I'm ultra slow with learning about what's happening in our world and up until this post, I'd never even heard of Sam Harris. He seems to have lived quite the life according to what I've read and heard about him today alone, but as far as sensemaking goes, for any number of reasons this episode seems to fail miserably. You and Madhava already covered much of what I wanted to say [and more that I hadn't thought of myself] but I personally have two other glaring red flags based on his statements:

1. Right around 0:50 he states that "RFK has been everywhere and I declined to have him on this podcast. At one point a mutual friend reached out offering to put us together and I declined for the time being. Perhaps I will talk to him at some point but [um] I hope it doesn't come to that". So rather than invite the very person you're "critiquing" [if it can even be called that] in an effort to "sensemake", he instead decides to make the case that RFK Jr. shouldn't be platformed b/c of his alleged statements and stances on controversial issues? I wonder if he bothered to watch the House hearing that took place this past Thursday regarding censorship and its many facets. Moreover, this reminds me of Dr. Peter Hotez's refusal to debate RFK Jr. because he was being "brave" by not giving "conspiracy theorists" and "crackpots" a platform to peddle their own "selfish" causes.

2. At around 22:21 he states: "Everybody's just trying to get rich, they're just trying to sell you medicine; dangerous, ineffective medicine. And again the problem is there is some truth to this bad incentive story [which I've discussed previously on this podcast]. But the further truth is the drug approval story is quite mixed. Half the time it's a story not of dangerous and ineffective drugs being rushed so that pharmaceutical companies can profit off the igorance and vulnerability of a trusting public. Again there may be some of that, and wherever it exists we should stamp it out; but rather often the opposite happens. [Right] There's a galling, sluggishness in the drug approval process. There are sick people desperate for new medications. [You know] there are drugs that are approved in Europe that are not approved in the U.S. (and vice versa, in my opinion), and this is really frustrating. That is the opposite problem. That is not people rushing to get rich; that is regulators being too cautious or seeming to be too cautious." I don't know how many new (and old) drugs I see advertised on T.V. every damn day thanks to direct-to-consumer advertising, and I've been seeing more headlines about new vaccines being approved for use in various age groups -- all of this suggesting to me that regulators actually seem to have thrown caution to the wind with most (if not all) drugs and vaccines. Not only that, it sounds to me like he wishes for the drug and vaccine approval process to be even faster than it currently is which sounds very dangerous and possibly wreckless to me; we need not forget Operation Warp Speed which fast-tracked the COVID vaccine in under one year when it usually takes (or is supposed to take) at least 7-10 years for a vaccine to be available on the market (correct me if I'm wrong).

All in all, this episode seemed to lack any basic inquiry and insights into what RFK might have been trying to say and Sam seems to me to have misrepresented much of what RFK Jr. allegedly "misrepresented". That's a key strategy of censorship and I think he should listen to what RFK had to say in Thursday's censorship hearing.

Gosh what a crazy world lolol

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The Man Stands Behind His Statements.

That Minorities Have To Twist Them

Into Awful Attacks Against Themselves

Says More About Them

Than It Does Mr. Kennedy.


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This was a great breakdown, thanks to you both.

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If nothing else, RFK Jr’s candidacy is helping to reveal more about how all of us are trying to make sense of our world, often bringing to the surface deeply held beliefs that may have been a bit less well-defined before.

Another case in point is someone whose work I have held in high regard for many years, and that is Daniel Pinchbeck. I see that, like me, Madhavva wrote a comment in what has been a very lively comment section on that article.


Anyway, I’m going to listen to your conversation but will say that unlike Pinchbeck, I’ve never thought much of Sam Harris.

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