted in Virus Mania as saying, where is the virus, can anybody show me?https://photos.app.goo.gl/wgcijQjc7bv5q4G48 .

Luc Montagnier won a Nobel Prize for work on 'HIV', but he and his microscopist admit they did not purify any viruses: https://photos.app.goo.gl/wgcijQjc7bv5q4G48 .

Stefan Lanka, a virologist showed in the German Supreme Court that out of 3600 measles papers, no virus could be isolated in the source papers- they all referenced the same 6 original papers.

Tobacco mosaic 'virus', the original viruse discovered, that paper is debunked here, if you look at the details of what they actually did: https://www.bitchute.com/video/q8LiJ6sKlmHS/

Some early sars cov 2 papers that got the ball rolling, the scientists were asked whether they isolated any virus, and they all said they did not: https://photos.app.goo.gl/wgcijQjc7bv5q4G48 .

Here's a summary of Drosten's famous fraud that was the template for the PCR tests: https://photos.app.goo.gl/wgcijQjc7bv5q4G48 .

Pasteur was a total fraud, admitting on his deathbed that his competitor, Bechamp was right: https://photos.app.goo.gl/pxZH8enAeLP6nfCG6 .

Haberland is airtight in his logic, one of the best I think: https://drtomcowan.com/blogs/podcasts/56-marvin-haberland , https://www.bitchute.com/video/bqfEhbhYWYE1/

Jordan Grant has great logic also: https://www.bitchute.com/video/9bdHKhbQlxrK/

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Both are wrong. They may have been, and may still are working on "toxic stuff" in China and the US. But to call it a pathogenic VIRUS... is just more Big Pharma FEAR PORN.

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I have no doubt they are doing wicked work in biolabs, but non-virus pathogens dont sell vaccines so the virus is always the cover story. Nothing else is even considered

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Hence my use of the phrase "Fear Porn". Thanks!

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Yup definitely got what ya meant. These days I think I use that phrase at least a dozen times a day. Im actually sick of saying and writing it. But, it fits so...

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