very nice, thank you!

bias comes from ego, the lesser self, i feel.

However, when you establish a truth, you can use your stand to propagate it, just must be careful to keep exploring, because you can go infinitely deeper.

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Excellent piece, Joe! I cross-posted. This is a very dangerous time for folks to nursemaid a poorly informed worldview. The hive-mind always will do its dogma, however the rest of us must try to maintain a firm grip on reality.

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Lovely essay - thank you.

It confirmed my biases! lol.

Thanks again - wishing you all much happy exploring.

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Indeed. People are conflating 'taking a stand' with having principles or having a moral compass. But 'taking a stand' could come from a bad place. For example, blind pride or based on faulty information.

The lack of humility among decision-makers and academics prevents them from any meaningful introspection and willingness to consider other options. Being wrong is not an option.

This is toxic.

Why can't everyone just be and think like me? I'm always right.

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I feel these are such important areas of human evolution over the next decades. Thank you.

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Hmm, I feel like bias is somewhat necessary to help us develop and understand our perspectives. Yet, I also feel corporate media and social media alike play on our biases and spin them into completely different narratives that we may come to believe are completely true without us ever realizing it.

Saying that, it could feel like our biases may not even be our own, let alone our thoughts. Bias itself holds much complexity to be unpacked and expanded to create room for more openness and curiosity which I also feel are so heavily needed these days.

When I start making an income again (to hell with zombie America lol), I'm definitely going to try your bias course and see what it might reveal about me and my own thought patterns.

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Brother you should have access to it right inside the membership :)

And you're right, there are a lot to unpack with bias as there are layers. I think you will enjoy the discussions in the course around this.. including sources of bias and how they can incentivize us to not see clearly.

In this one I chose to look at the most physiological source of our bias.

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What are things like during election times in Canada for you guys? Does it get this crazy?

Here in New York it's highly liberal, and hearing my friends talk about RFK Jr as if he is some sort of undercover Republican is wild. Their bias stems from mainstream media, and it seems impossible to breakthrough to get them to open up about other ideas. A couple of them I could send this piece to, but a few others would probably just get mad lol.

Thanks for this concise explanation. Will check into your course.

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Here things are less polarized for sure, and people don't typically tie their identity to politics. That said, it's changing a bit. As each year goes by things start to look a little more like the US. I wouldn't say things get crazy at all, but when you combine Trudeau with the COVID era, things did get a bit nuts. Trudeau has done some things that really don't resemble "Canadian values," if you want to look at it that way, this has caused quite a bit of disdain for him.

It will be interesting to see how RFK Jr fairs as time goes on. Will be keeping a close eye on that :)

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"On freeing ourselves from the grips of bias through adopting an attitude of exploration and a practice of embodiment." This really hit me.

I think you're right about bias always being there in some way shape or form. I used to want to fully rid bias or have no bias, but seems like a fools errand. The way you put it about freeing ourselves from it and allowing flexibility feels better.

I took your bias course over a year ago and loved it. It changed the way I speak with people. I think I may re-visit it again.

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Well said. Glad you enjoyed the course and I'm curious to hear what you see different the second time through.

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I don’t think bias is bad. It’s your life experience and helps you make your decisions for you 🙏🏻🇺🇸

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I generally agree, bias can often get too much of a bad reputation. But life experience can also misshape our perception or we could be given faulty information in our past. If we allow bias to fully grip us, we can't be free. But if we ungrip from it, then we can update perspectives and ideas that may have been brought on under false info or outdated ideas. In the end, more freedom :)

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