Hello Joe, please share on your channels:

RFK's "Heal the divide" presidential campaign advisor, the amazing Charles Eisenstein said: "I have stuck by him despite our disagreement on the Israel/Palestine issue, because I see in him personal qualities that give me hope that he will change his mind."




RFK is running a poll as to what is most important to people - you can fill that in too, on the link above. Straightforward and really quick, takes not even a minute if you just tick or a little longer depending what you want to write in one comment window.

I only ticked "end worlds wars" and added this comment:

PEACE!!! The most important thing the American president, true human standing for and with other humans, MUST do is to contribute to peace in the world by staying true to the slogan "Heal the divide", meaning:

* not taking sides in conflicts as the politics dictate

* not supporting oppressors or any nation against another with American finances, artillery or verbally.

* advocate peace by restraining from "a self-legitimized" counter attack and not supporting other countries in such actions.

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Interesting discussion. Thank you.

One possible perspective is that not one or another approach but actually all levels of responses may currently still have their place and role to play to some extent in the reality of the situation and its different levels of local and nonlocal involvement. From military mobilisation for healthy self-defense on location, over progressive and constructive diplomatic conversations between decision makers, to nonlocal yet profound influence exerted by the awake fractions of humanity who watch from remote and are capable of directly operating for the collective through the entangled quantum field of collective awareness by integrating, processing and transmuting through their personal being or tap into field the turbulent emotional and karmic layers/ memories of the collective that are triggered and surfaced by such events.

How much percentage in the space of overall response each level or approach will take up is a direct reflection of the evolutionary state of humanity. At this momentary point military action for healthy self-defense might still take up quite a bit of space in the equation. The quality of practice and cultivation of, dedication and commitment to diplomatic efforts, and even more so to the direct work and operations in the collective field of consciousness through the personal efforts of awake individuals globally may determine the future response distribution in such times and areas of conflict. A civilisation that reaches or enters into a state of true and lasting peace will see a response distribution in which military/ violent intervention is hardly present at all, diplomatic efforts may still play quite a big role, and in which the stabilisation of the collectively peaceful state is predominantly held up nonlocally and increasingly effortlessly by the quality and evolutionary processes of embodied self-awareness of a critical mass of peaceful individuals.

Each upflaring conflict and crisis in the world now is an opportunity to become more self-aware, to re-write former memory, further process the collective memory/ 'karma' as effectively as possible and thereby practice moving into an ever better response distribution pattern. Peace on Earth by 2030 is a realistic goal. But surfacing, processing, de-escalating and wringing out those densest, most resistant and most intense remaining layers of collective tribalistic emotional nature, karma and memory from the reservoir of the collective human karma and memory will now, in the coming few years, quite likely be a pretty wild and intensely accelerating ride of navigating the narrow edge between escalation and unlocking of greater potential for a major imminent quantum leap forward for humanity. Let's stay as present as possible to it all.

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Joe Martino

Thank you for your nuance and heart ♥️

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Joe Martino

JFK r. had a chance to stand out from the crowd. He is so erudite and knowledgeable, but this stance is amoral. Ecocide is never a solution. And the Israelis were egregious in their treatment of the Palestinians since 1948. Perhaps their zeal for Zionism blinded them along with the trauma of Hitler, but they should see how the Kurds of Rojava, Syria (4.5 million) treat over 10 different ethnicities living there, with deference and equality.

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Agreed, I'm troubled by how simple people have stepped into "it's OK because it's really the only option." I find it a reflection of how little we seem to ask ourselves better questions as a society... we tend to inquire on the surface or a layer down, but the world and ourselves changes as a direct reflection of the depth of questions we're willing to ask.

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Joe Martino

I decided to become a member after reading this article. Thanks

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Thank you for your support <3

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This eloquent, thoughtful article exemplifies the transparent, high quality journalism from Joe Martino. He understands seemingly chaotic events from a high altitude, with an the innate feeling of consciousness and its affect on us all. His power of awareness is a lesson for us all in this age of derision, hate and confusion. Our understanding of consciousness, with the necessary transformation of our desires, beliefs and social understanding could have a dramatic affect on our world, faster than the speed of light. Let Us All learn to have a discussion about events in this Life, fall back and have empathy for each other. We do are All one, interconnected, interdependent and All want a better world for each other, our children and the future.

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Thanks so much for the feedback Scott. What you shared was very well said also :) What will it take for us all to commit to a better world for us all? I find it interesting that the outcomes of the systems we have created are often things very few want.. poverty, high stress, lack of food and water etc.. yet en masse we protect these systems to some extent.

