The story of James Leninger was very familiar. I reading that story some years back. Apparently someone in the Japanese government was fascinated by it and the child and his (now) parents were brought to Iwo Jima. The took a boat out to where the boy said his plane went down. They placed a wreath on that spot. After that, the memories stopped. Interestingly, there was a plane in the water at the spot where the wreath was placed.
My two young children have both spoken to me unprompted about “when you die I will be your mama/papa” my daughter told me when she was two that she used to be my grandpa. It gave me the chills at the time. From the moment they were all born I had a sense of having known them forever. That they had always been “there” and that they had been absent from my life up until that point.
I've read somewhere that many who recall past lives are actually picking up on an 'energy deposit' left by the deceased; or, if an oversoul is overseeing many lives/focuses in various timelines, then one of the lives/focuses could be picking up on one of those lives. Personally, I don't see the point of reincarnation, recycling if the memory is wiped, the slate cleared to start over again, making the same mistakes; doesn't make sense to me. Maybe it's a soul trap as written by D. Icke and Howdy Mickoski.
I have developed and facilitated sessions for more then 30 years. Very often, in these individual sessions, people go back to other life times and even relive their own death. I don’t ever force it, I simply go with the flow so the person can release a deep fear which create a problem in this life time. I don’t believe in reincarnation, I simply know it is!
I hope there is no reincarnation, but there are too many stories of children letting us know there is. When I pray to my relatives that have passed on, how can there be communication if they have reincarnated and are on earth somewhere. It is an absolute certainty that the level of the physical senses isn't the only field of vibration that exists, I mean the humble radio proves that. This is only an opinion; I have no proof, but I think there is a connection between empathy and 'seeing' beyond the time/space continuum. Actually, I think empathy is nonphysical sense that resonates with nonphysical reality. The Bible gives so many instances of other world reality, whether in examples of prophetic dreams, Jesus Baptism and resurrection, healings and miracles he performed, raising Lazarus, his precognition of events. I don't think it is fiction, I think he was teaching us the truth on the nature of reality.
Thanks Arjun, for those very interesting past-life accounts, ones which have been substantiated as having been actual people living in the past.
Past-lie regression has been one of my interests and research subjects. i first encountered the phenomenon while doing group Primal Therapy in Toronto at the Centre of the Whole Person in the 1970s. Although i did not experience this process myself, other participants were able to track what they identified as strong feelings associated with their particular birth in their current lifetime, back into the same feelings experienced during the death they had in their previous life. (However from my later research, i believe it wasn't necessarily (but still could be) their last lifetime chronologically, but a previous lifetime in which they had the same deep feelings (and had made the underlying soul level decisions about incarnated life in general, at the end of that life). It is really these soul-level conclusions -- which form the basis of karma (since they structure the soul's attitude to life) -- which are what the soul comes back into reincarnation to balance and resolve. Many who are knowledgeable in these areas, also claim there is a planetary guiding council, (that some call The "Karmic Board") which oversees the reincarnation plan of each soul (although some of those also say this is not to be understood as composed of actual beings, but rather 'universal intelligences').
Personally i have experienced different forms of past-life regression, some actually spontaneously, i.e. when i first visited the sacred site of Avebury in the UK and recalled a lifetime in a tribe there, where i was to be married to the son of a chief in a neighbouring tribe and rebelled against having to leave Avebury (which i loved). Perhaps this is why i was drawn to live at Avebury at all costs in this life, and even claimed asylum to try to live in the UK (unsuccessfully though).
