Everybody Talks About Crashed Craft, Technology & Bodies: What Happened To Empathy?
With lots of talk about recovered non-human tech, there is no mention of empathy or discussion about how the occupants of these objects may feel when they, for whatever reason, crash on our planet.

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In this piece I briefly want to explore two things:
A brief history of the evidence and lore behind crashed UFOs throughout the decades.
A discussion on empathy as it relates to the beings involved in these crashes, and how this is left out of our investigations.
The idea that governments around the world have been engaged in the retrieval of crashed extraterrestrial craft, along with non-human “biologics” has exploded into mainstream consciousness. This is in large part due to the testimony of former high-ranking intelligence official David Charles Grusch.
Last summer, Grusch provided Congress with information about covert programs that he says possess retrieved intact and partially intact craft and bodies of non-human origin.
The U.S. government continues to deny the existence of such programs and maintains that there is no evidence that we have been or are being visited by any type of non-human intelligence.
Just last November, it was claimed by the Daily Mail that at least nine “non-human craft” have been collected by the Office of Global Access (OGA), a wing of the Central Intelligence Agency.
One of the sources who was briefed on these crash retrievals stated that the CIA has a system which can “discern UFOs while they’re still cloaked” and that when the non-human aircraft land “special military units are sent to try to salvage the wreckage.”
One source added that the OGA acts as a “facilitator” to get the US military secret access to places in the world it would not usually be able to get to - such as behind enemy lines.
Prior to Grusch, Eric W. Davis, Ph.D, a renowned astrophysicist and long time Department of Defense contractor who serves as an Adjunct Professor in the Early Universe, Cosmology and Strings Group at the Center for Astrophysics, Space Physics & Engineering Research at Baylor University, made some noise.
It was confirmed that he gave a classified briefing to a Defense Department Agency as recently as March 2020 about retrievals from “off-world vehicles not made on this Earth.”
Notes regarding a meeting between Davis and Vice Admiral Thomas R. Wilson, USN, who was the 13th Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, also confirmed the reality of crashed extraterrestrial craft and bodies.
Prior to this, Dr. David Clarke, an investigative journalist who was also the curator for The National Archives UFO Project from 2008–13, uncovered documents suggesting that the Royal Air Force was very eager to ‘capture’ UFOs and reverse engineer them.
“Even though they have been partly censored they can’t conceal the fact the UK military were interested in capturing UFO technology or what they coyly refer to as ‘novel weapon technology’…And the files reveal they were desperate to capture this technology – wherever it came from – before the Russians or the Chinese got hold of it first….Although this was 1997, Russia was still regarded as an undefeated enemy with a weapons programme regarded as a threat to the West.”
- Clarke
Steve Justice, a recently retired Director of Advanced Systems at Lockheed Skunkworks, has also alluded to the idea that this type of technology is real. He has been quite outspoken about the “black budget” world, and objects that can mimic the capabilities that are observed in unidentified aerial phenomenon by, as he once said, employing a driver system that alters the space-time metric. He once stated:
“We have glimpses of how the physics of this works, but we need to harvest technologies from the Science Division to realize the capability.”
This means that these technologies are indeed available, in the “science division.”
I saw him state this during a livestream as well, when he was with the To The Stars organization. He has since left this organization.
We can continue going back in time regarding the study of UFOs and supposed crashed craft by multiple governments. The document below was declassified by the Central Intelligence Agency in 1994. Even back then the phenomenon was taken and studied quite seriously around the world.
I would love to see these supposed videos and pictures that were taken in this particular study below…
On February 25, 1942, a city wide blackout was ordered as the US military opened fire upon a large unknown object hovering over Los Angeles. Around the same time period, a German newspaper published an interview with George Klein, a famous German engineer and aircraft expert, describing the experimental construction of ‘flying saucers’ carried out by him from 1941 to 1945.
High ranking U.S. military personnel were also being quite vocal about what they were observing during this time as well.
Then there was the supposed 1941 Cape Girardeau, Missouri UFO crash.
Leonard Stringfield, a UFO researcher (1920–1994) looked heavily into this case. According to him, via his book about Crash Retrievals, police officers, plainclothes men and military officers were at the scene right away sifting through the wreckage. Laid to one side of the scene were three bodies, not human.
