Profound thought regarding empathy, have never thought of it in this way. Thanks!

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Thank you for writing about this in terms of empathy ( or lack of it.) The extractive mindset currently rules, as every human alive has been socialised in capitalism and white supremacy since birth. I wonder if the occupants of the UFO’s also has a purely extractive mentality and Weber exploring earth in terms of what could be gained in terms of resources. I really like to think not.

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As for the car's electronics, well it was explained to me I visited a mirror dimensional reality, and it did feel like that on my return for quite some time. Could not tell left from right.

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eems strange but Suzy and I have never really sat down together and discussed our experiences in the context of do you think these are the same beings. With Duncan’s encouragement I embarked on this third edition over seven years ago but things always seemed to get in the way of putting the final words to paper. Not least covid! I have Suzy’s book of course and every now and then it hits me in the face, are we both telling the same story using different words. I have gone into more depth with this last edition, way more depth! And so it might be revealed it is more of a similar story but I think mine has a bit more bite to it as to the way it treated me. ie the after effects.

As for the Musk, Susan thing well you might be surprised how many people look like someone else in this world, so to find high profilers that look similar would be no surprise.

Alec Newald

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Survival of the fittest means, the creature with the most progeny is the fittest, that is it. Dr. Nolan represents the average person. Unconsciously, most act to receive something from others. Empathy is less common than you imagine, you have it, so easy to assume it is commonplace. It isn't. Anonymous commentary proves it on various issues, including genocide in Palestine. Society does not progress, some individuals do, and it means as Jesus explained 'dying' to the conditioned self-identity. That is a very, very tall order, not palatable to most. Maybe the beings on the craft don't have a CNS like us, maybe they are AI inserted into organic bodies, we don't know, but we should be told everything that is already known. Not sure Grusch is reliable, in that he alludes to things, not enough to be convincing.

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This made me feel physically sick. Why would anyone send scout's to our planet if they may get shot down or worse, captured. I'm a sifi fan so assumed there would be a respect and awe for these beings.

God I hope they don't share their tech with us. We all know what would be done with it.

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Perhaps some send drones now for this reason!

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We are rapidly losing any veneer of civilized society with the lack of empathy and sympathy in our cold society. Indeed I think we would all be appalled at the number of people who do not understand either. I wonder how many can even spell either one without activating spell check?

We as a society are becoming more selfish and self centered every step along the way. Frankly, I can't see why any sentient intelligence would want to make contact with a species so capable of great evil. Just look at what is happening in Gaza and stop to realize that these victims are all human beings very much like ourselves. Peace to you all.

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We are becoming less civilized the more we focus on the material only.

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Well that’s not true I’ve been writing about that side of the equation for 30 years it’s just that nobody is interested , I have a new edition of my book which will be published by Nexus magazine in Australia in the coming months. If you don’t know who Nexus Magazine is you don’t know anything!

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Oh, one more query -- i've wondered about the way the electronics was reversed in your car and how that could have happened. Well, here is my theory: the ETs transported your car into their dimension where everything is reversed like isomers of molecules, but some of the semiconductors in the electronics couldn't be reversed since they work on quantum effects, so they had to leave the circuit board unaltered to work. But when they transported your car back to this world with its isometry, they forgot the circuit board hadn't been altered, so they reversed it like the rest of the car. This is why the gov't agents realized you must have had an ET abduction since the reversed isometry is known about with regards to these ETs, and it's also why the car wouldn't function correctly -- since reversing the isometry screws up the quantum effects of the semiconductors.

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Nice to hear from you here, Alec. i have read both previous editions of your book, so i will look out for the 3rd. And i actually just copied for someone, the amazing article on The Wave Function of DNA from the latest Nexus edition (i don't have a subscription myself however). Would you, while i have you, care to confirm that the ETs who took you to their world, are the same ones that Suzy Hansen is involved with ? The pics of the old one that is in both hers and your book(s), seems like they are of the very same being. i had the pleasure of meeting Suzy when she was a presenter at the 2018 Toronto Alien Expo. Can i ask you, if you too believe the Greys have secret underwater bases, and as multi-generational hybrids (or "dual souls" as Suzy terms them) walk among us now ? And i'm probably pushing my credibility and/or your tolerance of my questions now -- but do you think Elon Musk and Susan Lynne Wagner are related as hybrids ? https://twitter.com/wiseheal/status/1615776777686908928/photo/1

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I thought about this when I saw some segments on History channel about J-Rod - an alien that was supposedly helping us reverse engineer tech at Area 51. Our attitude certainly puts us out of alignment with what would be evolutionary feelings and actions.