Chris Griscom is a talented past-life facilitator, who was well known in the 80s and 90s, writing a number of books on the subject, including 'Time is an Illusion' and my favourite of hers, 'Ecstasy is a New Frequency.' However her regression approach is quite different than ones commonly used today where the facilitator guides the client directly. Chris' approach is to first connect the client to their Inner Child (which although it seems like just a psychodynamic concept, does have a reality and presence, of its own). The Inner Child of each person, holds their full emotional repertoire (which usually becomes disconnected from them after about age 7), and once it is back on-board, it enables the person to make contact with their Higher Self (HS). Their HS is then able to guide them through the particular lifetimes they need to see -- and to then process in order to effectively attain their life's purpose.
i underwent this 5 day process at Chris' Light Institute in New Mexico, and my HS showed me 7 lifetimes, 2 of which were especially important for my personal growth in this lifetime. However some of the others i had experienced i am now finding, also do reflect on, and clarify my understanding of current life circumstances from time to time.
A later regression i did with another therapist was quite different, in that it has a strong emotional dynamic to it, whereas the ones at the Light Institute were primarily informationally oriented. My therapist asked me to see all the abuse i had suffered in my current childhood, and when i had -- "to take that on" which i immediately understood as "take on the same intention as those abusers had towards me" and which i then did, by digging my index finger in the massage table i was on, while proclaiming "Do what i say." It immediately took me into ancient Egypt (which i had of course known about for its unique spiritual accomplishments, but had never felt any personal connection to, or even interest in -- until then !) i saw in my inner vision the Rod and the Flail -- tools of power (and symbols of office) and then the Disk of Horus, which i didn't even know of then, but later discovered, was an important symbol of a particular ancient spiritual path. But basically the regression was about my abuse of power in ancient Egypt and i am still unraveling that issue now. Of course many others have had similar revelations, so that abuse of power in ancient Egypt is a common theme.
i would just like to mention one more 'method' of past-life regression that i have experienced -- and this took place in a large group setting of Goddess path initiation. The facilitator was very skilled and took all of us into a tribal consciousness. Personally i experienced being shunned by the tribe in some distant time, which really means death when one is alone in the jungle without the support and safety of the village. This important awareness also now resonates strongly in some psychodynamic-depth therapy i am presently pursuing.
i would just like to comment that from my own experience -- all the 'proof' that's available for reincarnation, only goes part way, for someone wishing to experience their own past lives. If one is still on the fence about the reality and significance of these inner experiences, then when they do a past-life process, they may experience some visions which seem to flow on their own, but still remain undecided about their real significance. It is possible, however, to suspend judgement and just take them at face value for the time being, accepting these experiences as important pieces of one's soul-level awareness and then to find them reflected in the real issues they may be currently facing in their own life. What is important for one's current life, is not the details that may come up in past-life recall, but the themes being expressed, as well as the decisions the protagonist of the story makes about their life, at the time of their death. It's not necessary to see them as being your actual past-lives, only to respect their significance.
ETs have warned us (i.e. in the Voyager books by Ashayana Deane) that we have a wrong understanding of reincarnation. That yes, there are souls and there are 12 souls grouped in one soul matrix, but that it is inaccurate to think of the personality as being reincarnated. The way i see it now, is that yes, the past-life i have experienced, was my soul's incarnation, but not mine as i think of myself as an individual personality. i can experience that other lifetime, by sort of looking through my soul and viewing it like a movie, since 'time is an illusion' as Chris Griscom said, and every incarnation of a soul is happening at the same time. This understanding is valuable in appreciating the common experience, occurring after having healed an issue expressed in one lifetime, that all lifetimes of that soul (and to some degree, the soul matrix), evolve as well.
Then, by the fact that there are 12 souls in a soul matrix, one can also, in some cases, see the lifetimes experienced by another soul of the 12 that are in the common soul-matrix. This explains why there have been some accounts of a person experiencing two past lives, but when research is done, and the people the past-life experiences relate to, identified through the details, an apparent incongruity arises, because records show that both those people were alive at the same time during part of their lifetimes. It was just that one (or both) of the person's past lives were lived by another soul in their common soul matrix.
