Thanks for your beautifully articulated article, Tom. i agree that there is singing; i call it vibrations.

Astronomers -- i wanted to be an Astronomer myself when i entered uni but my skills in doing Physics were only intuitively based (which had won me an award for top marks in Physics in high school), and i was not able to fluently apply the math to prove the Physics concepts, which becomes essential after a certain point. So after flunking the 2nd. term of my 1st year advanced Physics course, and passing through a traumatic period of soul-searching about how i could ever be complete w/o my dream of being an Astronomer, i switched my major to Psych in 2nd. year. This wound up being a very good choice, since in Psychology many concepts are intuitively based, and i could just add the necessary logical and statistical relations, after the fact, when necessary, to make the science happy.

i forgot to mention that in high school i was always working on science fair projects and building telescopes to look out into the Universe at night. Later i realized that that was in fact, all that i had really wanted anyway -- to commune with the vibrations of the stars at night, but i believed i needed to do it in a proper way (by officially becoming an Astronomer). (i think "Astronomer" had meant something different in other times and places.)

Although i kept my new avenue of exploration -- Psychology -- in continual focus, in order to later sustain gainful (and meaningful) employment with a semi-professional qualifier, this avenue quickly led into other (deeper) areas as well, like Parapsychology, then Spirituality ('not religion' of course) and then to Metaphysics, which was like Physics in a sense, but very "meta' as they say today -- meaning to me, that i could use my natural intuition w/o restraint, and never be regarded with askance looks, for doing so ! Then there were the ETs, who i had first read about in a copy of my mother's Readers Digest (the Betty and Barney Hill contact event) and of course they and the vibrations of the stars connected up really well.

So leaving behind all that personal reminiscence of what was, what could have been, and what maybe was how it should have been all along, anyway -- i too appreciate the rogue (i prefer 'alternative') contributions of John Anthony West and R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz, to the flowering of sacred knowledge in ancient Egypt. However i would add to that clique, Drunvalo Melchizedek and Isha Schwaller de Lubicz (who eventually married R. A), as well as Lucy Lamy, (Isha's daughter by her 1st marriage).

Of course the Schwaller de Lubicz clan were allied with the Freemasons -- which shouldn't be a surprise, since it explains where all this knowledge of ancient sacred secrets in Egypt went to, and why today, nothing really sacred or even magical is attributed to ancient Egypt at all (by official Egyptological etiquette), just the usual bureaucratic goings on, and wars and elaborate funerals of leaders, and such -- as expected of all ancient civilizations, even ones that were a bit more culturally extravagant, as any could be before the 'true' civilization of 'modernity' came into being.

John Anthony West called it like he saw it -- the Church of Progress -- meaning that there is an unacknowledged religion at play in our world today -- one maintaining an inherent belief structure that our civilization is constantly advancing and improving itself in knowledge and technological capability, so that what was known 10 years ago, is today outdated -- ultimately implying that everything in our present moment is always operating at its currently most advanced level of being. West of course saw -- that -- in comparison to how the ancient Egyptians saw what -- that -- was for them.

The official Egyptological etiquette is to never go and stand where the Egyptians stood, to never enter into their way of being, but rather to transpose all their ways and accomplishments into our 'Church of Progress' mindframe, thereby relegating all that doesn't fit there -- to the sands of eternity, i.e. the Egyptian's massive advancements in esoteric knowledge.

Isha Schwaller de Lubicz showed us how it was to stand where they stood -- in her two part Her-Bak account, she takes us there and shows, among many other things, that the Ba and the Ka, two essential principles of Egyptian spiritual understanding, were completely dialectic -- that one needed the other to exist, and that thus neither could be understood as existing alone -- which is contrary to how official Egyptology understands it -- that the Ba and the Ka were separate.

No, there was no idea of a continual state of "Progress" in ancient Egypt -- it was a cyclical state of being, where the Nile rose to the cycles of the star Sirius, and Ra (the Sun) travelled into the underworld every night, to be rebirthed into existence, again in the morning. They lived a highly developed spiritual life, while doing normal everyday activities all people do. In their understanding, one thing didn't always imply many possible interpretations of it, ad nauseum, as is the case in our understanding of how reality is, but rather for them, a thing WAS full of ALL of its many guises of meaning, in itself. And every meaning was lived and felt, as required, instead of simply being understood with the mind.