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Yes, J-Rod, as he wanted to be called himself, was a Grey ET (possibly a Zeta) who was imprisoned at the S4 part of the whole Papoose Lake/ Area 51 complex. The microbiologist, Dan Burisch, was working with him trying to find a cure for the debilitating neural condition the Greys were all experiencing at the time. Burisch became emotionally close to J-Rod and the ET groomed Burisch into finding a way to send him back "home" to his own world, which Burisch eventually did by pushing the conveyance he was on through a star gate in Egypt. Basically i don't believe J-Rod, the ET, had a son back at home like he claimed and which he used to make Burisch feel sorry for him. Of course the humans (and ETs over them), who run the secret space program and other black ops, are not in the least bit compassionate for any of their "specimens" and J-Rod had every right to do everything that was necessary to trick anyone who was keeping him captive and escape his imprisonment and abuse, but the Greys who are involved with the alphabet agencies are really up to no good in coming here in the first place. i base this opinion on a lot of in depth research in the area -- for example these Greys try to get us to believe that they are really us coming back from the future. In truth, any "future" is always a potential future until it becomes the past, so if we all believe the Greys' story that we will evolve to become them in the future, we will then have validated that future where those ETs have a right to be on the planet (since they would be the original inhabitants (us) and entitled to the real estate -- but this story is all just a ploy of theirs to take Earth for themselves, irregardless of them having lost their own planet and being in dire straights).

There are positive ETs but they never intervene directly in Earth affairs except on very special occasions and then they need to be specifically asked and also facilitated by a human in their intervention. The book, Stardust Ranch, deals with such an intervention on Earth by the Sirians, which was set up by the ET-human hybrid, Cynthia Crawford, to try to motivate the Greys who had been occupying the portal at the ranch, to leave.

The whole Burisch sage is extensive and some of it is related here by Kerry Cassidy who along with her then partner, Bill Ryan, interviewed him numerous times and all those very insightful interviews were once all available on YouTube https://projectcamelot.org/dan_burisch_summary.html

i don't believe we can make a snap judgement that ETs are always unfairly treated in government secret ops. We never have the full story on what the ET's intentions were to come to Earth regardless of what story they give us. Simply being "scouts" is now a well known cover statement -- and we don't even know if they actually claimed that themselves, or if it is something that was part of the leaked version we have about the whole incident. Look at Roswell and the number of 'spin offs' that have been generated over the years, about what actually happened, i.e. the book, Alien Interview, claims the ET survivor gave the army nurse who attended, a different version of what they had been doing on Earth, than what the ET gave to the officials. Other investigators have published a slew of divergent implications the Roswell crash had and what it was really about, including that it was done on purpose by the ETs themselves to secretly and remotely test the reactions of the investigators trying to make make sense of how everything worked inside the craft (personally i think this is actually a good possibility). It's probable this spin-off tendency is secretly facilitated by the government to create more confusion, or it could also be the ETs messing with us telepathically (like they might have done with Secretary of Defense, James Forestall, who went bonkers dealing with the new ET situation right after Roswell).

But one takeaway from the ET's involvement on Earth that i have -- is that they are never naïve, and if the story has elements of naïveté in it -- it either means the disinfo disseminators want us to believe the ETs were being naïve (to keep their real intentions and how they might connect with our own government's undisclosed agendas, hidden from us), or the story is accurate from the human witnesses' point of view, and the ETs themselves want all of us to believe that they come to Earth with no ulterior motives.

ETs are not human and are able to exhibit extreme levels of cunning and deception when they want to, to the extent that they can fool any human interrogator or psychologist. Not all ETs are like this, but the beneficent ones, like the Arcturians never seem to wind up crashing their craft in farmer's fields. Basically humans have been fooled and manipulated from the beginning of ET involvement on the planet, and the trouble now is that it is completely unclear who in any capacity of power in our world, is even completely human. In fact this very article could be seen as part of the same subliminally/telepathically inspired program to paint the generic "ET" as fundamentally good, and just been done bad, by the bad humans we all know are running our world. But is any of this storyline really true, or could it all be an illusion perpetrated by ET themself ?

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I agree. I think it is absolutely disgusting that they shoot at these crafts, when they aren’t doing anything aggressive. Again, power and greed, just to get technology etc., just to be the number #1 country. Most abductees say they are basically here to help and warn us about what we are doing to our world, especially when it comes to nuclear. Yes, no doubt there are bad and good out there, just as there are here on earth, only I think there are more bad on earth!!! I saw a craft one night in the early ‘80’s hovering above the tree line in front of our house, there was no noise, just the windows vibrating, which is what woke me up, an amazing sight to see.

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