The problem really is that we think we are only our personality which will not go on past our current lifetime. NDE's only are about coming back into the same lifetime and body, with new a understanding of what needs to be done. After truly dying the personality gradually disintegrates as is related in the Tibetan Book of the Dead. However it is possible through spiritual development, to gain more and more soul-awareness while still being in body. The more soul-awareness we have, the more conscious we are of what is eternal 'in' us. It's not an either or thing -- personality vs soul. Through development we can become aware of how soul and personality are connected, how personality is a means to evolve soul, and ultimately our consciousness will expand, as a result. The process also isn't necessarily linear.
One more important aspect in "reincarnation" is the Body Elemental (BE). When our soul incarnates, it can't bring in enough of its consciousness to do the whole job of sustaining the physical body. About a half hour before birth, an Elemental being comes into the mix. Elemental beings in general, exist in another dimension and are not visible or knowable to humans, unless the person has gone through the development process to see and converse with them (and if they allow it). While the foetus is in the womb, the mother and the inherent intelligences of her womb, do the job of sustaining the bodily functions of the foetus. After birth, this BE that has come in, supports the autonomic functions of the baby's body. As well, the BE becomes the repository of the impulses and memories of the new person, as they go through life, ones that they have made 'unconscious' i.e. through trauma.
It is still possible, however, for the person themselves to take over all of the functions of the BE, but it requires a great amount of personal development. This is what the Toltec sorcerers which Carlos Castaneda described, do, and when they have achieved being completely conscious and in control, even while dreaming, their Body Elemental rolls up into a ball of light and leaves them. The Toltecs do have an advantage, however, in this process of becoming completely sovereign and aware, in that they also relinquish their soul connection, and thereby don't need to deal with the soul's karma (in effect they are then like the personality, however one greatly refined through the pursuit of impeccability and shamanic stalking. Following awareness at all costs, they are then able to continue indefinitely as high-functioning Elemental beings (what they themselves call "inorganics") existing in the Elemental realms.
In normal situations however, the particular Body Elemental that incarnates with a particular soul, leaves just before bodily death in a lifetime, and is said to then wait for the soul to reincarnate again, in order to team up in another life. Some however claim that although this is generally true, that sometimes a soul can also incarnate with a different BE, than it had in previous lives (i.e. Inelia Benz claims this). The type of bodily characteristics, i.e. birthmarks or signs of wounds, that seem to reflect traumatic injuries or some other deep bodily condition from a previous lifetime, are inherent to the Body Elemental, not to the soul. So sometimes if there has been a switch between a soul and its previous Body Elemental, the apparent past-life features of a person's body may not be from their (soul's) previous incarnation, but that of another soul.
The BE does have its own incarnational history, regardless of whether or not it continues to incarnate with the same soul. The book by Tanis Helliwell, Hybrids, speaks to the various natures of BEs as families of Elementals, not as souls. i discovered my own Elemental nature as a Horus being. Thus a person has both an Elemental history and a soul history, but there is Divine wisdom guiding this association process of Elementals and human souls, something which Tanis Helliwell, for one, has written extensively about. According to her (and she can converse readily with Elemental beings) the Elemental beings who have agreed to act as BEs for human souls, are learning free will from this arrangement (Elementals typically don't have free will).
If I recall, Dolores Cannon being a hypnotherapist started down her now famous path into parapsychology incidentally when her clients started remembering past lives during her hypnosis sessions when she was originally using it to overcome past trauma
Dolores Cannon called it (later in her sessions with clients “Somnambulism”) which is a form of sleep walking whilst talking. Her past life clients had some very interesting tales but most of them were males or females but don’t recall children going to see her. Most of the people she saw came to see her for other reasons and to get answers to what was going on in their lives but ended up telling Dolores of several past lives. I’ve read every e-book she wrote (she use to tape her sessions) and every one of them I had trouble putting down, so fascinating to read. So sad when she passed away about 8 years ago I think but I think her daughter took over.
Interestingly she also mentions the role karma played in all this and it seemed like from what I recall just remembering the past lives can allow for quick resolution of that client's current issues (maybe by reflection or forgiveness, etc). I only read the first two Convoluted Universe paperback books a long time ago (when she was still alive) and later watched a few videos but I did more recently buy her other ebooks and am looking forward to reading them. Is her daughter doing the same thing with hypnotherapy?
