Not at all far fetched, in fact one of the world's highest level escapees from a black magick family has been talking about the structure of this black magick/Luciferian worship/world domination system for years now.

Free book on her testimony including others who have also escaped: https://liftingthewool.wordpress.com/an-illuminati-primer-the-book/

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Great to see The Pulse on Substack!

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Thanks Mel! Glad to be here lol hopefully it all works out and we can keep doing what we do.

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This is really a great article, so accessible. You presented the information so well. 👍🏽 I do think it's happening to some extent. People who have come out and talked about being caught up in those rituals say so. The banker Ronald Bernard also talks about being invited into the rituals as part of initiation. I think he talks about it in the first and second interviews of this series:


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Thank you! I do remember watching an interview with Ronald Bernard, quite disturbing if what he said was true...

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I'm deferring to the works of Col. Thomas Bearden again when I say, I know what the coastal elites know, and they know what Bearden knows about "kindling." The universe loves structure, esp. as it relates to its hyper-dimensional / primordial frameworks. There are all kinds of "kindling devices" to tap into the paranormal windows; these black magik rituals are one. However, they are no more powerful than meditation and prayer that kindles the paranormal activity from the collective subconscious of this world; this is why we have so much "UFO / UAP" activity lately. The coastal elites put on a bigger show because they have more resources. The problem is that their biggest show (satanic rituals which they refer to as a "joke") are around the CERN Hadron Collider, "a kindling device par excellence" according to Bearden. Here's the thing: The large hadron collider taps into the entire collective subconscious of this planet. The coastal elites know that, so they have been devising a plan for decades on depopulating this planet. They want only THEIR minds /wills should be the most powerful; their problem is that they are the people of Psalm 73, i.e. they're not really part of this universe which is based in love and life. Their will can only take them so far - and they only have each other. Everyone else who is love and life positive can tap into the universe. Now that you know this, what will you do? Consider Mark 11:24.

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Black magic is as essential to man's evolution as white magic is. You can't have daylight without night, and so these opposites manifest themselves in every aspect of our lives. In past yugas, so-called evil, dominated our consciousness.

However, once we entered the Kali Yuga, our evolutionary pattern changes: goodness now rules and the old, outdated yugas must break down. We can see that happening in the world right now. Even a century ago, who would have heard about how rampant pedophelia was—and it was as common then as it is today. The difference is, 'the light' is now exposing all that darkness that used to be.

White magic is replacing black magic!

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Indeed -- Very interested how you framed this response and it makes a lot of sense for what is all being "revealed"

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Thanks Franklin!

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Interesting to think about the way you framed that.

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Thanks for the comment!

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I have studied Metaphysics and Theology for decades. There is so much to learn and so much to still learn in this vast Universe.

I have written much on these subjects myself the last two decades.

I have also had some first hand experiences with some individuals who were themselves victims of these cults.

I always appreciate what you and Joe do being true journalists who continue to integrate ideas and write thoughtful articles and are informative with out stooping to propaganda and manipulative practices that only propose one side of the story.

Thank you both.

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Thank you Christine! Thank you for that wonderful compliment.

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So interesting I’ve researched these topics as well. You missed all the stuff about the celebrities that sacrifice their own family members and all the stuff with numerology in how they pick dates for certain rituals.

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I am aware of those ideas and beliefs indeed, so much to talk about and contemplate with these subjects, hard to squeeze it all in to one article. Thanks so much for reading!

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I know it’s a rich and extensive field. Hard to synthesize for sure. I just want to say thanks for the interesting perspectives over the years. I remember in the early days of CE I used to wonder who was behind all the great work. You’ve come a long way, keep it up!

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Everything ends up being Good vs. evil. The ppl in control unfortunately seem to be mostly evil. They are constantly spreading fear to the masses, to remain in control. Time to wake up the Lions for the ever increasing battle. Let the sheep continue to sleep, as they are of no use in this final battle.

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