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Thank you, very wise post. I like your iceberg, that's a good way to think about it. My response to Israel and Palestine is compassion, sympathy and pain for the suffering of all involved. I don't know that geopolitics behind these things, so I can have an opinion, but not an informed one. But I can always have empathy.

I also like your framing of RFK J's run for president. He is a disruptor and he is opening minds. I think our political institutions in the US are too corrupt to make any real change for the people right now. So I don't have hopes that rfkj will win the election and make meaningful change. Systems are only as good as the people in them, you said something similar. We need widespread education on the impact of media, and self-awareness about how people are responding and reacting to media about real situations, and not the real situations themselves. We only have sovereignty and influence over ourselves and our lives, and we can live that life and wield that influence the best way possible. Unfortunately here in the states our influence over our federal government has been abandoned, left to others. It's our influence at the local and state level that normal people can be most effective.

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Blind spots- we all have them, but it IS a curious mystery that he holds his blind spot so closely. I suspect that in the US the Israel program is quite burnt in, especially with elites, liberal or conservative. Slowly in the last 2 days some public expressions of equanimity on this crisis is finding it’s way to the surface, as the shocking paralyzing visuals reach our subconscious. Your diagram is brilliant

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Thanks for the comment, I believe I am seeing what you are talking about as well.. more and more are taking a step back and going.. OK.. maybe this isn't a good idea. Hopefully this continues to build and leads to some form of ceasefire or equivalent temporary solution as deeper work is done.

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I am so grateful, Joe Martino, for your willingness to be curious about why Kennedy would be so adamant in his defense of Israel in this conflict. Believe me, I have also wondered and--no, I have not heard further clarification of this stance on his part. But there must be some trigger that he is having a hard time pulling back from. I have so loved this man for his continual unwillingness to bad-mouth and belittle his opponents, seeking instead to chose the high ground of calling people to unify. He knows this is the most important work of humanity at this time and he has such a strong track record of refusing to join interviewers who try to pull him into that trap. And then came the Israeli/Gaza debacle... I am hoping that he is just pulling back and wondering--himself--at his knee jerk reaction. I am hoping he is calling a 'ceasefire' to his thoughts on this issue until he can be clearer about what his thoughts are. I am so grateful to you for these words: "Further, if there is anyone who would change their mind about a big topic like this, I think it’s him. His willingness to examine and re-examine evidence seriously to go beyond widely held beliefs in society is evident. He carries a humble quality that is exceptionally rare in politicians at a federal level." Let us have faith that he is seriously considering this situation and his reaction to it. Either way, I see him as a huge cut above--head and heart above--any other candidate in the race.

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Well said, on all you shared. Thank you!

Some thoughts my friends and I have tossed around are:

Maybe RFK has been more silent in the past week or two on this issue because to some extent it does not sit well with him to support Israel outright yet he is unsure what to do given his spot in the campaign.

Perhaps he does fully believe in this hard stance, but something certainly feels off. He lost his campaign manager as a result, and I know some of his advisors are getting close to walking.

This is where I wish the PR game was played less, and the honest and transparent game a bit more. I understand you have the "play the game" in our world right now still, so I don't blame anyone, but it'd be interesting to explore more.

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I am so grateful for your non-judgemental stance here, but so sad that his campaign support seems to be crumbling. How much the ugly intention of the Biden Admin to undermine his support and the recognition that he is even "running for President" at all. Many are calling to hear his position on Israel--you and me as well. This must be a very hard time. His positions have all been so clear and well considered. I pray that he will sit with it and come forward with a position that will draw us together again. We all know this is a very difficult issue and all the candidates are watching each other and weighing up the best way to jump--but I have no doubt that the position of the other candidates will have little to do with their true values and everything to do with what will get the most votes--the top two anyway. I know Kennedy well enough to say his postion will be one that he arrives at from a place of great integrity. It is who the man is. If his position reflects his true values and intent to unify humanity, my guess is that some who have jumped ship will reconsider and come back to his side. After all, these are people who also have many of his same values and they are free to change their minds as well.

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I was rooting for RFK Jr till I saw his over the top "unconditional" support for Israel and his negative characterization of Palestinians. He seems to be Pro-war as it relates to Israel fighting Hamas, and I wouldn't be surprised if he will end up supporting war with Iran too.

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Nov 4, 2023Liked by Joe Martino

I like what you say on this issue in particular...it reminds me of a very poignant cartoon that had two people arguing that "they were right and the other was wrong" only each was pointing to the ground where on could see a "6" and the other a "9". Of course they both were right. Sometimes there isn't a right or wrong, just different perspectives (needs). Keep up the great work.

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Yep, I know the one, such a good cartoon. :) Thanks!