I had a very lucid dream long long ago when I was very young, about me floating down towards Earth. I saw some dark black bands encircling Earth in it's upper atmosphere, and somehow realized that once passing by those bands that I would no longer be able to remember what the reasons were that I was coming to Earth this time to learn. So I went over and over the things in my mind that I was coming to learn this time, trying to embed them into my consciousness. Once I had passed through the bands, the next memory I had was of me viewing a woman nursing a baby, and realizing that I was the baby and that was my Mother. And I realized that I could no longer remember what it was I came here to learn. But since then, I think I have recalled a few things: Forgiveness, Honesty, Love and a few more, seem to me to be the most important lessons in life. But for the NEXT time around, I've already put in my bid to be a big bird - maybe an eagle or a hawk or a condor. I think I'm done with being a human again, hee hee hee!
I belie in reincarnation because I don't think that nature can leave anything incomplete or in other words nature cannot lie or pretend that something didn't happen.
I am not sure how exactly the process works and I can easily imagine that we come back as a conglomerate to other lives.
Gurdieff said that an early soul will fall apart after death because it didn't have a center yet but when you live a life of purpose, especially when invested in making life better for others, your soul will continue to work on that purpose until fulfilled... that's when many of the spiritual systems that believe in reincarnation (Buddhism, Hinduism (Advaita Vedanta) and others) you exit the wheel of reincarnation and move on to whatever is next after that.
The story of James Leninger was very familiar. I reading that story some years back. Apparently someone in the Japanese government was fascinated by it and the child and his (now) parents were brought to Iwo Jima. The took a boat out to where the boy said his plane went down. They placed a wreath on that spot. After that, the memories stopped. Interestingly, there was a plane in the water at the spot where the wreath was placed.
Thanks for sharing!
My two young children have both spoken to me unprompted about “when you die I will be your mama/papa” my daughter told me when she was two that she used to be my grandpa. It gave me the chills at the time. From the moment they were all born I had a sense of having known them forever. That they had always been “there” and that they had been absent from my life up until that point.
Wow interesting.
I've read somewhere that many who recall past lives are actually picking up on an 'energy deposit' left by the deceased; or, if an oversoul is overseeing many lives/focuses in various timelines, then one of the lives/focuses could be picking up on one of those lives. Personally, I don't see the point of reincarnation, recycling if the memory is wiped, the slate cleared to start over again, making the same mistakes; doesn't make sense to me. Maybe it's a soul trap as written by D. Icke and Howdy Mickoski.
Could be! Could very well be the case. Reincarnation may not be the only/correct explanation for this.
I have developed and facilitated sessions for more then 30 years. Very often, in these individual sessions, people go back to other life times and even relive their own death. I don’t ever force it, I simply go with the flow so the person can release a deep fear which create a problem in this life time. I don’t believe in reincarnation, I simply know it is!
Thanks for sharing!
I hope there is no reincarnation, but there are too many stories of children letting us know there is. When I pray to my relatives that have passed on, how can there be communication if they have reincarnated and are on earth somewhere. It is an absolute certainty that the level of the physical senses isn't the only field of vibration that exists, I mean the humble radio proves that. This is only an opinion; I have no proof, but I think there is a connection between empathy and 'seeing' beyond the time/space continuum. Actually, I think empathy is nonphysical sense that resonates with nonphysical reality. The Bible gives so many instances of other world reality, whether in examples of prophetic dreams, Jesus Baptism and resurrection, healings and miracles he performed, raising Lazarus, his precognition of events. I don't think it is fiction, I think he was teaching us the truth on the nature of reality.
Well, perhaps there are multiple routes and explanation for these remembrances . You make some very good.interesting points!
Perhaps! It is hard for our minds to grasp the eternal moment outside of time.