The list goes on and on. Every epoch in human history has strange stories of unexplained Ariel phenomena that are often associated with beings as well.
Dr. Michael A. Persinger, an American-Canadian professor of psychology at Laurentian University observed that for thousands of years and within every known human culture, normal individuals have reported brief and often repeated ‘visitations’ by humanoid phenomena that are associated with strange flying objects.
In a book entitled Out of this World: Otherworldly Journeys from Gilgamesh to Albert Einstein, Professor Couliano, editor in chief of the journal Incognita and professor of the history of religions at the University of Chicago at the time, made it clear that observation of UFOs and contact by beings from beyond the Earth is mankind’s oldest story.
But through all of these revelations, there is no mention of empathy, or discussion about how the occupants of these craft may feel when they have, for whatever reason, crashed on our planet. Based on my response, these crashes may, in some cases, be a result of our unwarranted aggression.
Where is the talk about Empathy?
Dr. Gary Nolan, a Professor in the Department of Pathology at Stanford University School of Medicine has been one of hundreds, if not thousands of academics over the years who have been quite vocal about the phenomenon and the evidence behind it. He has personally looked at and studied materials from some of these craft, and a month ago he explained that he is only interested in “exploiting” the technology and could care less about the non human intelligence that may be involved.
This is where the collective consciousness of humanity seems to be when discussing UFO crash retrievals, and it’s unfortunate that we are inclined to think this way. Is all we care about what we can gain from the phenomenon? Do we only care about the scientific and technological implications of such revelations? And if this is the case, do we use technology in service to others, or build more weapons and tools to gain more power over our adversaries?
Don’t get me wrong, the implications in this area are enormous and important, but how come we rarely think about the beings involved in these crashes? How come we don’t discuss the reasons for these crashes, and how our military industrial complex may be responsible for some of them? Is our response to UFO incursions aggressive and unwarranted?
What about the feelings of the occupants of these craft? Just imagine if it was you in there, exploring a new world perhaps. It would no doubt be a dangerous mission to fly inside of the Earth’s atmosphere. How terrified would you be if you were ‘collected’ by the beings on Earth, and perhaps studied, concealed and examined? How would you feel if you were never going home again? What would you feel? What about your family, friends and loved ones?
Sometimes it seems as if our current human experience is sucking dry the most important and special aspects of what it means to be human. Qualities such as empathy, compassion, and service to others are central to our progress as a human race. These types of altruistic characteristics are not just seen with humans, but with all animals that roam our planet. Our future depends not on the survival of the fittest but on the survival of those who can gather, cooperate and help each other.
Hermann Oberth, the founding father of rocketry and astronautics, also known as the 'father of Spaceflight' stated his belief that:
"flying saucers are real [and that] they are space ships from another solar system. I think that they possibly are manned by intelligent observers who are members of a race that may have been investigating our Earth for centuries."
He wrote these words in “Flying Saucers Come From A Distant World”, The American Weekly, Oct 24, 1954 and expressed that “the UFOs are a kind of sentinel, here simply to observe and report; because a humankind which is as gifted as inventors and researchers as we are, yet has remained politically and morally on our stage of development, constitutes a threat to the entire cosmos.”
Perhaps he was right? What do you think?
I agree. I think it is absolutely disgusting that they shoot at these crafts, when they aren’t doing anything aggressive. Again, power and greed, just to get technology etc., just to be the number #1 country. Most abductees say they are basically here to help and warn us about what we are doing to our world, especially when it comes to nuclear. Yes, no doubt there are bad and good out there, just as there are here on earth, only I think there are more bad on earth!!! I saw a craft one night in the early ‘80’s hovering above the tree line in front of our house, there was no noise, just the windows vibrating, which is what woke me up, an amazing sight to see.
We are rapidly losing any veneer of civilized society with the lack of empathy and sympathy in our cold society. Indeed I think we would all be appalled at the number of people who do not understand either. I wonder how many can even spell either one without activating spell check?
We as a society are becoming more selfish and self centered every step along the way. Frankly, I can't see why any sentient intelligence would want to make contact with a species so capable of great evil. Just look at what is happening in Gaza and stop to realize that these victims are all human beings very much like ourselves. Peace to you all.