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Chris Hedges wrote a scathing Substack on RFK's position regarding Israel a couple of months before the Hamas attack. My viewpoint at the time mirror's Joe's commentary here. Kennedy's position and understanding regarding the capture of our institutions by the pharmaceutical industrial complex far outweighs his position on Israel. But it's hard to understand how he can be so blind regarding Palestine/Israel. To me, the two issues have similar dynamics: AIPAC is a master of controlling public perception, as is Big Pharma. I expect that Kennedy will wake up. But when? As for the middle east conflict, it is apparent to me that both sides are pawns in a larger game to polarize sentiments and corral us into war, and perhaps to divert us from recognizing the source of the conspiracy.

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It appears Mr. Kennedy has reacted to the current situation rather than being proactive. More war to seek peace is a foolish venture. The leaders of Hamas and Israel might have more effect by entering A gladiatorial ring and fighting each other than by murdering women and children. At best this would still be a knee jerk reaction that would solve nothing but at least it would spare innocent lives. One way or another cooler heads must prevail before this conflagration consumes the whole world.

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As always Joe - you put into words my same line of thinking. Yup we want people to be goodies and baddies - all good or all bad...nuance and shades of grey (apart from 50) seem to be in short order these days. I do not understand why hardly anyone seems to be able to hold paradoxical thinking - which is so necessary if we are to survive. Perhaps it is that very lack of certainty that stymies people - an attempt to control by taking definite stances that will not be changed or evolved. Keep it up Joe - I so appreciate your way of viewing the world! Resonates for me.

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There is a scene in the movie Powder which is my benchmark for the lack of empathy in our world today. A hunter has shot and injured a deer. The deer is still alive. Powder, whose mother was hit by lightning while she was pregnant with him, is a highly evolved individual, extremely empathetic, misunderstood by most people. He lays a hand on the deer and then grabs the hand of the hunter. The deer's feelings are transmitted to the hunter through Powder and the hunter is devastated. I am a highly empathetic person, often affected throughout my years by happenings not directly related to me. The feelings which engulf me are not just related to "victims" but also of "perpetrators". I have learned much over my years because of this. The older I become, the less I am able to stand judgement or close-mindedness in myself, of any form. I understand people's fears but I can no longer live in fear - it affects my health. Generally, anyone who lives differently than their societal status quo will find their beliefs, and life, vilified through public speech and writing. My choice has been to live true to myself so that I maintain health, as best as possible, in a world which has become toxic in many, many ways. I don't expect to agree with anyone 100%, no matter where I am engaging. Through deep involvement during my younger years, through much research, I have reached a place of no confidence at this time in any political party or person, government agency or policies. I don't know how RFK Jr. would handle a presidency within the current status of our country. I do believe that he is bringing up subjects that have been improperly suppressed. That is good and I support him for that, and for his years of work against the grain, for which he has gained my respect. But, there are many more subjects which must be discussed openly if we are ever going to reach understanding and tolerance among humans. I carry hope in my heart and lean more toward relationships with animals, where interactions based on willingness to accept individual differences are most often what I experience. That keeps me on an even keel most of the time. In my mind, it is a healthy mix of realism and optimism that will eventually allow us to join together instead of further separation.

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What a beautiful post, thank you for sharing your beautiful thinking. Deer are not of this world, from what I have learned. More from the spiritual realm, so it is interesting the deer was so significant in Powder. I’ve not seen it in a long time but remember how powerful it was. I haven’t been able to participate in the way this world operates in a long time in many ways, I do admire anyone with the strength to even consider participation, though.

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Nov 3, 2023·edited Nov 3, 2023

before people throw RFK Jr under the bus, they should consider a few things:

- RFK Jr was born into a grieving family who mostly all still publicly believe their patriarch was slain in cold blood by "the first Palestinian terrorist". Can you imagine the mindset of someone towards a cause who believed that cause killed their father. For any empathetic person, that alone, should be enough to understand and forgive any conceived discrepancy on this issue.

- RFK Jr has stated he believed that idea his entire life, and only in the latter years has he realized the (Christian) Palestinian was not responsible for the kill shots.

In terms of what RFK Jr. believes now, one can only speculate, but if you consider what agency would choose a Palestinian patsy, and consider his general savviness in getting to the bottom of things (see Laurent Guyénot's work) and his Irish and stoic stubbornness, I think his current actions that are puzzlingly unexplainable to most can be very easily explained.... he's building a Trojan horse to get close and decapitate the head of the snake in honour of his beloved father.

How did Corbyn go being open about his opinions on Palestine?

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for those who know nothing about Laurent Guyénot's work, a good summary albeit dated:


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