Thanks Arjun, for those very interesting past-life accounts, ones which have been substantiated as having been actual people living in the past.
Past-lie regression has been one of my interests and research subjects. i first encountered the phenomenon while doing group Primal Therapy in Toronto at the Centre of the Whole Person in the 1970s. Although i did not experience this process myself, other participants were able to track what they identified as strong feelings associated with their particular birth in their current lifetime, back into the same feelings experienced during the death they had in their previous life. (However from my later research, i believe it wasn't necessarily (but still could be) their last lifetime chronologically, but a previous lifetime in which they had the same deep feelings (and had made the underlying soul level decisions about incarnated life in general, at the end of that life). It is really these soul-level conclusions -- which form the basis of karma (since they structure the soul's attitude to life) -- which are what the soul comes back into reincarnation to balance and resolve. Many who are knowledgeable in these areas, also claim there is a planetary guiding council, (that some call The "Karmic Board") which oversees the reincarnation plan of each soul (although some of those also say this is not to be understood as composed of actual beings, but rather 'universal intelligences').
Personally i have experienced different forms of past-life regression, some actually spontaneously, i.e. when i first visited the sacred site of Avebury in the UK and recalled a lifetime in a tribe there, where i was to be married to the son of a chief in a neighbouring tribe and rebelled against having to leave Avebury (which i loved). Perhaps this is why i was drawn to live at Avebury at all costs in this life, and even claimed asylum to try to live in the UK (unsuccessfully though).
Chris Griscom is a talented past-life facilitator, who was well known in the 80s and 90s, writing a number of books on the subject, including 'Time is an Illusion' and my favourite of hers, 'Ecstasy is a New Frequency.' However her regression approach is quite different than ones commonly used today where the facilitator guides the client directly. Chris' approach is to first connect the client to their Inner Child (which although it seems like just a psychodynamic concept, does have a reality and presence, of its own). The Inner Child of each person, holds their full emotional repertoire (which usually becomes disconnected from them after about age 7), and once it is back on-board, it enables the person to make contact with their Higher Self (HS). Their HS is then able to guide them through the particular lifetimes they need to see -- and to then process in order to effectively attain their life's purpose.
i underwent this 5 day process at Chris' Light Institute in New Mexico, and my HS showed me 7 lifetimes, 2 of which were especially important for my personal growth in this lifetime. However some of the others i had experienced i am now finding, also do reflect on, and clarify my understanding of current life circumstances from time to time.
A later regression i did with another therapist was quite different, in that it has a strong emotional dynamic to it, whereas the ones at the Light Institute were primarily informationally oriented. My therapist asked me to see all the abuse i had suffered in my current childhood, and when i had -- "to take that on" which i immediately understood as "take on the same intention as those abusers had towards me" and which i then did, by digging my index finger in the massage table i was on, while proclaiming "Do what i say." It immediately took me into ancient Egypt (which i had of course known about for its unique spiritual accomplishments, but had never felt any personal connection to, or even interest in -- until then !) i saw in my inner vision the Rod and the Flail -- tools of power (and symbols of office) and then the Disk of Horus, which i didn't even know of then, but later discovered, was an important symbol of a particular ancient spiritual path. But basically the regression was about my abuse of power in ancient Egypt and i am still unraveling that issue now. Of course many others have had similar revelations, so that abuse of power in ancient Egypt is a common theme.
i would just like to mention one more 'method' of past-life regression that i have experienced -- and this took place in a large group setting of Goddess path initiation. The facilitator was very skilled and took all of us into a tribal consciousness. Personally i experienced being shunned by the tribe in some distant time, which really means death when one is alone in the jungle without the support and safety of the village. This important awareness also now resonates strongly in some psychodynamic-depth therapy i am presently pursuing.
Thanks Petra!
The Chris Griscom books you mentioned are available to read for free on the Internet Archive if readers are interested.
