https://wrenchinthegears.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/The-Physics-of-Collective-Consciousness.pdf "(Anzieu, 1984). Being in a faceless mass, in an atomised society, in the absence of communities, without emotions to be shared, sooner or later will generate stress, anxiousness and tension, deforming the natural states of consciousness, degenerating our mind, which may enhance aggression and destruction. The formation of a real community, giving the frame to a meaningful life, is the task of the present societies." Somehow, watching baby goats on youtube last night, joyously bounding with their brothers and sisters, leaping and twisting.....lead me to the attached article "The Physics of Collective Consciousness", WHICH was embedded in another article in Winter Oak titled "Walking with Goats" Content Creation".....ya just cannot make this stuff up LOL!! I am grateful for these moments of clarity and guidance....may our bodies/minds/souls be open conduits to the gracious dance of the Universal birthing process....so BE it!

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People tried this in the 60’s with drugs. Now they are numbing themselves with drugs. No longer seeking an understanding. The manipulation exists now bc evil has taken over where good has become passé. Maybe the UFOS are really angels trying to help us see we are not alone because God wants us to look beyond the now and embrace the now. Our souls are lost and hurting. Until that is addressed and healed I’m not sure 20 years is enough. I’m not sure science is the answer. Conscious raising comes from the valuing of life and death. The struggle between good and evil is there because we are human. Animals breed to continue their species. We kill our breed if it’s an inconvenience. No other animal does that. We definitely can’t keep going in the direction we are going and expect to survive. Maybe we should not save the drug addicts from overdosing so they can overdose the next day or the next. Maybe only the fittest will survive. Maybe we need to protect the young and the old equally. I also don’t think AI is here to help us- it’s the next crutch for us to lean on towards our own demise. If we want a raising of our consciousness we need to lean on each other for that to happen. A universal human raising of consciousness requires humans to have a universal raising of consciousness.

“Come on people, Smile on your brother everybody get together, try to love one another right now”

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Point #1: To a cert extent, I don't agree. I find that UFO / cryptid / paranormal researchers prefer the mystery over the science, because they neither understand nor agree with the science involved. Points # 2 and 3: These are a little better. A culture can spiritually understand, appreciate, and believe in inexplicable phenomena like the Australians (https://hope1032.com.au/stories/faith/2023/do-you-believe-in-god-part-1-2/) or scientifically do the same by studying the empirical evidence. The works of Col. Thomas Bearden speaks to all of this in that quantum shifts in human consciousness really does start at the quantum level - pions, to be exact. Reality is a huge hand shaking process, but it all comes to fruition beginning with the smallest of steps.

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If people really do adopt these dumb ideas, they will be ripe for manipulation and dehumanization.

This is a good conversation about technology becoming the new religion:


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"Imagine a world in which everyone was conscious of the present moment as all there is without the baggage of a horrific past and an uncertain future. " YEs, indeed.

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