So well-written. I feel more sane, now--thank you.

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I appreciate this article so much! Thank you! Hoping to be able to soon be writing for The Pulse as well.

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The Pulse broadens my mind

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Yes, and mainstream media also shapes public perception by ignoring the important stuff, for example here in Australia, the 'respected' ABC broadcaster and SMH newspaper were completely silent, no news coverage at all, on Dr. Kerryn Phelps, an advisory board member and conjoint professor at the NICM Health Research Institute, and former head of the Australian Medical Association (AMA) regarding her concerns.

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Kerryn Phelps, MD, has spent most of her career as a politician. If she and her partner were not injured by the cv19 jab, she probably would not have spoken out. I in Qld. lived in fear of being forced to take this experimental jab and couldn't understand why educated, informed professionals were silent; I now know they were threatened with loss of registration if they went against the narrative, or if they prescribed exceptions, ivermectin or HCQ. Thanks WHO and the government who went along with them.

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" ... I seek out information that contradicts what I believe and it helps me gain a more balanced and accurate understanding of truth, if there is such a thing."

This is why I subscribe to Pulse: Joe, you make an honest attempt to say what's true, and God knows, our world is in desperate need for more balanced knowledge to counter the crap that's popularr.

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The fact that people put others in categories is media created. Media has been doing this for a long time in many areas of our society; politics, economy, foreign policy, etc. Us vs them, this vs that. Conspiracy theorists (people who used to be called investigative journalists) are dangerous. So the field had been sown for this same media rhetoric and conditioning when covid came along.

People also internally place people into categories, and it's hard to filter out how much of this is natural for people, and how much is the effects of Western media.

Thanks for your thoughtful posts on these matters. 🙏💕

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Indeed. Agree. Thanks so much for reading!

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unfortunately main stream media are being funded by corporate interests which includes big pharma.

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Discovered the pulse recently. I greatly appreciate your dedication to setting out your facts and reasoning in a clear manner. 

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Thank you Chris! We really appreciate that.

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Very good points. I always say to people, how can all of these world renowned experts were suddenly no longer credible. Dr. Naomi Wolf was a 10 time best selling author, on CNN all the time. Now, not a medical Dr but she's just one example. People that have the message in them (messagingRNA) and they can't hear it i know two have told me they are definitely not taking more shots and then they go take another. It's nonsense. I no longer share private things with them, told them I took it too. I think these people will turn on pure bloods, rat them out, turn them into tyrants for "quarantine."

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Thanks for the comment! Hopefully we are done with things like quarantine! But people like Bill Gates and more have already been talking about the "next pandemic" for a while, it will be interesting to see what happens then (if it happens) after "they" witnessed to how people responded to this one. And what you say is true too, it's hard for someone who has been vaccinated to listen to and or even think about the concerns that are being raised, which is understandable.

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But I wonder if it's not for a lack of hearing, or being concerned. What if they are concerned, and reasonably so. You would basically have to be qctively avoiding all of the deaths/injuries. But what if rhey're receiving messages, being programmed, or re-programmed? Yuval said, "we now have hackable human beings." And, whatsherface from wef said, "thanks to covid vaccines we can now edit dna genomes, we have write permissions." I really can't say for sure, but if psychopaths are saying they want it, and they can do it, then I tend to believe them. Afterall, a lot of illness, disease, injury, and death are all on the rise.

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