(Comment continued from above)
i would just like to comment that from my own experience -- all the 'proof' that's available for reincarnation, only goes part way, for someone wishing to experience their own past lives. If one is still on the fence about the reality and significance of these inner experiences, then when they do a past-life process, they may experience some visions which seem to flow on their own, but still remain undecided about their real significance. It is possible, however, to suspend judgement and just take them at face value for the time being, accepting these experiences as important pieces of one's soul-level awareness and then to find them reflected in the real issues they may be currently facing in their own life. What is important for one's current life, is not the details that may come up in past-life recall, but the themes being expressed, as well as the decisions the protagonist of the story makes about their life, at the time of their death. It's not necessary to see them as being your actual past-lives, only to respect their significance.
ETs have warned us (i.e. in the Voyager books by Ashayana Deane) that we have a wrong understanding of reincarnation. That yes, there are souls and there are 12 souls grouped in one soul matrix, but that it is inaccurate to think of the personality as being reincarnated. The way i see it now, is that yes, the past-life i have experienced, was my soul's incarnation, but not mine as i think of myself as an individual personality. i can experience that other lifetime, by sort of looking through my soul and viewing it like a movie, since 'time is an illusion' as Chris Griscom said, and every incarnation of a soul is happening at the same time. This understanding is valuable in appreciating the common experience, occurring after having healed an issue expressed in one lifetime, that all lifetimes of that soul (and to some degree, the soul matrix), evolve as well.
Then, by the fact that there are 12 souls in a soul matrix, one can also, in some cases, see the lifetimes experienced by another soul of the 12 that are in the common soul-matrix. This explains why there have been some accounts of a person experiencing two past lives, but when research is done, and the people the past-life experiences relate to, identified through the details, an apparent incongruity arises, because records show that both those people were alive at the same time during part of their lifetimes. It was just that one (or both) of the person's past lives were lived by another soul in their common soul matrix.
The problem really is that we think we are only our personality which will not go on past our current lifetime. NDE's only are about coming back into the same lifetime and body, with new a understanding of what needs to be done. After truly dying the personality gradually disintegrates as is related in the Tibetan Book of the Dead. However it is possible through spiritual development, to gain more and more soul-awareness while still being in body. The more soul-awareness we have, the more conscious we are of what is eternal 'in' us. It's not an either or thing -- personality vs soul. Through development we can become aware of how soul and personality are connected, how personality is a means to evolve soul, and ultimately our consciousness will expand, as a result. The process also isn't necessarily linear.
One more important aspect in "reincarnation" is the Body Elemental (BE). When our soul incarnates, it can't bring in enough of its consciousness to do the whole job of sustaining the physical body. About a half hour before birth, an Elemental being comes into the mix. Elemental beings in general, exist in another dimension and are not visible or knowable to humans, unless the person has gone through the development process to see and converse with them (and if they allow it). While the foetus is in the womb, the mother and the inherent intelligences of her womb, do the job of sustaining the bodily functions of the foetus. After birth, this BE that has come in, supports the autonomic functions of the baby's body. As well, the BE becomes the repository of the impulses and memories of the new person, as they go through life, ones that they have made 'unconscious' i.e. through trauma.
It is still possible, however, for the person themselves to take over all of the functions of the BE, but it requires a great amount of personal development. This is what the Toltec sorcerers which Carlos Castaneda described, do, and when they have achieved being completely conscious and in control, even while dreaming, their Body Elemental rolls up into a ball of light and leaves them. The Toltecs do have an advantage, however, in this process of becoming completely sovereign and aware, in that they also relinquish their soul connection, and thereby don't need to deal with the soul's karma (in effect they are then like the personality, however one greatly refined through the pursuit of impeccability and shamanic stalking. Following awareness at all costs, they are then able to continue indefinitely as high-functioning Elemental beings (what they themselves call "inorganics") existing in the Elemental realms.