The ancient Egyptians were not superstitious and knew that a statue of Horus was made of stone, not that it could suddenly become flesh and blood, yet Horus was equal to the form the stone took, and the many offerings to the form of Horus in the stone, did impact the Elemental nature of the form in the stone, and thus Horus as an Elemental form existing everywhere, would respond to them personally.

By comparison, we look to our high priests today -- the Astronomers, Physicists and other Scientists -- for their latest pronouncements of what has been yielded up from their highly advanced probings into the reality of the distant reaches of the Universe -- while they make up tales for us to better understand their newest project on gravity waves interacting with light, cautioning us all the while that it should only be seen as an analogy, since only they know the true significances in relation to their ongoing work, which is set out in mathematical correspondences to which all things of truth and value must adhere.

So for us, a thing i.e. gravity, the farthest galaxy, our own mind -- is completely open to interpretation and reinterpretation, as new revelations are made about it. We thus live in a very indefinite reality, which exists on the brink of a moving wave of Progress. But the riddle of life and death, which is of great personal concern to everyone, is relegated to religion, which has now become practically meaningless to many.

Maybe one could sit back and ask, "Where has all this gotten us anyway -- the looking farther into the depths of space and space-time, and Dark matter, to understand how the Universe might have come into existence, and what it might really be, that is not what we think it is now ?" But at least we can rest in the assurance -- that they (scientists -- representing the collective 'we' of all humanity) know more about all this today than they knew last year. Somehow if this scenario was presented in a different format -- it would likely appear to many people, like some kind of elaborate scam at extortion !

So may John Anthony West, rest in peace, knowing that it is indeed how he knew it to be -- our reality vs. the Egyptian's. And in the end, it becomes clear that the Egyptians were wiser than us, since they knew to keep their highest priests out in the open, rather than letting them scheme away in private. The secret societies of today which kept those secrets of the ancients for themselves, are able remain completely hidden, and thereby wield the Egyptian and other ancient ritual magic tricks over us with impunity. While we are left to throw all our bets on the Church of Progress catching up to something that makes any difference at all, in what really matters to us.

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Some aspects of this article are prompting me to pose some questions. The closest star is reported to be 4.2 light years away. Given the inverse law of light where light from a light source diminishes with distance, It seems that a star 4.2 light years showing as a source of light seeming impossible when this concept is explored. Even our sun at some supposed 93 million miles away is stretching the imagination when we consider it as a source of light and heat . Also, the supposed landings on the moon show images with normal lighting and yet the moon is supposedly 226,000 miles away and supposedly reflecting light from sun. Really….Shouldn’t sunlight reflected by the moon so far away be blindingly bright on the moon’s surface… and we are supposed to believe we are in a solar system within a galaxy where gravity plays a major role as so described by our text books? If we sit quietly, take a deep breath with a desire to know the truth, we can explore, with an open discerning mind, just some of the evidence offered to describe a reality of how we live on a flat earth plane. My own journey of doing this only a couple of years ago offered me insights that I had been ignoring…or I was conditioned to ignore…which opened my eyes once again to expose other truths which challenged my perception of reality regarding sun, moon, stars, earth, solar system, etc? It becomes clear, that the knowledge gained through individuals actively exploring for and seeking truths for themselves are a critical component of our human evolution towards a concept of enlightenment.

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Loved this article. Yes of course everything sings. Everything is moving creating waves.. And I have heard, at least on some small scale the singing. On a vision quest in a canyon in Colorado I keep hearing this low slightly vacillating deep sound. No one else seemed to hear it. I heard it day and night. Finally I figured out it was the singing bowl of the root chakra. That made sense since I kept having dreams of being naked from the waist down. Then a few years later in Peru under the influence of Ayahuasca i heard everything sing, the trees, the grass, the stars , everything. And all night I sang along with it or rather it sang though me. After that I knew everything sings all the time. i am just not in a state of mind where I can hear it. Right now can I stop and listen for the incredible beautiful song of the universe.

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While I like the concept presented here, I stopped reading after the part that based everything on the "Constant speed of light". Since that very concept has now been shown to be false, the rest of the calculations may also be false.

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When I lost my religion at 21 there was never even the slightest consideration of atheism. To me it made even less sense than repressive dogmatic religion. Now, fifty years on, all the wonders I have been shown and given consideration to have only bolstered my belief that atheists are by and large either dull, unimaginative narcissists who aren't as smart as they think they are, or they're just not paying attention.

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