In normal situations however, the particular Body Elemental that incarnates with a particular soul, leaves just before bodily death in a lifetime, and is said to then wait for the soul to reincarnate again, in order to team up in another life. Some however claim that although this is generally true, that sometimes a soul can also incarnate with a different BE, than it had in previous lives (i.e. Inelia Benz claims this). The type of bodily characteristics, i.e. birthmarks or signs of wounds, that seem to reflect traumatic injuries or some other deep bodily condition from a previous lifetime, are inherent to the Body Elemental, not to the soul. So sometimes if there has been a switch between a soul and its previous Body Elemental, the apparent past-life features of a person's body may not be from their (soul's) previous incarnation, but that of another soul.
The BE does have its own incarnational history, regardless of whether or not it continues to incarnate with the same soul. The book by Tanis Helliwell, Hybrids, speaks to the various natures of BEs as families of Elementals, not as souls. i discovered my own Elemental nature as a Horus being. Thus a person has both an Elemental history and a soul history, but there is Divine wisdom guiding this association process of Elementals and human souls, something which Tanis Helliwell, for one, has written extensively about. According to her (and she can converse readily with Elemental beings) the Elemental beings who have agreed to act as BEs for human souls, are learning free will from this arrangement (Elementals typically don't have free will).
If I recall, Dolores Cannon being a hypnotherapist started down her now famous path into parapsychology incidentally when her clients started remembering past lives during her hypnosis sessions when she was originally using it to overcome past trauma
She has written some very interesting books I've read.
Dolores Cannon called it (later in her sessions with clients “Somnambulism”) which is a form of sleep walking whilst talking. Her past life clients had some very interesting tales but most of them were males or females but don’t recall children going to see her. Most of the people she saw came to see her for other reasons and to get answers to what was going on in their lives but ended up telling Dolores of several past lives. I’ve read every e-book she wrote (she use to tape her sessions) and every one of them I had trouble putting down, so fascinating to read. So sad when she passed away about 8 years ago I think but I think her daughter took over.
Interestingly she also mentions the role karma played in all this and it seemed like from what I recall just remembering the past lives can allow for quick resolution of that client's current issues (maybe by reflection or forgiveness, etc). I only read the first two Convoluted Universe paperback books a long time ago (when she was still alive) and later watched a few videos but I did more recently buy her other ebooks and am looking forward to reading them. Is her daughter doing the same thing with hypnotherapy?
Her daughter was but not sure if still is as haven’t followed her now for about 4 or so years.
Interesting that Dolores also progressed clients as well as regressed.
By progressed, do you mean into the future? If so, I don't recall that, but I haven't read all her books and it's been a while since
Amazing examples. So interesting how the conditioning of this world wipes out memories of the former.
Thanks Tom!
I had a very lucid dream long long ago when I was very young, about me floating down towards Earth. I saw some dark black bands encircling Earth in it's upper atmosphere, and somehow realized that once passing by those bands that I would no longer be able to remember what the reasons were that I was coming to Earth this time to learn. So I went over and over the things in my mind that I was coming to learn this time, trying to embed them into my consciousness. Once I had passed through the bands, the next memory I had was of me viewing a woman nursing a baby, and realizing that I was the baby and that was my Mother. And I realized that I could no longer remember what it was I came here to learn. But since then, I think I have recalled a few things: Forgiveness, Honesty, Love and a few more, seem to me to be the most important lessons in life. But for the NEXT time around, I've already put in my bid to be a big bird - maybe an eagle or a hawk or a condor. I think I'm done with being a human again, hee hee hee!
I belie in reincarnation because I don't think that nature can leave anything incomplete or in other words nature cannot lie or pretend that something didn't happen.
I am not sure how exactly the process works and I can easily imagine that we come back as a conglomerate to other lives.
Gurdieff said that an early soul will fall apart after death because it didn't have a center yet but when you live a life of purpose, especially when invested in making life better for others, your soul will continue to work on that purpose until fulfilled... that's when many of the spiritual systems that believe in reincarnation (Buddhism, Hinduism (Advaita Vedanta) and others) you exit the wheel of reincarnation and move on to whatever is next after that.